

时间:2023-03-02 09:50:27 兴亮 英语作文 我要投稿




  校园生活英语作文 篇1

  Hi,My old friend, long time no see, how are you? I really enjoy my campus life, I think you would like to know about it.

  Every morning I go to school on foot, 6:40, morning’s fresh air makes me feel energetic.

  7:00 clabegan. I learn English language, mathematical, biology historical and political geography

  I have favorite subject, also have dislike subject, I like English best because it is interesting and studious, in the future work, the English study also play a imporant role.

  I dont like math because it is very boring. But I have to try my best to learn it well, because it trains my way of thinking.

  Night after school I often play basketball with our classmates, it is my favorite way to relax.

  I love my campus life

  校园生活英语作文 篇2

  I am a student who studies in a school which is located in Harbin. I was admitted into this beautiful school. I still remember the day when I first went to school. In my eyes, everything was pretty. I get on well with my classmates and teachers. Since I went to this school, I think of my teachers as my best friends like leaves and flowers. I never look upon them as others. It is reason why I often question my teachers on some problems is that I love them. When I am trouble and lose heart, they always help me settle these problems. Of course, I am also satisfied with their education. I have a lot of friends who can make me try to form them good study habits. Because of that, I often get up early and try my best to study well.I also like you that I have favorite subject, also have dislike subject. I prefer learning English to learning others. It is easily of me to learn this lesson, I often get an "A" in the exam. In my In my opinion,In the future work, the English study also play an important role. I do not like Chinese because it is so boring that I cant stand sleeping. In order to make progress, I have to try my best to learn it well. I also want to lay a good foundation in all subjects. I believe, in the near future, I am learning will be successful.

  I think we should enjoy a change from our busy life in our school.

  So we must have an outing at some interesting places, Such as The Himalayas, the west lake and the great wall. In this way, we will have a rest in our busy life, If it is in beautiful places that you will enjoy yourselves. During that time, you will not only see the sights od views, but you also can go through an interesting life. That can enlarge your views. Physical recreations and intellectual activities are the two major ways of spending our leisure time. While some people have interests in both of them, most of us also have preferable way to spend our time off. I prefer a balance of these kinds of activities to provide both the physical conditioning and mental stimulation I need to face in the daily grind. For me, physical recreation is necessary for good health but intellectual pursuits such as reading stories provide the most pleasure.

  I really enjoy my school life. School life should be interesting and colorful, just as the saying goes, "The school life is everyone young men, the source of happiness."

  校园生活英语作文 篇3

  The Importance of Selfducation

  Selfducation brings success. Though we students have teachers to help us, still we should pay more attention to selftudy. Here are some suggestions.

  First, read outside our class. Every new book one reads will benefit him in one way or another. The more we read, the more we are benefited. As life is short and knowledge is infinite, we should try to read as many books as we can.

  Second, improve our memory and reasoning powers. If we read more and more, we can make our memory and reasoning powers improve to some degree. Moreover, we shall be able to write more clearly and correctly.

  Third, develop our character. When we have formed the habit of reading, we can put into practice what they have taught and build up a good character.

  In a word, if we want to educate ourselves, the most important thing for us to do is to read not only our textbooks, but also any other books that are within our reach.

  校园生活英语作文 篇4

  My campus life is like a sea, we are the fishermen of the sea. Go out early and come back late, every time can have full harvest, day by day, never change.

  In the morning, as soon as I came to the campus, the sound of reading came from all directions into the ear curtain, and our campus life began.

  In class, everyone is listening carefully. If the teacher is the ocean of knowledge, then we are countless pieces of sponge, constantly absorb knowledge, each time can absorb a belly of knowledge.

  When it was time for recess exercise, the playground became our ocean again. We like fish in the "sea", "roam", do sports, play games, freewheeling, free.

  Class is over, we have some walking on campus, some skipping rope, and some playing basketball...

  Of course, our favorite or - PE class. Can exercise, can also play games with everyone, kill two birds with one stone!

  There is less than a year to leave my Alma mater, I want to study hard, in the future good return to my Alma mater!

  校园生活英语作文 篇5

  Today, our school had an annual earthquake drill, which let the students know what we should do if there is an earthquake.

