

时间:2022-09-30 13:51:21 随笔 我要投稿
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  1. 幸福并不在于享有幸福,而是在于争取幸福、追求幸福。


  Happiness lies not in owing it,

  but in striving and pursuing it.

  2. 只有认为自己是幸福的人才能享受到幸福。


  A man who thinks himself is happy is the person who is really happy.

  3. 人类的幸福只有在身体健康和精神安宁的基础上,才能建立起来。


  Only on the basis of keeping fit both physically

  and psychologically can happiness be built up.

  4. 人类的一切努力的目的在于获得幸福。


  The aim of all the efforts from human is to gain happiness.

  5. 只有在对美好事物的自觉追求中,才有正直的幸福。


  Only when pursuing nice things consciously, one can own real happiness.

  6. 使时间充实就幸福。


  To enrich your time makes you happy.

  7. 不征服、不服从,而能获取所需的人,才是真正的幸福,正真的伟大。


  Those who neither conquer others nor be conquered

  but get what they need are really happy and great.

  8. 能使你所爱的人快乐,是世界上最大的幸福。


  It’s the greatest happiness in the world to make your beloved one happy.

  9. 没有一个人是幸福的,除非他相信自己幸福。

  Nobody is happy unless he believes that he lives a happy life.

  10. 幸福的秘诀是:让你的兴趣尽量的扩大,让你对人对物的反应,尽量地倾向于友善。


  The secret of happiness, broad your interest as much as possible

  and try to be gentle to everybody and everything.

  11. 那些为大多数人带来幸福的人是最幸福的人。


  Those who bring happiness to majority of person are the happiest.

  12. 人生至高的幸福,便是感到自己有人爱;有人为你是这个样子而爱你,更进一步说,有人不问你是什么样子而仍旧一心爱你。


  The lofties happiness is being loved by others.

  Someone loves you because of your like, go further,

  someone till love you unconcern of your like.

  13. 内向、宽厚和无私是幸福的三大要素。


  Introversion, lenience and selfness

  are the three essential factors of happiness.

  14. 有两条路可以得到幸福,即消除欲望或增加财富。


  There are two ways to attain happiness,

  get rid of your desire or accumulate your fortune.

  15. 当你追求幸福时,幸福往往逃避你;但当你逃避幸福时,幸福却又常常跟随你。


  When you try to pursue happiness, it’s often avoiding you;

  when you try to avoid happiness, it’s often following you.

  16. 分争者不胜其祸,辞让者不失其福。


  Those who want to possess everything will be confronted disaster, while whose who are willing to sacrifice not lose happiness.

  17. 幸福是从一个目标到另一个目标不断渴望的过程。

  Happiness is a process of constant eagerness, from one aim to another.

  18. 追求别人赞赏,就是将自己的幸福交到别人手里。

  He who seeks only for applause from others

  has all his happiness in another’s keeping.

  19. 如果没有冬天,春天就不会如此宜人;如果不偶尔遭遇不幸,幸福就不会如此甜蜜。

  If there is no winter, spring won’t be so welcome;

  if one doesn’t occasionally encounter the mishap,

  he won’t taste the sweetness of life.

  20. 助人为乐是一种幸福,但有时让别人帮助你也是一种幸福。

  It’s a blessing to do somebody a favor, but sometimes it’s a blessing to let another person do something for you.

  21. 没有人注定终身幸福,没有人注定终身不幸。

  Nobody is doomed to happiness all his life,

  and nobody is doomed to misfortune.

  22. 幸福的诀窍在于能从平凡事物中提取快乐。

  The art of being happy lies in the power of

  extracting happiness from common things.

  23. 真正的财富就是你我心中的爱与快乐。

  True treasure is simply the love and joy found in you and me.

  24. 思念别人是一种温馨,被别人思念是一种幸福。

  Yearning others is warmth while being yearned is happiness.

  25. 心灵的满足是人生在世的最大幸福。

  A contented mind is the greatest happiness a man can enjoy in this world.

  26. 幸福生活在于宁静的心绪。

  A happy life consists in tranquility of mind.

  27. 快乐时,审视自己的内心,你会发现曾经的忧伤如今让你快乐。


  When you are joyous, look deep in your heart

  and you will find it is only that which

  has given you sorrow that is giving you joy.

  When you are sorrowful look again in your heart,

  and you will see that in truth you are weeping

  for that which has been your delight.

  28. 幸福犹如美丽的蝴蝶,你追逐它时永远捉不到,你静坐下来,它却可能落在你的身上。

  Happiness is a beautiful butterfly, which, when pursued,

  is always just beyond your grasp, but which,

  if you sit down quietly, may alight upon you.










