

时间:2021-03-08 09:49:53 教案 我要投稿


  篇一:牛津小学英语6B Unit2 More exercise E F G_教学案例与反思


  牛津小学英语6B Unit2 More exercise E F




  这一次,我上的是6B Unit 2 More exercise EFG的教学,这几个部分在平时的教学中,似乎是无足轻重的,E Look, read and judge是一个阅读的部分,F Play a game是用一个游戏或是调查任务来巩固,扩展本单元的主要句型,G Listen and repeat就是有关辨音的板块,说实话这在我们平时的教学中基本就是一笔带过的章节,而这一次,却是当作一种课型来上,我是当作一个具有挑战性的任务来对待的.接到任务那一刻,我就在心里默想了这一课的两个主要备课点:一是关注学生情感,二是设定一个主要话题,将这一课时围绕这个话题进行;三就是要"无痕过渡"EFG三个板块的教学.以下是我的案例和一些杂碎的反思,在此总结,以待在教学上能百尺竿头,更进一步.



  (1)能熟练运用E部分中的句型Who runs faster, the boy or the

  girl? The boy does. G部分的`有关的字母组or的发音.





  能正确运用句型Who runs faster, the boy or the girl? The boy does.




  Step 1家常式自由谈------- 关注学生情感

  T: Hi, Danial. How are you?

  S1: Fine, thank you. And you?

  T: I'm fantastic. Today I'll have an English lesson for you, so I'm very happy. Do you like English?

  S2: Yes. But I'm not doing well in English.

  T: Oh, don't worry. S2 wants to do better in English. Who can give him

  good suggestions?

  S3: You should read more, speak more and write more, you'll do better.

  T: Now spring is coming. I want to be thinner. What should

  I do?

  这样家常式的自由谈是我每一节课的首要环节,通过这些看似漫无目的的谈话,不但是运用所学,而且可以让师生之间走得更近,而不是说为了练习英语才去问这问那,譬如这一节课,我就从学生那里了解到他们不太喜数学课I don't like Maths lessons and Maths teacher because there's a lot of Maths homework everyday,而我则跟他们说Maybe you can talk to your Maths teacher.有几个学生要给我的儿子取个英文名字,有的说Michal, 有的说叫Rechard. 甚至我还得知班里有个男孩子两天没来上学因为他不喜欢做太多的家庭作业,在那一刻我有些难过,不知道该对他们说什么.这些交谈中甚至是有些是学生用英语表达不清楚的,可是这样真心真意的交流,让我们的课堂多了几分情意,几分温馨,英语在这个时候似乎就只是交流的工具.另外,自由谈的大部分内容其实还是被我控制在本单元的有关副词比较级的句型上,老师这个时候真正是个导演,在背后悄悄定下课堂的基调,而一切都来的自然天成,没有任何生硬牵强的痕迹.

  Step 2: 男女生英语大PK------ 设定课时话题

  1.T: Now I have a question here. Who speak English better, the boys or the


  S1: The boys speak English better than the girls!

  篇二:How often do you exercise教学反思

  How often do you exercise?教学反思



  The reflection of Book4 Module3

  Book 5 Module 6 Grammar I

  Review the usages of Relative Pronoun

  I think I have accomplished my goals very well in this lesson. From students’ response and their exercise, they have already acquired the usages of relative pronouns. However, my reflection is more than that:

  I the Reflection of Teaching Objectives In this lesson, I persisted on 3-dimensional objectives,which including:1. knowledge & skills:students can be able to use the relative pronoun in attributive clauses so as to develop the ability to use attributive clauses.2. process & method: this is a grammar lesson of revision type, so I combine grammar process with revision process, which starts from observation, conclusion, memorize the rules and practice. 3. emotion, attitude & value: students can experience some attributive clauses questions from national selective examination so they can get prepared for the coming exam. At the same time, through group work, they can help each other to solve problems from logical analysis.

  The above all is my objectives of this lesson. From some comments of other teachers they think I have accomplished these objectives successfully. As far as I am concerned, my objectives of each teaching process are very obviously, and my students can understand each step is to help them to acquire which acknowledgement.

  II the Reflection of Teaching Content

  The teaching content of this lesson can be divided into two parts: first one is to revise the usages of relative pronouns in attributive clauses and the second one is to develop their ability of use attributive clauses through some exercise including some original questions from national selective examinations.

  The first part is about the review of the usages of relative pronouns in attributive classes. As we know, attributive clauses occupy a great amount of our grammar so I have to make sure they understand and acquire it completely, so usually I cut it into pieces. Relative pronouns are large pieces of cake to bite so I only choose to teach them the logical way to analysis and how to choose a correct relative pronoun as my priority goal. I plan to finish first part within 15 minutes. But actually with my familiar and fluent guidance, I finish it in 2 minutes advance. Some teachers suggest that I should make it slower and ask some of the students to give their own conclusion even though they have already known. So after all, I think the best time for me to finish the first part within some students’ conclusion is within 18 to 20 minutes.