  In the morning, our English class did not take long, we heard the radio said: "earthquake drill began." Then came the "whoo, whoo..." "And we all scrambled under the table with our hands over our heads. Then the alarm stopped, I hands head with the fastest speed out of the classroom quickly ran to the playground after squatting down. As the group broke up, I found that I couldn't find my classmates in the same class! I was anxious like ants on the hot pot, at this time, I saw the classmate Chen Yue, I ran to them like a lifesaver, to find the organization, I excited tears.

  After all the teachers and students safely evacuated to the playground, the principal told us how to quickly evacuate, how to prevent the earthquake......

  Today's earthquake drill let me know how to harm the earthquake, so that I learned the book did not have the knowledge, really benefited a lot.

  校园生活英语作文 篇6

  Since this happened, I have stopped eating cherries and now they are my enemy.

  Fourth period is over, I'm not going to have lunch today, so I'm going to eat my fruit - cherries. I just ate a little red ball. Guess what happened? I accidentally swallowed the cherry pit. I thought to myself:

  Now I'm screwed. Why did I accidentally swallow the cherry pit? Then I bent down and said to Liu Ziyang, who was next to me, with a scowling look on my face, "Now I'm done. I swallowed the cherry pit. "Liu Ziyang comforted me and said," It's okay. I swallowed gum by accident when I was a child. "It's OK. I used to swallow cherry pits when I was a child. My mother told me to choose between the pits and the cherries first, which stopped me from eating the pits," Geng said. This is gonna make my stomach feel better. I put a second cherry in my mouth and guess what happened. Annoying cherry stone, each to my weak teeth almost fell down, this time angry me, I angrily put the fruit box cover, and then threw the fruit box into my schoolbag.

  This time I will not forgive the cherry, I will not eat cherries again!

  校园生活英语作文 篇7

  My fourth grade life is full of happiness, happiness.

  I suddenly fell ill (cold) before the exam. The family is worried that I will not be able to take the final exam because of illness, my mother quickly gave me a cold medicine to drink, but my illness did not get better. Mom said, "It's a good thing your cold isn't too bad." I'm very worried. The exam is coming in a few days. I'm afraid it will be difficult to cure the disease. I was tortured by illness every day, and realized that life has to go through a lot of pain, we must pay hard, in order to get happiness and happiness. I rest quietly at home, waiting for the disease to soon away from me. "Oh, how sad! "I complained. A few days later, my mother carefully "wait", my illness improved, shouted: "disease, I am not afraid of you!"

  I can take study seriously. At home, I will carefully review the three main subjects of English, English and English, and also read a lot of extra-curricular books.

  In a twinkling of an eye, my fourth grade life is so over. My fourth grade life is so short, keeping our most precious memories and smiles. So, happy fourth grade time is very short, we cherish it!

  校园生活英语作文 篇8

  Chen Lulan and I were classmates and friends, living and learning together for five years. But that day she and I because of a topic and big quarrel, I feel five years of classmate sentiment just for a topic and destroy? I have a sour feeling in my heart.

  That time I got 96 points in math exam, the teacher praised me in class, my heart has a kind of sweet feeling like eating honey.

  I gradually become proud in a piece of hype cheers, grades are slipping more and more, the teacher called me to the office to criticize me, I ate the bitter fruit planted by myself.

  Later, another exam gave me a fatal blow. I stared in a trance at the red and bloody numbers for a half ring, then turned my eyes back to my own name, and then took the paper as if it were boiling hot, and then understood the teacher's criticism. Then I began to work hard, studying math. With the help of teachers and classmates, my grades began to improve rapidly.

  Campus life is as colorful as "Wuwei bottle", with sour, sweet, bitter and spicy feeling. I am about to rise to the sixth grade, full of expectations, also dreaming of the joy of return.

  校园生活英语作文 篇9

  It's finally school. I'm so excited today! On the way to school, the birds chirp in the trees to sing, grass, flowers, saplings are waving to say hello to me. I quickened my pace and walked into our beautiful campus.

  Came to school, I saw the students wearing beautiful clothes, carrying a new bag, happily into the classroom, the students gathered together happily talking about the happy things in the summer vacation.

  "Bell! Bell! Bell!" The bell rang for class. The students returned to their seats and sat upright. "Stand up" monitor a password, we said in unison: "Good teacher"! The teacher asked us to read the text, and we all read it aloud. What a loud sound! How nice! When the teacher asked questions, everyone raised their hands to answer them.

  After class, the students get together again to play. Some play "catch" games; Some play "hide and seek"; And play "three steps" of the game. We had a good time! Laughter filled the campus.

