

时间:2023-05-16 10:00:19 英语作文 我要投稿




我的学校英语作文 篇1

  my school is at haimen town.it is very big and beautiful.there are forty-three classes in it.when you come to our school, you can see the modern teaching building。

  our teachers work and do practice in it.behind the building, there are two classroom buildings and a school library.in the library there are thousands and thousands of books.after class you can borrow the books you want and also you can read them in the reading room at any time。

  beside our classroom, there is a big playground.at about 4:30 p。m.every day, many students play football, basketball and some of them play tennis.all the playground is alive。

  our school is a model school in jiangsu.i like my school very much。

我的学校英语作文 篇2

  Hong Da School is beautiful and big. There’re many students and teachers in it. Our school has a big playground. We usually have P.E. class on it. Our classroom is on the fourth floor. It’s bright and clean. I sleep at school, eat at school and study at school. School is a big family. Teachers are my parents. I love my school!


我的学校英语作文 篇3

  On My Friend

  When I first went to university,I was very nervous because I didn't know any one there.Sam,my classmate, soon changed all that.He was the first one to talk to me on my first day in school and I was grateful for his friendliness.

  We soon became good friends after we discovered that we had a lot in common.For example,we both like literature.He soon became the editor of the school magazine while I am a regular contributor to the articles there.

  Moreover,Sam is extremely helpful.Whenever I need something or just someone to talk to,Sam is always there.He lends me money without so much as mentioning when I am supposed to return it(but of course I always return the money).Besides,he is a great listener.I feel as if I could pour out my whole heart to him.While offering a sympathetic ear,he also makes constructive suggestions.

  I am grateful for our friendship.Without Sam,my university would have been a lot more chaotic and confusing.

我的学校英语作文 篇4






  The classmates, I was the third grade elementary school student Rao Yuhang ping. Today I'd like to introduce you to our beautiful and vibrant campus.

  Everyone walked into the campus with me, first of all, in the eyes of us was a large, flat and wide plastic ring-shaped runway. Divided into red and green two colors, green like grass closely crowded together, pull hands, weaving a piece of soft carpet. Like the red glow, constantly changing in different poses and with different expressions. There are four basketball stands with their heads up on the four corners of the playground. They are like four iron giants, protecting our campus. Every time on extracurricular activities, the sports field is boiling up immediately, some students tiaopijin, some play, some games do, laughter echoes over the campus. The front of the stadium is the flag raising table, and its base is made of marble. Every Monday morning, all our teachers and students are standing neatly on the playground, watching the Five Starred Red flag rising with the national anthem. On the left side of the flag raising stand is a row of tall and straight cedar, they are like a loyal sentry, guarding our national flag. There are four stout pomelo trees around the campus, and the trees are covered with giant pomelo, which adds a little vitality to our school.

  Walking through the playground is the teacher's office building, the whole building is red, it wears a unique hat, dressed in red coat, plus arched door, really elegant style. The north and south sides of the campus are symmetrical teaching buildings, which are covered with white tiles and become more beautiful under the sunlight. There are multimedia teaching room, art room, training room and Library in the teaching building. It's full of equipment! When you open the door of the classroom, every classroom has a projector, a TV set, a drinking machine. The blackboard is a rectangular blackboard newspaper, beautifully patterned, well written, rich in content. In the middle of the classroom, there are neat desks and chairs. We sit here every day, studying seriously, scrambling to speak, and devote themselves to study. The whole classroom is so neat, so spacious and bright.

  Look, our school is so beautiful and full of vitality! Welcome to our school.

我的学校英语作文 篇5


  May 1st I got to school very early.Our class took a special bus to Cuihua Mountain at 8:30.We got off the bus.Our classmates were very excited. The mountain is so beautiful .

  We can see flowers and grass here and there.The air was so fresh ,the birds were singing happily.The mountain is covered with trees and is very steep in front of us.

  We seldom see such a beautiful picture.We could't wait to take many photos.Then we started to climb the mountain up the steep path.Weclimbed and climbed.

  We were all tired and reached the top of rhe mountain.We were thirsty and hungry.It was the best way to sit down and had a good rest .Everyone took out of delicious food and drinks to share .

  This was a good chance to relax.We danced and sang for a long time,certainly we also took many pictures together.We all enjoyed the nature and had a good time on that day!

我的学校英语作文 篇6

  I love my school, Because i have a lot of friend?in my school.They always help me when i don't now how to?do some thing.And i have a nice teacher too,He help me and teach me all the times,And he was very funney all the times he always teach us with his?smile.But some times i saw he sat front of his computer working so hard in his work.I was?talk to my self ,my teacher work so hard why i can't work that heard.start that day i thy to work so hard just like my teacher. And i always help my friends and different peoples,?I fell so happy when i help other peoples. So what i want to tall is when you saw some peoples that was haveing some problem with they works thy to help then if you can.










