

时间:2022-11-06 05:23:48 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  在国内英语考试系统中,学生最害怕的是考研英语,其中最头疼的又是考研写作,其中最为我们所熟知的原因无非是词汇有限、句法错误。 殊不知,在这两个表面原因的背后还存在着更深层次的原因:思维欠缺整合、归类。语言是思维的外化,思考的范围决定了语言是否多变,思考的深度决定语言是否耐人寻味,从思想上挖掘不同考研作文话题背后隐藏的共性决定了写作时能否做到信手拈来又不缺深度,在此,小编以整合性思维为突破点,向同学们介绍利弊对比简单写法。



  2. 如何在语言的层面上表现出"利"和"弊"的特质。举例来说,在藿香正气水的使用说明书上,对于它的"利"有着几句简单而又蕴含原理的介绍:解表祛暑,化湿和中。当我们说手机的"利"时,大家首先会想到:方便联系,加强交流。这里的"方便"的对象是"联系","加强"的对象是"交流"。同样的类比关系,"解"的对象是"表","祛"的对象是"暑"。概括一下,"联系""交流""表""暑"就是我们分析事物的利弊的具体内容,而"方便""加强""解""祛"这一系列的动词又体现了利的特质。走到这一步,问题变得很简单,寻找着一种特质的动词以及把所有事物的利弊尽量归类。

  在我看来,所有事物的利弊都会或多或少地这几道以下五个范畴:1 经济 2 社会 3 环境 4 生理 5 心理(具体内容待会会有体现),而体现利弊特质的表达是可以被穷尽的,在此只略举一二,把原理说明清楚。

  利: Strengthen (加强) enhance (夯实) promote (促进) improve (改善)

  Play a pivotal role in / lay the foundation for

  弊: Destroy (破坏) diminish (减少)deteriorate (恶化)

  Pose a tremendous threat to …/ impose an unbearable burden on …



  全球化: Globalization poses a tremendous threat to the local environment and ecology in some developing areas.


  Globalization plays a pivotal and direct role in promoting cultural communication among various areas.


  Globalization plays an essential and irreplaceable role in generating more employment opportunities and positions.


  手机: The popularity of cell phones brings more profits and taxes to our society and local government.


  From some socialists' perspective, cell phones can promote our interpersonal relationship and communication because of their convenience.


  Some experts warn that the frequent use of cell phones can pose a tremendous threat to our health.


  Some experts warn that batteries from cell phones may pose a potential threat to our environment.



英语作文 篇2

  The Olympic Games Of Beijing

  As we all know Beijing will hold Olympic games in 20xx.Beijng is our capital of China.It has a long history.Now foreign friends come to beijing and watch the match.In order to make the athletes more comfourtable,Beijing government built many palces for Olympic games.China is a developing country.Holding Olympic games is a good chance to let more foreigners know china.So we must do our best to welcome the foreigners.The main idea of Olympic Games is faster,stronger and higher.

英语作文 篇3

  Directions: Some people believe that private cars should be encouraged in China. Others argue that private cars should be discouraged in China. There has been a controversy recently on the issue in a newspaper in China. Write a letter to the newspaper’s editor to

  1. state the present situation of private cars in China

  2. offer reasons for or against owning private cars

  3. give your own opinion on the issue

  Write a letter of about 200 words within 40 minutes. Your letter must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.










  Dear Sir or Madam,

英语作文 篇4

  我最喜欢的季节(My Favourite Season)

  There are four seasons in a year. Spring, summer, fall and winter.

  In spring, the weather is windy and warm. In summer, the weather is hot and sunny. In fall, the weather is windy and cool. In winter, the weather is always windy and cold. They are all good.

  But my favourite season is summer. Do you know “why?” Because I can eat ice-cream and eat watermelons. I can swim in the lake. Expecially I can spend a good holiday. In the holiday,I can go hiking with my parents. I can play with my friends. I can watch TV and I can do everything that I want to do. So summer is my favourite season. What about you?

英语作文 篇5

  My favourite season

  My favourite season is summer. I often wear my shorts and T-shirt. Sometimes I wear my jeans. In summer it is often sunny and hot. Sometimes rainy in summer. I usually swim with my father. Sometimes I eat ice-cream at home.

  My Chinses Teacher

  I have a Chinses Teacher. Her name is Lui Xiaohong. She is from Lanchang. She’s very active and strict. She has two big eyes. She’s very nice.But she is short. She like to smile. I don’t know what season she like. Because I don’t know her very well. Her class is very funny, I like it.

  Do you like me

  Hello! Everyone. I’m a little rabbit. My name is Hanhan. Look! I’m very lovely. My eyes are red. My ears are long. My hair is white. My tail is short. I like carrots very much. I have a good friend. She’s my little master. Her name is Zhou Xun. We always play games together. I like her very much and she likes me, too.

英语作文 篇6

  Dear Sir:

  My name is Raymond, I am writing to tell you something about your restaurant questions.

  Last Saturday, I was going to your restaurant with my friends. We are very hungry, but when we order, your restaurant waiter But ignore our. So my friend was very angry. Besides, when the waiter come on .my friend ask her why ignore our, she is very aggressive for us and say you don’t see me I am very busy. So I do hope you can have your restaurant waiter training about etiquette.

  Thank you for your time and kind consideration.

  Sincerely yours



  我的名字叫Raymond, 我写信是要告诉你一些关于你们饭店的问题。

  上个星期六, 我和我的朋友到你的'餐厅用餐,我们很饿。但是当我们点餐时,你饭店里的服务员却不理我们。所以我的朋友很生气。除此之外,当你的服务员来的时候,我的朋友问她为什么不理我们时,她很凶的对我们说,你们没有看到我正在忙吗?所以我希望你能给你的饭店服务员提供有关礼仪的训练。




英语作文 篇7







英语作文 篇8


  TV is very important in our life. We can get to know all kinds of events around the world. We can know the weather, information, laws, knowledge and so on. We can learn something for our lessons. After busy work, we can watch some funny programs to relax. TV is good for us, but sometimes it has bad result. Some students watch TV day and night. It influences their lessons. Some programs are not good for children

  So we should choose proper programs at proper time for people in different ages.

英语作文 篇9

  Talent show

  Attending TV PK Shows Does No Good toYoung People Nowadays, TV PK shows are great hits in China and have attracted a large number ofadolescents.

  Some youngsters even give up their studies to attend these shows in the hope ofwinning their fame overnight. Some people argue that these shows provide young people morechance to show talents, while others assume that attending these shows does no good to thejuvenile. As for me, I prefer to the latter opinion.

  It should be admitted that some young people like Li Yuchun has stood out from thenumerous attendants in the PK show, but that doesn’t mean attending the PK shows is agood way to become successful for teenagers. The following reasons can support my view. Firstand foremost, TV PK shows breed restlessness and induce young people to hunt after fameat whatever cost. Furthermore, TV PK shows can subvert the youngsters’ values.

  They clingto the idea that attending the PK shows is a shortcut to success, so they may despise the wayof achieving success by hard work. Finally, if the young fail in these shows, they will suffer apsychological unbalance. In a word, entering for TV PK shows is not a good way for young people to achievesuccess. I hold the opinion that young people should think twice before deciding to attend PKshows.