  This is my happy campus life, I like it!

  校园生活英语作文 篇10

  Ding zero, the bell rang, the playground became lively, some skipping rope, some playing basketball, some skipping rubber band, and playing table tennis...... Have fun.

  A little boy was jumping rope by himself, counting numbers and enjoying himself. There are two little boys kicking the shuttlecock, a kick to the sky, on the head, down to look at the shuttlecock, head bit by bit, like a chicken pecking rice, another classmate kicking, while manual to move, like dancing. That, there is a group of male students are jumping rope, shaking the rope on both sides of the students, rhythmically brandishing a single arm, inside the jump more severe, shake the rope for a while fast and slow, jump students also jump up and down, for a while fast and slow, and also do different positions.

  Look, playing basketball of this group came the cry of victory, originally, wearing black clothes smartly from another classmate grabbed the ball, a three-step basket layup, "Ah! In!" The other students shouted, the game is still going on.

  It's fun on campus.

  校园生活英语作文 篇11

  My school life is very happy.

  Before class, we talk quietly in the classroom, chat, tidy up the books, do the preparation before class, just listen to the bell - the original is the bell rang!

  The teacher holding the book, came in smiling, those who shake the stool, fan, speech, cough voice suddenly stopped, just in full swing of the classroom suddenly became silent, even a needle can hear on the ground. In class, we sat as straight as a pine tree, and we looked at the blackboard and listened carefully. The teacher stood at the side of the platform, talking about the text vividly.

  As soon as the bell rang, the classroom seemed to burst open the pot, some running around, some bouncing balls, some playing jump rope, and yawning, stretching. Sometimes I sing songs, sometimes I play games with my classmates, sometimes I read books by myself and sometimes I do my homework.

  After school, we lined up a neat team out of the classroom, out of the school gate, every day I really is too happy, really want to have a class for a while.

  校园生活英语作文 篇12

  My school life is very beautiful

  Now I'm going to add a temporary character: a person pretending to be Ziling (who is also a princess (neighboring country), she takes the shape of Ziling because she wants to go out and play, but her father is... She knew the identity of purple Ling, but then went back. Her name is Mei Ling.

  "I don't know that girl purple Ling will really escape..." "Why is it impossible? "Who? Ah! Qiaolin! That... You... I... I was just going to look for you! Where have you been?" "Where? To save the real one, of course... Purple diamond!" "What is true or false? The students are talking about it. "So, Qiaolin, how did you, how did you... You mustn't be so..." "Princess..." "Call me Purple Diamond!" "Oh, purple Ling, I was trying to save you!" "Why don't you go somewhere a little more private?" "Er... All right!"

  They came to a tree...

  What happened to them under the tree? Look at the next one.

  校园生活英语作文 篇13

  In my eyes, the campus is a beautiful big family. I live here as if I were at home. There are many teachers and classmates who care about me on campus. I feel happy and happy.

  Once, I had a fever, concerned about my teacher Zheng kindly asked: "Wang Ying, what happened, the body uncomfortable?" He walked up to me, touched my forehead and said, "It's a little hot." Then he gave me a glass of water to drink. Drink a mouthful of water, I feel more comfortable, the feeling of happiness arises spontaneously. Back to the dormitory, and there is a concern about my teacher - the song teacher. Qu teacher tall, thick eyebrows, a pair of round big eyes, bright. Qu teacher saw my face ugly, touched my forehead and said: "Ah, so hot, go to the doctor grandma there to measure the temperature." It is these two very ordinary words, let me feel the warmth of maternal love.

  Campus not only care about my teachers, and our happy shadow, that is my friends and I play left traces. Look, how much fun we are having! Skipping rope, kicking shuttlecock, playing ball... The campus echoed with our laughter.

  I love my campus, more love care about my teachers and classmates.

  校园生活英语作文 篇14

  Our campus is very clean, flowers, trees, beautiful.

  Early in the morning, the birds in the tree branches "twittering" to call, broke the silence of the campus. The students came to school with a happy pace, the classroom came to read.

  After the bell rang, the students quickly came to the door of the class, lined up and walked neatly to the playground. The trees around the playground, like soldiers standing straight there. During the recess, all the teachers and students gathered on the playground and danced rhythmic exercises merrily. The playground suddenly lively, jubilant, even in the singing birds are curious to look at.

