

时间:2023-02-08 09:44:05 演讲稿 我要投稿
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  A we know, mot of the thing in our life have to be bought oney i not the only in the y can not buy many thing uch atime andtrue love.

  There are 24 hour in a we are happy, we hope the no matter what we do, or how much money we cannot makeaday lat 25 her thing money cannot buy i true y can buy ulargehoue, beautiful clothe, but can’t buy time and love.




  needless to say, money is not very important, but very veryimportant.

  if there is no money, i can’t use this microphone to speak to you andwecan’t have such a room to hold such a out money, we can’tstudyin such a out money, we can’t live in such outmoney, we can’t have such a the other hand, ifthere is no money,you don’t need to bear my speech about money now.

  most of us have dreams about the future, dreams of having a good jobandmaking much ly someone has thought at times “if only i had a lotofmoney, i could be the happiest person in the world.” in fact it’s themainmistake that people make about money.

  however, is money the road to happiness? not really! many people workeveryday, work overtime, work weekends to make a lot of they happy? are too busy making while, their personal lives, if theyhaveany, fall have no time to form or to maintain evenlose the abilities to relax and to enjoy ying meanstakingthings, taking time to see, to hear, to taste, to smell, to donottake time to do say: “i’ll do it when i have enough money toretire”then they find that it is too late.  why we usually make such a mistakeandeven more mistakes? activists say it is because of money thinkmoney has changed many example, they think money has changed ourwayto measure someone’s value in the even regard money as thesourceof , they hate money, but they are wrong, completely wrong.

  in my opinion, it is unfair to y is a , there’snodenying that we do something harmful with we can’t say money isthesource of like a hammer, we can use a hammer to kill someone, butcanwe say a hammer is a devil? it is the same with money.

  money is neither good nor bad is a mirror, a perfect andimportantmirror, and a mirror that reflects both the darkness and thebrilliance other words, all depend on us.

  so, my fellow students, ladies and gentlemen in the future, ask not whatwecan do for money, ask what money can do for us, ask what money can do toshowthe brilliance of use, we have the future; we are thefuture.









  Efforts toward the success of the process, at first glance, like a black tunnel, sight of the head, such as Middle School graduating class of students, there are endless day of work, on the go, feel not enough sleep, many people every day, "the first cantilever cone piercing, to burn the midnight oil", a day in the "two line" between the hard work … … every day life is like a copier in print, everything is repeated.

  Do not forget, the sun is new!

  New, is a beautiful state of mind!

  The new sun, Is this not a hope?

  Every day see it, is like night and see the light of the black population, is it not a happiness?

  Yes, the weight of our heavy burden almost collapsed, too high expectations, we are firmly nailed to the ground, but perhaps the greatest burden is also a symbol of life enriched.

  Nietzsche said that people do not suffer the power of pessimism, so we do not have to smile toward victory, but the face of temporary difficulties, we have to smile, but also to heart smile.

  Indulge in the journey to success is to be truly "buried" go on, these days need to break the house in, calm down, only to maintain "calm the mind like water" state, to put the final sprint.

  We like that in the car, the destination, beautiful scenery along the way, it is tempting, but you better not to involve them too much energy, and make the eyes has been moving in the direction of the end, if the tolerance is not temporary living jumped out to enjoy the beauty, the car drove off, maybe you will see another vehicle, you might end up the same destination, but life is not your standard point moment.

  In a particular stage of life has a special mission.

  Study stage, is to achieve goals in life, when an important step, if miss this opportunity, you will be repentant, so severely heart, leaving the pretty girls for the time being a waste of time, the clothes and dress up, boys put aside their attractive comic books and computer games, put off that a distant "green apple" Love it!

  Summer, fall, fruit is not Abstract.

  Picked and eaten, not sweet gesture, or until the harvesting season, so go enjoy the harvest of joy in it!

  Set aside what irrelevant thoughts and move forward, looked up days, with the heart to see the world, because the sun always new.

  Softly said to himself: "If not me, the world will be less of a person appreciate the beautiful sun." Is such a state of mind, so you always wonderful for yourself!

  Spring, flowers, wind throw area; summer, flowers open, butterfly fluttering; autumn sky was clear and leaves as fire; winter, bleak, snowy, whether Hanlaishuwang, spring, summer autumn and winter, the sun rose as usual from … …

  No Better, I do not know who carried out normally enough, few people need to know how much effort to achieve the dream, we can only continue to move forward, forward, then forward, "We are seizing the day is long!"

  Seize the day, when you blankly; seize the day, when you depressed; seize the day, when you lazy, seize the day, at a time when you have a dream; the sun every day is new, Life is always full of hope, start now, take every moment, do not hesitate!

  So, thirty-one years ago today, I drove from Madison, Wisconsin, to Los Angeles, California. On the way, I passed Camp Randall, where my college graduation ceremony was in progress. I thought about going to the ceremony, but it meant I would've arrived in Hollywood one day later, and at the time I just didn't see the point. I wanted to get there.

  Gertrude Stein once said about Hollywood, "When you get there, there is no 'there' there." That's true. However, there will be a swimming pool and tennis court. In the end, though, it's probably not enough to justify a life's journey. Getting there, particularly in show business, is tough enough. You need a combination of talent, ambition, luck and a willingness to tell actors how beautiful they look today.

  In retrospect, getting there was the easy part. Finding a "there" there is much harder. So today, before you get into your cars and race off to the rest of your lives, I want to give you some advice on how to get there. And I want to help make sure that when you get there, you find a "there" there.

  To that end, I will give you my five rules to think about, quickly forget, but years from now kick yourself for not having listened to.


  Good morning ladies and gentlemen, teachers and my itle of the speech that i‘m going to talk about is on money asyou see, we have a society where people just concentrate on earningmoney to payoff their mortgage, credit cards, holiday expanses etc, most of themfail tonotice the gradual decline in their them money is much muchmoreimportant than it says, " money is the root of all evil." Iagreewith efore, it is now time for us to watch out for our healthandtreasure our body! Thank you!



  Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! Im very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is "youth". I hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it.

  First I want to ask you some questions: 1、 Do you know what is youth? 2、 How do you master your youth?


  Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness it is the freshness of the deep springs of life .

  Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . Nobody grows old merely by a number of years . We grow old by deserting our ideals.

  Years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . Worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust .

  Whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of whats next and the joy of the game of living . In the center of your heart and my heart theres a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young .

  When the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80. Thats all ! Thank you!









