

时间:2023-05-14 10:11:41 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文400字 篇1


  我们刚去到哪儿,看到那里有一堆各式各样的面具,有紫色的,有橙色的,有粉色的,有白色的……我们选 了自己喜欢的面具,英语老师就给我们戴上了,然后,我们就进了大教室。那里装饰得很配万圣节,老师们用纸做了大蜘蛛、蝙蝠和蜘蛛网挂在灯上。还买了几只玩具蜘蛛挂在墙上,还做了一些蜘蛛网挂在墙上。她们还买了一些很小的南瓜灯放在角落和比较暗的地方,因为那时候没开灯。




英语作文400字 篇2



  短暂的课间,一会儿就过去了,又开始上课了,老师教我们学了前六个单元音 ,前六个单元音都很好读,就是有一个单元音很难写,老师让我们写地时候我写完了看到王婧菲是写了擦,擦了又写,写了又擦就是写不好看,老师看了我的说我写的好,我很高兴!到了老师测试的时候,老师让我们按点名册的顺序挨个往下读,老师说我读地很好,我也这样觉得,我还觉得王婧菲要是能在大点声肯定比我读的还要好!

英语作文400字 篇3

  Responsible travel is differ from the normal travel, people who love responsible travel prefer to protect and close to nature instead of destroying it.They appreciate local culture in many ways, such as hiring a local people to be their travel guide, following a small group and doing some beneficial things for villagers.Ordinarily, we usually take photos to prove we have been here or there.But when we know the responsible travel, we love to assimilate to the place, such as being a volunteer there.

  We should be responsible for ourselves and our environment.As far as I am concerned, nothing important than living in a pure environment.

英语作文400字 篇4

  Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. For example, cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe and poisonous gas is given off by factories. Trees on the hil ls have been cut down and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers.Furthermore, wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. Pollution is, in fact, threatening our existence.


英语作文400字 篇5

  Sample:A letter on talking bus service in Beijing 英文书信(北京公共交通) Dear Tony, I am glad to know your grandpa is coming to Beijing. Yes, your grandpa is right. The bus service in Beijing is really good now.

  there are more than 900 bus lines all over Beijing and bus can even take you to some small villages. Besides, special(yellow) seats are provided on buses. People do not have to spend a long time waiting for a bus and the tickets are very cheap.

  I like taking a bus because I think it is comfortable and also good for our environment. So it is a good choice for your grandpa to travel by bus in Beijing. If you have more questions, please ask me. Yours, Liu Jing

英语作文400字 篇6

  满心的欢喜使我久久不能平静。我成功了:我的口试获得了高分!兴奋中,去年那次口试之后的情景,渐渐地浮现在我的眼前。 那次,莫名的紧张使我的英语口试意外地只得了七十五分。完了!什么前十名!多么渺茫。怀着沉重的心情,我灰心丧气地回到了寝室。“怎么了?’’同宿舍同学关心地问。我咬了咬嘴唇,抑制住快要夺眶而出的泪水,勉强地笑了笑:“没什么。”


  “灰心丧气,你去灰心丧气吧1让明天的语文、数学就在你的丧气中考出理想的成绩吧!’’我不由为之一震。是的,哭有什么用,考坏了就丧失信心,我太懦弱了!我应该振作精神,去分析原因、吸取教训才对呀!我应与“灰心丧气” 告别,充满信心地迎接明天的考试……小羽见我已把眼泪擦干,欣慰地笑了…… 我回忆着、品味着,会心地笑了。今天的成功还得感谢我的好友小羽。她的激将法,使我懂得了如何正确地对待失误。是的,失败是成功之母。这次,我不是成功了吗?

英语作文400字 篇7

  I as born in an ordinary family, but the love my parents gave me made me feel that I as the happiest girl in the orld. Before I ent to middle school, my parents decided to let me live in the hometon, here I spent the good time. I as surrounded by green trees and clean ater. Every day, I ould play funny games ith my friends. hen I ent to middle school, I left hometon and moved to the city to live ith my parents. I needed to focus my attention to study. Every night, my father ould check my homeork and if I had questions, he ould help me to solve them. My mother alays made delicious dessert for us. hen I finished homeork, e ate them together and talked happily. I had the good time of my childhood.

英语作文400字 篇8

  There are four seasons in a year. They are spring ,summer ,autumn and winter. I love spring best. Because spring is a beautiful season. When spring comes ,everything begins to grow. The weather is warm and sunny .The trees turn green .The flowers come out .They are very beautiful.And people begin to do exercise .Look! In the park , Some old people are warking near the river.Some yong people are running around the road. Some children are playing games under the big trees.They are very happy.











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