  After lunch, the students came to the library to read books. The library was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop. There are many books in it, and each book is rich in content. My classmates and I like to go to the library and read books.

  After school, some naughty students quickly put the book into the bag, do not look at it, zip up the zipper, like the swallow rushed out of the classroom. Just out of the school gate, heard the car "Di di" whistle, parents' shouts, traffic police whistle, children's laughter, blend together like a symphony, reverberated at the school gate...

  校园生活英语作文 篇15

  You know what? How do primary school students live on campus? They're kind of fun to talk about!

  Chinese class is very interesting, there are many different knowledge in the class. Some learn Tang poetry, some learn to write composition. I like Tang poems in Chinese textbooks; Tang poetry is four paragraphs, a line is five characters, or seven characters, etc. The west resigned Yellow Crane Tower, fireworks in March under Yangzhou. Solitary sail far shadow blue sky, only to see the Yangtze River. This is written by Li Bai in Tang Dynasty. Isn't it interesting?

  Math class is also very interesting, I learned from one hundred knowledge, and learned one thousand to ten thousand knowledge, addition and subtraction is in the first grade to learn. I learned division and multiplication in the second grade. Data collection, knowledge up to 10,000, units of weight, and different angles. I like math very much, math knowledge makes me feel interesting.

  English class learned ABCDEFG, as well as children's songs, simple dialogue; Different countries and different languages are very interesting; It was fun for us to imitate the foreign conversation.

  What did we learn in PE class? Running, learning to jump rope and play football, there is a lot of knowledge, you see the school life of Shimen experimental primary school interesting! Life is a lot of fun, welcome to the campus.

  校园生活英语作文 篇16

  Our fourth grade study is coming to an end, looking back at the life of the fourth grade, really unforgettable ah!

  Remember once, Mr. Xie went out for a meeting, after class, we exploded the pot. Quickly, give me to play left and right, small xu in the side, but I was her command dance, we are attacking Xiaoyan! There were erasers flying over my head. It was a bit of a hail of bullets. "Bang" two times, two paper balls hit me in the face, my features immediately pain wrung together. So, I bent down to pick up the paper ball on the ground, and took out the water bottle from the drawer, "snap" hit the past, hit the target. Not to be outdone, the other side threw paper balls to me, I agile, escaped a bullet. He saw that far attack is not good, he brandished a ruler, while lifting the brush, and he fought, for a while Shouting, Shouting, we all had a lot of fun. Suddenly our monitor Wang Yaxuan came, I do not know who roared a voice, we immediately mingjin retired. We are such naughty children.

  In addition to fun, I also participated in the basketball class, not only can sports, but also can learn a lot of basketball knowledge.

  This is my colorful life in grade four.

  校园生活英语作文 篇17

  My campus life is colorful, there are sour, sweet, bitter, spicy. Can let me remember the most is the second grade midterm exam results when.

  When the bell rang, the Chinese teacher came into the classroom. I sat very straight and thought to myself; How many marks will I get this year? Will it be above 95? What place will I get in my class? My heart thumping straight, the teacher read the points I was not in the mood to listen to, when the teacher read to me, I listen to "Ran Pengcong, 96.5, class 13" my heart stone finally put down safely. I heard someone clap for me, said "you are so good" "you are worth our learning" I in the applause of the students, got the paper. On the way my heart is very happy. I sat down with the test paper in my hand, and I looked at the test paper; This is not an ordinary piece of paper, this is in exchange for my efforts, I will cherish!

  I see; As long as you work hard, there will be a harvest, so let's work together to create a better tomorrow!

  校园生活英语作文 篇18

  When we had math class today, the teacher taught us to learn multiplication table nine. After learning, we started the math competition, I didn't get the top ten, because my speed was too slow, I was a little disappointed. Then the teacher began to assign the homework. After the homework was finished, the bell rang and the class was over for this morning. Then we lined up for dinner. When I went to the canteen for dinner, the waiter thought Jin Shancai had not come, so he confiscated his lunch box. When he came, the waiter brought back his lunch box. After eating, we lined up and went back to the classroom. After the classroom teacher said: "You go to the small playground to play!" Some of my friends and I played a game called "Devil catches the kid." The person who got caught listened to the person who caught him. I got caught twice, and the punishment was to help catch my other friends. Then the bell rang and our afternoon lessons began. The first class in the afternoon is to go to the laboratory to have a Chinese class. There are many teachers listening to the class. Today is "Yu the Great flood control", after the teacher finished the text let us do the picture of Yu the Great flood control, after the picture is done today's Chinese class is over. Today's Chinese class is very full, we learn very happy.

