
The basic format of curriculum vitae

时间:2022-10-02 15:23:15 英文简历 我要投稿
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The basic format of curriculum vitae in English

English curriculum vitae, including the format of the header part of the structure, educational background, work experience and personal data of four parts.
1, the header part of
1) name, name seven kinds of writing:
For example, "Li Yang": 1) Yang LI 2) YANG LI 3) Yang Li 4) Yang Li 5) Li, Yang 6) Li Yang 7) LI Yang
2) Address 3) Phone
2, educational background
1) Time to reverse the recent emphasis on the academic front. 2) schools were to be capitalized and bold, making it easier for recruiters to quickly identify your qualifications. 3) Align the right names, all caps and bold. After going to write the Chinese names. 4) education, can name the most pre-qualification. 5) Social Work as a class cadres, can only write a post; 6) scholarships, the general summed up in one sentence. If there are multiple, but also for one sentence summary. 7) results, if not the top five, it is recommended not to write.
3, personal data
1) the name, there are four types of writing: Personal, Personal Information, Other Information, Additional Information.
2) language, there are several levels. "Native speaker of" refers to mother-tongue; from the strict point of view, "Fluent in" becoming more and more fluent in "English as working language" it is not very fluent, but a higher credibility; "Some knowledge of" will be a number, not sure of Do not write.
3) the computer, if the number of software, some skilled, some familiar with the name only to write software.
4) qualification certificates.
5) Hobbies
Ⅰ writing strengths. Ⅱ write write only 2-3. Ⅲ non-specific and not loving.
Ⅳ a few terms. Such as travel, if you like travel, and some need to travel frequently, then you write on the travel is very favorable; some women to write on the cooking, is very realistic, but also give people the sense of security for such a position as secretary always good.
4, work experience
First of all, you would like to emphasize, for those who are working, Experience should be written on the front of Education, and Health Education in schools should be placed before the Experience.
1) Time
Ⅰ present work was first written, the time left to write, such as written in 1998-present.
Ⅱ previous work, only to write the year, such as 1993-1995.
2) Company Name: Company name should be uppercase bold.
3) names: names written with the Education part of the same will not repeat them here.
4) The functions and departments
Ⅰ after the company name from the second line began to write.
Ⅱ bold positions and departments, each of the first letter of the word should be capitalized.
5) Company Profile
Ⅰ for new companies, small companies or companies not familiar with the recruitment of some sectors, in order to have insurance may wish to introduce the sake of 12, or even well known to those who are not necessarily the business name out. Job-seekers generally not candidates for each of the companies are tailored to a specific curriculum vitae (tailor-made resume), may just want to jump jump in the industry, but does not rule out future development in other sectors possible, so the company may have slightly brief mention.
Ⅱ some foreigners of Chinese companies may not know, therefore, has to tell us. Do not think that a large Chinese companies, others will certainly know that a careless, it becomes井底之蛙. For example, called the Bank of China Bank of China (BOC). Many overseas banks are aware of the Bank of China, but many people mistakenly believe that the Bank of China is China's central bank.
Ⅲ About the length of the two acts should be. Only his mixed easily with other elements, and three or four lines are obviously more cumbersome.
6) work
Ⅰ should point sentence (bullet point), avoid using big words.
Ⅱ points to his length of sentence is appropriate, a maximum of no more than two lines; sentence to the 3-5 is better, up to a maximum of more than eight.
Ⅲ at the beginning of sentence to the verb. Current work with the general present tense, past tense with previous work
Ⅳ main responsibilities and major achievements, as well as the initial ground-breaking work is not strong on the front of the main functions, and the more senior or more ground-breaking work of the major achievements should be EDITORIAL.
Ⅴ achievements to digital, precise, and avoid the use of many, a lot of, some, several, such as vague terms, to make full use of specific figures, the number of people who manage in the end, how many sales and so on.
Ⅵ in the performance of the same company, do not have to rigidly adhere to chronological order, but should uphold the principle of "important priority" principle. For example, in the achievements can be written in the most important achievements; the duties can be written in the highest positions, not to rigidly adhere to reverse or positive sequence method. The key is to make employers in a short span of a few seconds to find you the highest selling point.
5, the students resume
1) educational background in writing-related courses. But do not space to put together all of the courses are written on, so not very effective, others have not the patience to see.
2) a scholarship and his party. Many scholarship students every year, so can write three or four lines, or even more.
3) lengthen the sentence. Each sentence can be stretched to include some number of words.
4) more than a natural line, multi-point sentence writing.
5) increase the number. Could be on the 10th, into the 12th Five, Primary Four.
6, paper and font
1) specifications, at least 80 grams, or about 100 grams. Many clubs in Beijing, typing, photocopying shops are 60,70 grams of paper, such paper often seems轻飘飘and poor texture.
2) size, A4, that is 29.7 centimeters long, 21 centimeters wide.
3) fonts, it is recommended to use Times New Roman.
4) number, generally is best to use on the 10th, that is, fifth. However, in the biographical notes are also available for students on the 12th word, that is, Primary Four.
5) must use laser printer to print.
6) spacing, up and down, like, about 2-3 cm; about the same, about 1.2-2.5 cm; the most left-to-left bullet point margin remained at a distance 3.8-5 cm.

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