

时间:2022-04-20 16:37:26 英语作文 我要投稿




学英语作文300字 篇1

  Dear Lulu:

  How are you?

  Thank you for your birthday card. We had a wonderful party on my house yesterday. My parents bought lots of food and drinks for us.

  We all sat around the big cake. And then some danced, sang birthday songs and played games. Others played the guitar and performed ballet at the party. Everyone had a good time.

  Best wishes.



学英语作文300字 篇2

  Yesterday I was very happy. Because I went to Tian An Men square with my parents, there were many flowers and trees in the square, the flowers were red, yellow and white. The trees were green, there were many insects in the trees. Suddenly I looked there were much water at the North Square , water fell straight down the ground as if it was a waterfall. That was the most beautiful view I had ever seen.

  The weather was very sunny. It was a good day.

学英语作文300字 篇3

  My Teacher's House

  My English teacher has a big house。

  It has a living room, a big dining room, two bedrooms, a study, two bathrooms and a big kitchen。

  In the living room, there is a big picture, four brown sofas, white fans and blue walls。 The TV set is big。 There is a big Chinese knot on the wall。 There are lanterns below the lights。 I like them。

  This is my English teacher's house。







学英语作文300字 篇4




学英语作文300字 篇5

  Jason was my uncle。He used to be a manager。Now he works as a teacher in a university。 He thinks it is good for him to be a teacher instead of being a manager。 He likes to talk with the young people so that he can keep young for ever。 Students enjoy his lessons very much and everyone says he is a good teacher。East week, he went to America to attend a meeting on teaching,I like my uncle。

学英语作文300字 篇6

  Water falls from clouds in small drops. That is rain. Rain gives all the world lives.

  I like raining because in this city the air is too dry. There are too much pollution in the air, which often smells unpleasant. If it rains, the air becomes fresh and wet.

  Then people tell each other, "It's raining! How comfortable it is!" They are happy just like in a festival.






学英语作文300字 篇7

  “叮咚,叮咚”门铃响了,我去开门,只见是爷爷。他满头大汗,手里捧着一本英语书,奶奶见了,嫌弃的说: “你这老头,说要出去买东西,没想到买来一本英语书……”还好有妈妈来解围。要不然,一场口水大战就要开始了。

  爷爷走到我面前,用请求的语气对我说:“孙女,你能不能教教我英语?”看着爷爷那忠诚的眼神,我无可奈何地对爷爷说:“好吧 !让我先考一考您的基本功吧!”我拿出一张英语四线纸,写出前几个英语字母,后面的请爷爷写。爷爷看了看,胸有成竹的对我说:“孙女,你是不是小看我了?虽然我已经87岁了,但A B C D这些我都记得一清二楚,看我的吧!”果然,不到一会儿,爷爷就写完了,他把那张纸交给我,我打眼一看,全错!我失落地对爷爷说:“爷爷,看来你必须从基础开始了!”我从仓库里拿出一个白板和一支记号笔。开始从“零”开始。

  经过365天的努力,终于学成了。当我问起爷爷为什么要学英语时,爷爷一五一十地告诉了我 。原来,那天爷爷去买中午饭,一位老外问他银行在哪儿,由于听不懂英语,伤害了爷爷的自尊心。


学英语作文300字 篇8

  My Weekend

  I have happy weekend.

  On Saturday morning I always have English classes at school. I study hard in the classroom. In the afternoon I often play computer games. On Sunday morning I often - 3 -

  draw pictures. Sometimes I visit my grandmother and grandfather. Sometimes I listen to music. On Sunday afternoon I often do housework or go shopping.

  So I love weekends.