  I think today's lesson is very easy and interesting. My classmates and I are very happy.

  校园生活英语作文 篇19

  Do you know how much fun it is on campus? It's fun to say!

  On campus, in the afternoon we have a happy PE class, especially interesting! For example, the last time I played with my classmates three, two, one wooden, very funny, is the wooden head turned, we can't move...

  When I have activities in school, I will run to all kinds of places to play. During the science and technology festival, I played with burning matches, building blocks and paper airplanes. I also went to every kind of place to play, and I have been to a lot of activities.

  And in the dormitory, we are ready to take a bath at night clothes, you can in the dormitory, riddles, reading, playing games. You see the day school students can not feel the life of us and students, will not meet their life teachers, will not live with our classmates, will not feel a lot of campus life.

  You see, isn't it interesting to live in school?

  校园生活英语作文 篇20

  First of all, I suggest you to balance your time every day. Every day, every subject is involved. In my personal opinion, I should write some exercises of this subject every day to keep my hand feeling.

  Secondly, about getting up early and staying up late, if enough energy and really need, get up early and stay up late although can extend our study time, but if the brain has been in a state of exhaustion, stay up late efficiency is not very high, at the same time will affect the second day's mental state, may also disturb the dormitory students.

  Then, cultivate the habit of organizing your notes and mistakes to review the past and learn something new. Prepare before class and review after class. Basic knowledge is far more important than difficult questions, so we need to go through the textbook many times to strengthen the foundation.

  Finally, I would like to say that learning in school is not you alone, there are students in your company, there are teachers in the care of you, and parents in the attention of you, although they are not around, but they are silently cheering for you.

  校园生活英语作文 篇21

  Our school life is colorful. I like school best, too. Why? Because the school has my teachers and classmates. I am happy to come to school in the morning, the first thing to sit on the seat is to take out the book. Ring, ring... The second bell rang, and we all began our morning ode. We read with emotion under the leadership of two lead readers, and our voices were neat and resonant. My favorite classes are Chinese and art. In Chinese class, Ms. Yuan explained the text vividly, and I listened with relish; In art class, the teacher let us draw by ourselves, I was very happy! After class, I played games with my friends on the playground. We often play "three words", rock, paper, scissors to decide who will catch people. I was lucky enough to escape almost every time, but sometimes I was caught by my captors when I wasn't looking. Because only I a girl to attend, so my hiding place is the women's toilet, some boys in our class dare to break into the women's toilet, really ridiculous!

  校园生活英语作文 篇22

  My school life is very beautiful

  After signing up at Refuse Lonely High School, he was about to leave when he ran into Xu, a former classmate. Xu is playing basketball, I quietly walked to his side, watching him play. I watched for a few minutes, but he didn't see me. If I hadn't cast a hollow, I'm afraid he wouldn't have seen me for another few minutes. When he saw me, he was very excited and stammered. "Hao, you are also in this middle school. It is great that the cloud is there."

  Yun was a Slam Dunk genius in our class before. He was 1.7 meters old and destined to be accomplished in basketball. 'Really?' I was so surprised, I couldn't believe it. Xu smiled and invited me to play together. Not that I brag, I, Xu and cloud, is our class basketball three masters, I three-point shooting, Xu grab the ball grab good, cloud dunk good, we won the first place in the sixth grade basketball game. Xu this boy, in a summer vacation, the ball is getting better and better, I joked with him said 'you become more and more severe' Xu smiled, cast a ball, hollow, I drum clap.

  Xu threw the ball to me, I dunk, the ball popped out, I shook my head, sighed, in this way, I and Xu have been playing. At 12 o 'clock, I had to say goodbye to Xu.

  校园生活英语作文 篇23

  Our campus is beautiful and lovely, and full of vitality and vitality, there are lovely scenery everywhere. My favorite is a row of big flower beds in front of our classroom, the flower beds are planted with all kinds of flowers, such as pink morning glory, red canna, crimson cockscomb and so on. The flowers nodded their heads, shook their colorful figures, and smiled to show off their beautiful, enchanting colors.

