

时间:2021-03-22 14:14:39 英语作文 我要投稿


  Part 1


  Where do you think Old and Sick people should Go  In my opinion , they should go to the nursing home rather than stay with their children or grandchildren .

  Traditionally , when you are old and sick you should live with you children and grandchildren .But now, it has been changed since 1980s . Many old and sick people choose a nursing home .

  It is convenient for them to receive a professional treatment and a better service .What’s more , they can make new friends with people there and talk with them so that they won’t feel lonely ! On the contrary ,if old and sick people live with their children who are busy with their own work and family ,they will not be better cared . And they maybe end up alone !

  So , I think it is the best for old and sick people to live in the nursing home !

  Thank you for listening !

  Part 2

  Healthy Habits

  Now many college students have all kinds of unhealthy habits !Such as staying up late , over shopping and being addicted in computer games .And all of these will cause damage to their bodies !

  Today I will talk about playing video games , they don’t have so much school work in university that they can find much spare time to play video games. And dramatically they are always addicted in them . Maybe these games can meet their desires ! But , play computer games not only wastes their time and life but also makes one lose his or her way to success . And these days I see some words a dota a day ,keeps girls away ,a doda a day makes you become a gay .

  Here are some suggestions to get rid of this bad habit . First , they should learn to control themselves . Second , they should make themselves be busy ,such as taking part in colorful activities and go for a walk with friends ! And keep up every day they will make it !

  Part 3

  I think it is much worthwhile to preserve at any cost the life of a patient who has turned into a vegetable .

  First , we should not give up any live of a person . Everyone is equal and has a privilege to existing .

  Second , now we have all kinds of available recourses and this guarantee the rescue ! Third , the gorks are still alive in law so it is our duty to save everyone alive . Besides , there are many facts that the gorks are cured through medical treatment !

  Therefore ,we should put efforts to save every gorks !

  Part 4

  Keeping pats

  Now it has been a common habit of modern people to keep pats in house . Many people have their pats like dogs , cats and so on ! But it has cause a hot discussion whether it is proper to keep pats .

  Some people think there are many advantages of keeping pets , for example , as you can see many elders can go for a walk with their pets and this is a good way to exercise and relieve their loneliness ! What’s more , some pets can even protect their owners !

  However , others say no to keeping pets ! In their minds , they are dirty and they don’t have smart minds like humans so they often make a mess ! Besides , pets like dogs always bark at nights when you are sleeping , even they will hurt you .

  Personally , I like pets and I have one cat and a dog in my home . They are good friends. I often play with them , but now I am far away with with them and I really miss my two friends!

  Part 5

  What should Children do in their Spare Time

  Now it has been a trend that many children attend various of classes like dancing , painting and so on accompanied by their parents in their spare time .

  In parents’ view , they wish their children a better future ! They think it is good for their children to be versatile and maybe their children will be next Beethoven or Mike Jackson . And maybe they just want their children to achieve their dream that they have when they are young.

  I think taking part in all kinds of class in spare time has both advantages and disadvantages . For one thing , they can learn many things that they can’t learn in school ,for another they can make friends with other children in class . But , maybe it will make them be burden with a lot of things .And they may fail in the exam .So , it’s better to balance study with after school classes !