  The second part includes four types of exercise. The first one is memorizing all the rules of the usages of relative pronouns in attributive clauses. The second one is multiple choices which are base on the exception of only use “that”. Another one is some original questions which challenge their memory, logical analysis and skills. The last one is translation the following Chinese into attributive clauses. The exercise is following the order from easy to difficult and students seem to be very interesting and they master the logical analysis to deal with attributive clauses questions.

  Shaanxi Normal University Shawna 134705

  III the Reflection of Teaching Process

  The teaching process including the following four steps:

  Step I lead in

  I use Harry Potter to lead in the attributive clause which grasp their attention immediately. Step II review the usages of relative pronouns in attributive clauses

  I gave some sentences and ask them to observe all the sentences. What’s more, they should be able to conclude the structure, content, the usage of each relative pronoun by answering my questions. From my observation, most of the students can review the usage of relative pronouns because they can answer my questions fast and easily.

  Step III exercise

  Exercise is the way to estimate how much the students did master. So I plan four parts of it, which including memorize the each usage of relative pronouns for 5 minutes, choosing the best answer to test whether they memorize them correctly, doing some original questions from national selective examinations just ensure whether they acquire the logical analysis or not, translating the Chinese into English in order to develop their writing skills. Each process all based on the principle form easy to difficult. Students get confidence in the first two exercise so in the third exercise even though it is very difficult but it arouses their interest to solve them which even cultivate their cooperative spirits.

  Step IV homework

  The homework is bases on their translation. The kill is a little bit harder than the translation so it shows that the principle from easy to difficult completely.

  IV the Reflection of Teaching Evaluation

  I use oral evaluation. I think I am good at that by arouse their interests by asking some funny questions based on their daily life and give them big compliment after they did something great. V the Reflection of Teaching Result

  The exercise is the best way to evaluate whether students can be able to master the knowledge of this lesson or not. From the four exercise, they did very well. I am especially surprised that how wonderful they finish their translation by making such small errors. As far as I counted, about more than half of the students can write the structure of attributive clauses within some mistakes. About one third of students can finish 7 sentences correctly. I am very proud of them.

  VII the Reflection of the other teacher’s comments

  All in all, as one of the new teachers in my school, I know there is still a long way to go. The following are some reflection for me after I talked to some of experienced teachers who are willing to make me become better.

  First, the plan of this lesson is boring and not creative at all. I am a new teacher and supposed to think more and practice more. The time is so limited so I only practice once. That is my mistakes for being lazy.

  Second, I have learned so much from my guide. The basic step of teaching grammar are observation, discover, conclude and practice. Grammar type lesson should be serious and clear. Teachers only need to elaborate rules and ask them to remember, the last thing that teacher need to do is to wait and harvest students’ fruit. Teachers are supposed to talk less and ask students to practice more.

  Shaanxi Normal University Shawna 134705

  Anyway, this is a tough lesson for me to learn. Next time, I need to practice more than 3 times and invite a lot of experienced teacher come to my class.

  Shaanxi Normal University Shawna 134705









  Topic 1 What’s the weather like today?

  Section B教学设计

  Step 1 Revision

  Section A, part 1a.

  Step 2 Listen , look and match.

  Show some pictures of the weather. Such as: snowy, foggy, cloudy, sunny, windy, rainy… And complete the Part 1 b. And ask and answer:

  A: Which weather do you like best?

  B: I like sunny day best.

  A: What’s the weather like today?

  B: It’s cloudy.


  Step 3 Pair work

  After read the part 1a, and think over and talk with your partner about the conversation.


  A: What’s the weather like today?


  A: How was the weather here yesterday?

  B: ________

  A: Today is a fine day. Look! What are these children doing?

  B: They are ___________

  Step 4 Consolidation

  Let the students read part 1a again. Then practice the conversation in 1a with the words in the box.


  Cloudy nice and warm flying kites

  Sunny nice and bright ride a bike

  Foggy quite cool row a boat

  Rainy wet go hiking

  Windy dry climb mountains

  Snowy cold make snowmen


  Step 5 Presentation

  Listen to the tape, please, find the new words and answer the questions. New words: temperature, lowest, highest, think of...

  Ask and answer:


  A: What do you think of the weather today?


  A: What’s the temperature , do you know?

  B: The lowest temperature is..., the highest temperature is...

  Step 6 Practice

  Show a map of Toronto. Look at the weather chart of Toronto and answer the following questions:


  Toronto: -100C— -40C

  A: What’s the weather like in Toronto?

  B: It’s snowy.

  A: What’s the temperature?

  B: It is from -100C to -40C.

  A: What’s the lowest temperature?

  B: It’s -100C.

  A: What’s the highest temperature?

  B: It’s -40C.

  Step 7. Written Work

  Begin like this:

  Today is June 5th. It is sunny. The weather is hot…

  本节课上课的重点是动词的一般将来时,难点是一般将来时的正确运用和变化形式,关键是让学生在运用中领悟和总结语法知识点。教无研则浅 ,研无著则空。下面谈谈我这节课的反思和感受。


