  The campus is surrounded by some tall poplar trees. They stand majestily, like a mighty soldier, guarding the campus for our radiation to block the rain. A gust of wind blowing, swaying with the wind, as if waving to us, to see this scene, I was immersed in the ecstasy of poetry and painting. If I were a painter, I would paint the charming scenery on the picture.

  There are a lot of fitness equipment in the southwest corner of the campus. After class, students all come here to do sports. The southeast corner is a spacious playground, the students on the playground some play ball, some jump rope, and hide and seek, see how happy they play! We study in such a beautiful environment, is really very happy.

  Our campus is so beautiful, I love our campus!

  校园生活英语作文 篇24

  Our time in grade four has passed. Campus life is colorful, but my study life has become very bad.

  Life in grade four makes me very happy. For example, in PE class, I exercise with my classmates on the playground and play games in the classroom after class. This is a happy thing, I am happy to see the students are progress, sensible.

  By contrast, I found myself doing a very foolish thing by not having a good day at school since April, which messed up my studies and my daily life. Teachers and parents are worried about me, this is a big stupid act.

  Fortunately, my classmates and teachers did not forget me. I seem to hear the teachers and students constantly call me, calling me back to their side, study together, live a normal learning life. I also hope that I have to work hard to live up to the expectations of teachers and classmates.

  The teacher hard in my heart to sow the seeds of knowledge, don't let it white rot? No, I can't do any more stupid things!

  校园生活英语作文 篇25

  In order to let me have a good learning environment, more independent, my parents decided to let me transfer to Greentown Yuhua Primary School boarding school.

  The environment here is very quiet, the place is very spacious, it is a boarding school from primary school to high school. It is completely different from my previous school. It has independent dormitories and restaurants. Primary school, middle school and high school have big sports fields, such as football fields, swimming pools, badminton courts and so on, which are my dream.

  When I reported for duty, I found that my class teacher and life teacher are male, and most of our class are male students, and from different places, everyone felt very fresh. However, the first two days in addition to meet new students, I still feel not adapted to, because I am not used to a person living in the school, sleep at night is very nervous, always sleep not solid, but also their own things, but later two days I have adapted to a little, in short, not calm week super slow past, happy is I was selected by the teacher for the group leader, Be responsible for and supervise students' homework and discipline. I will do a good job of teacher's assistant, as soon as possible into this big family.

  校园生活英语作文 篇26

  Into our campus, a fragrance of flowers came, looked up is a big flower bed, there are all kinds of flowers, attracting a lot of butterflies play in it, like the next class of us.

  Suddenly I was attracted by a butterfly, along it, the left and right sides are our teaching building. Early in the morning, into the school door, you can hear our sound of reading. Further back is our playground, in front of the playground there is a big flag platform, above the flag platform, the bright five-star red flag is fluttering in the wind.

  Following the butterfly, we came to the flower bed, behind the flower bed is a small yard - Baicao garden. Where we learn science, history, these varieties of flowers and plants do not know how many people have saved, the children can feel the power of nature here.

  This is our campus, it is not only beautiful scenery, but also the cradle of our growth. Here we play laughter and sound of reading, I love my campus.

  校园生活英语作文 篇27

  In a week of school courses, my favorite is the calligraphy class. Because, in the calligraphy class, I always know more calligraphy knowledge than my classmates, and my brush writing is always better than my classmates.

  I also like PE class. Because in PE class, we can - free running, to chase the wind, but also can relax the mind, immersed in their own world, play a lot of fun.

  In the school the most lively, than free big recess activities. Some students sweat like rain running on the red flame track, as fast as lightning; Some neat, breathlessly do radio exercises, stretch flexible body. After the activity, the students quietly into the spacious classroom, waiting for the arrival of delicious snacks.

  During the delicious snack time, we will enjoy the sweet and sour milk to nourish our taste buds.

  When eleven forty-five, the canteen crowded, food fragrance, let a person's mouth watering, appetite. There are green maomao vegetables, fresh fish and shrimp, fresh steak, tomato scrambled eggs, and sweet watermelon, cantaloupe, these are my favorite food.

  These are the beautiful campus life that impressed me deeply.

  校园生活英语作文 篇28


  Chinese papers sent back, I took a closer look, actually only 82 points, I have never taken such a low score, my heart is very sad, suddenly feel hot face.


