

时间:2023-05-19 08:14:58 英语作文 我要投稿




我的梦英语作文 篇1

  Many people say that dream is only the thing for children to have. But in my opinion, each of us in the world should have his or her dreams all through the life. With a dream, you can fly further; with a dream, you will be stronger; with a dream, you will be successful easily.

  When I was young, I showed a great interest in cars. My father bought me a lot of model cars, and I even consider them as part of my life and I take good care of them all the time.

  As time goes by, there are a lot of changes around me, but my love of cars doesn’t change at all. I often dreamed of becoming a worker in Ferrari’s factory. Ferrari, which I believe is not strange to many auto fans, is a famous car manufacturer in Italy. Red is a representative color for Ferrari. In my eyes, red represents speed and enthusiasm.

  One day, if I really become a worker in Ferrari’s factory, I will put my whole heart into my work. I will try my best to design and produce new cars. Hearing the purr of a car engine, I would feel very happy. Maybe these are impossible, but I always believe where there is a will, there is a way.





我的梦英语作文 篇2

  As a small girl, many teachers have asked me what do I want to be in the future. My answer is always to be a teacher. It is my dream and I study so hard to realize it. Being a teacher can pass the knowledge to others and guide them to the right way. Thinking about the great contribution I would make, everything is worthy.


我的梦英语作文 篇3

  I liked to play with stethoscope, plastic syringes and other toys since childhood. I like to see the baby, and I like to touch the head of the doll and say, "you are well now!"You ask me what my dream is, I tell you to grow up to be an angel in white - doctor.I want to be a doctor and because of that.

  Once I was sleeping, woke up by a cough and listened carefully. It came from my sister's room.I put on my clothes and ran into my sister's room.I patted her on the back, but she kept coughing, and I woke up mom and dad.Mother touched her sister's forehead and shouted, "it's hot. She has a fever."My father and mother immediately sent my sister to the hospital.My sister lay weakly in bed, with a thermometer in her mouth.At that time, I was very worried, but I could only look at my sister's painful expression.I'm sorry. I think it would be nice if I were a doctor and could cure my sister and get her to get up!

  If I were a doctor, I would wear a white gown, a stethoscope, a knowledgeable look, and see a patient.I can make countless sick people happy; make countless sad people happy; make countless people, get happiness, return to the family.Let more people's health, family happiness.As long as my family is ill, I will do my best to cure my family so that they can recover soon.

  I think I can make my dream come true!

我的梦英语作文 篇4

  Everyone has their own dreams, and some want to be scientists, some want to be a soldier, and some want to be teachers ......, but my dream is to become a good doctor.I was sick as a child, my mother took me to the hospital, the doctor gave me is a beautiful aunt, she carefully asked my condition, seriously gave me a prescription, that warm smile, kind words to me now often remembered.

  Doctors relieve pain for patients, they concentrate on the operating table, meticulous, a station for hours, or even ten hours, when the patient was dying, they waited at the bedside day and night, for patients and their loved ones with to hope.I also want to be a doctor to save lives, and I know to achieve this dream, I have to pay a lot of effort; the number of people in order to realize their dreams, all the hard work and sweat to pay. Fu Lijuan parachute in order to achieve her dream, a few years like a day of hard training.

  A mother to brain-dead son, spare to read music, and then taught his son to play the piano, her dream is to let his son get better at her patiently taught his son a better day. In order to realize my dream, from now on, I want to learn, overcome all difficulties, and I want other people to play the game time on their study, the knowledge should now be firmly remember, in order to achieve the dream fight basis. On the road leading to the dream, to believe that there is a harvest to pay an effort, as long as I work hard, I will be able to realize the dream.If my dreams really realized, I got his wish became a doctor, I have to relieve pain for patients due diligence in order to save lives as the goal of my efforts and dedication to treat each patient, treat them as their loved ones the same treatment,This is my long "Doctor Dreams", it encouraged me to study hard, is my motivation.每个人都有自己的梦想,有的想当科学家、有的想当军人、有的想当老师……,而我的梦想是当一名优秀的医生。小时候我生病了,妈妈带我去医院看病,给我看病的是一位漂亮的阿姨,她细心询问了我的病情,认真的给我开了药方,那温暖的笑容、亲切的话语让我到现在还时常想起。



我的梦英语作文 篇5

  In retrospect, my dream is very interesting, and even can be called funny. Four, five, my mother asked me what the future want to grow up? I consider it really the answer to my mother, I want to be a fairy. Cause is that there are children with "Dan" word group word, it was the group "magic pill", which will be lit up my immortal dream, crazy thought that one day I would wave of the sleeves, the world becomes colorful immediately.

  With age, I find that when fairy unaware that my future could eat those goodies, so no longer wanted to be a fairy. Read books, more and more, I will have a princess dream, dreams they will be beautiful Snow White Empress Dowager; selfless dedication mermaid; even the poor Cinderella life experience is required. Oh, I'm six years old ah, crazy hair day against comic books. Also bought a princess dress, Zuozhuanyouzhuan the mirror to see if there is no princess elegant dance.

  Later, listening to my mother said postdoctoral degree is great, the future can have large Offer. As long as the country developed any new products for enterprises made a big contribution to the people as there are large, then there will be a great amount of research funds, can do what they think something meaningful. Then seen on television Yuan Longping, Qian, Li siguang ...... time, I vowed to become a scientist, as research anything, it can not be considered, my mother told me first to learn knowledge, as long as the fundamentals strong, the future all are possible.

  Today, I fell in love with a man named "steal Star September day," the comic book, I began to want to be designer, I hope that I'll be able to design your own comic, and even fashion design, architecture, interior decoration ...... I eight years old this year, still very far away from my dreams.










