

时间:2023-04-06 09:17:27 写作作文 我要投稿




中国英语作文 篇1

  As the saying goes, "no Great Wall is not good", today, I finally got to the badaling Great Wall.

  This afternoon, we took the bus to the foot of badaling. When the tour guide asked me whether I would climb up or take a block, my friends and I decided to climb up! Because we feel that; Climb up, you can be a real good man!

  We came to the foot of the mountain and began to climb. Along the winding road, we climbed, one side according to the phase. Looking at the endless wall, my mind is full of thoughts. Touching the old wall gently, I saw the working people building the Great Wall. This is the Great Wall after thousands of years of wind and rain. I can't help Shouting: "Great Wall, I love you! Great Wall, I'm coming!"

  Back to reality, we started to climb the Great Wall again. We climbed happily, and then, suddenly, we came across a steep road, which was probably steeper than the tiandu peak. We were crawling and panting. We were so tired that we sat down on the railings for a while. With such perseverance, we finally climbed to the highest point of the badaling Great Wall, which is 888 meters high. On the han slope, we clapped each other's hands and took pictures without any concern for the fatigue. Finally, I got a good Chinese card. Looking at the words "not the Great Wall", I could not help Shouting, "oh, I finally made it to the Great Wall!"





中国英语作文 篇2




  绝大多数同学都这样写:His joke made me laugh to death.




中国英语作文 篇3

  actress chen hao was named the most beautiful woman in china by an online poll.

  mainland actress chen hao has been chosen as the most beautiful woman in china in an online poll featuring more than one million voters.

  other identifies in the top 10 included yang lan, a tv hostess and entrepreneur, annie yi, a taiwan singer and actress, and yu dan, a professor and media scholar.

  the poll began in april and initially featured 100 candidates from all circles of life.

  voters then reduced the list to 50, based on criteria including their reputations, achievements, personalities and contributions to the society, the organizer said.

  over one million people attended the online poll conducted on sina.com, the web site reported. the result was determined according to the public votes and the opinions of the jury team.

  actress chen hao, who was named the most beautiful woman in china by an online poll, received the award from huo yang, the vice chairman of the southern metropolitan news.

中国英语作文 篇4

  I like Chinese New Year very much.I can meet many many friends in my family.I like them very much.We sit together to have dinner,I like the food,it's very nice.

  Do you know what is lucky money?It is the money children get from aunt and uncles,grandpa grandma.I've got a lot this year!

  I love Chinese New Year.I hope you will like it too.








中国英语作文 篇5

  Close to the Spring Festival, on the Internet, on TV and in the newspaper, the Spring Festival was reported every day. Look at the picture on the corner of the crowd, watching a spring tell trouble article, hear people sigh and complain, I had a fear of the spring festival.

  Well, I'm really afraid of what. Before the Spring Festival, my father solemnly announced that this year we will return to our hometown - Jiangsu for the new year. Ah? The news was like a heavy bomb, and I fell down on the sofa. Are we going to join the Spring Festival army? It's awful. Looking at my father's firm look, I can only swallow the words of resistance into my stomach. It seems that this time I really have to try the power of the Spring Festival.

  On this day, after packing up, we came to the railway station. The train station was in the sea of people, and everyone was carrying small bags. There were people in the waiting room, all the seats in the seats, and even the aisle and the corner were all people and luggage. My ear is full of "buzz" voice, and the sound of the horn, the child crying, loud cries of hawkers...... All kinds of voices rise and fall. I frowned, squeezed into the crowd with my mom and Dad, and stood waiting. Looking at the passengers around you, they were all excited, as if they were home.

  "Check the ticket!" After a shout, the army in the waiting room immediately flocked to the ticket. All the people are angry like crowded forward, as to who desperately like. I was caught in the crowd, moving forward involuntarily. The mother clung to me, for fear of accidentally broken up by the crowds. It is not easy for us to get out of the crowd and pick up the platform. I gasped and looked down and found that the shoes had been trampled in a mess...

  At last, I got on the bus. The car was full of telephone and text messages, and passengers were eager to report the news to their friends and friends. I was excited to see the joy and expectation in my face. I discussed with my parents about the changes in their hometown and the plan for the new year.

  Now, I'm not afraid of the Spring Festival. Although the Spring Festival return home is very hard, but can exchange with family reunion happy time, value!

中国英语作文 篇6

  Recently we had a class meeting on the topic of My Chinese Dream.

  Each student in our class shared their own comprehension of the topic, during which we enjoy the meeting very much.

  When it turned to me , I also shared my own Chinese Dream, which Ive developed since I was very young.

  I dreamed of becoming an primary school teacher after my college, spending time with kids every day.

  Its really simple actually, but mean a lot to me.

  I like children and especially Im longed to do something for them, for their good growth in their early age,which I think is quite meaningful.

  To make my dream come true, i will study hard in school and make every effort to make me a all-rounded person .