  After class, the teacher "invited" me to the office, said to me: "a bad exam does not matter, find out the reason, study harder, put the results up. Remember, the monitor is supposed to take the lead!" The teacher's words, let my heart sour. I made up my mind to study hard.


  From then on, I got up at 6:30 every morning and memorized the text; In the evening at home in addition to finishing homework also carefully review and preview, do mother bought exercise books, constantly writing...... . This period of time, let me feel "bitter". Still, I stuck with it.


  Another Chinese test, when handing out the paper I was a little nervous, afraid of taking an unprecedented bad result. "Liang Minghui -- 96 points." This time actually test 96 points, my heart is sweet.

  校园生活英语作文 篇29

  Do you know what it's like to live in school? It's kind of fun to say!

  At Happy Sports, playing is as good as not playing, but you have to be careful not to get hurt, no matter what you play. Such as skipping rope, playing badminton, and playing eagles catch chickens and so on...

  You can do whatever you want between classes, but don't chase or you'll get hurt, and if you get hurt, don't do it, tell the teacher, or you'll both be punished.

  In class is particularly interesting, we like English class and Chinese class, because the English teacher Miss Yang is very good to us, sometimes will give us a reward. In the Chinese class more interesting, because I like reading class, but if you do not finish the homework on time can not read, Miss Wen is a very trustworthy teacher, will not punish you for no reason.

  When in the dormitory is more interesting, when you come back to the dormitory at noon, if you finish, you can read and sleep, I feel a little better sleep, because it can be praised by the teacher, but also can let oneself in the afternoon more energetic, full of energy.

  Don't you think life on campus is interesting?

  校园生活英语作文 篇30

  Whenever I walk into the spacious and bright classroom, I always feel it is so warm and friendly.

  Into the classroom, the first thing you see is four rows of neatly lined desks and chairs, golden desktop wipe shiny, cement floor clean. Put down the bag to sit on the seat, see is black blackboard, it is like the boundless ocean, flashing the light of knowledge; It is like the unfathomable treasure house of knowledge, waiting for us to dig.

  When the bell rang, the teacher walked on the platform and told us a lot of math problems, new words and texts. The question on the blackboard, a word are the condensation of the teacher's blood and sweat. The exercises are like advanced nutrient solution, input our brain, make us more intelligent; The Chinese characters are like the rain and dew in the drought, which fill our hearts and make us grow stronger.

  Ah! Teacher, you are the soil of our growth, always cultivate our gardener. We are a sapling, in the sunshine, grow up day by day, become the pillars of the motherland.

  校园生活英语作文 篇31

  Our school is in the east end of the village, the school is surrounded by tall poplar trees. When I reached the school gate, there was a big sign with black letters on a white background. It read: Shengli Primary School. This is our school.

  Every morning, when the sun just rises, we begin to do morning exercises. There are more than six hundred students in our school doing morning exercises on the big playground in the campus, accompanied by sweet music. After finishing morning exercises, the students ran into the classroom with laughter and picked up textbooks to read. The sound of loud reading drifted far from the window. After the morning reading class, the teacher began to give us lessons. From the teacher, we learned a lot of knowledge.

  After the bell rang 1, the students quickly ran out of the classroom, to the playground to do a variety of games. Sometimes, we would work in the experimental field of the school. Every Monday afternoon in the second class, we all have to carry out a thorough cleaning, clean our campus, dress up beautifully.

  After school in the afternoon, the students left on duty, the rest of the students are happy to go home, but the door of the office has not been locked, and the teacher is carefully correcting homework or preparing lesson plans. Dear teacher, ah, how much effort you have paid for us!

  校园生活英语作文 篇32

  My school life is wonderful.

  In the classroom, when I encountered a problem, the teacher will encourage me, kindly said to me: "Don't worry, slowly think, you can make it." When I make mistakes, the teacher will use tolerant eyes to look at me, patiently teach me, let me step by step to correct the shortcomings.

  In the dormitory, when we take a bath, I will take the initiative to help the little brother of the first grade, lend them the soap, but also help them to adjust the water temperature to the most appropriate. Because, once I was like this by the older brother to take care of. Every time I do something good, I feel a faint sweetness flowing into my heart, just as the book says, "our life is always engraved with a happy sugar."

  My campus life is beautiful, is sweet, is happy. Because, there are respected and amiable teachers, lively and lovely friends, and rich knowledge with me to grow up together! I will always deeply love Lu Xiao this unity and happiness of the home!










