

时间:2023-05-21 13:14:46 英语作文 我要投稿




中国英语作文 篇1

  bicycle is a convinient means of transporation. it has been very popular in china. during the rush hours, particularly in big cities, you can often see a sea of bicycle riders in the streets. people can ride bicycles to their working places, to schools, to shopping centers and so on. in a word, bicycles play an important role in daily life.

  compared with cars, bicycles have many advantages. firstly, they are not so epensive as cars and almost every family can afford to buy and repair them. secondly, riding bicycle is a healthy form of eercise. they do good to our health. thirdly, bicycles can save energy and does not cause any pollution, while cars will cause serious air pollution, which makes the air in our living place very dirty and makes a lot of people suffer from lung cancer.

  as we all know, china is a country with a large population. ifeach family has a car, a large amount of energy would be wasted and air pollution would become more and more serious. finally, most chinese people don t live far away from where they work or study, it is convenient to ride bicycles. i think that is why bicycles are used so much.

  bicycles are so popular in china that china is often referred to as the kingdom of bicycles. i hope more and more people can ride bicycles in order to make our planet better and cleaner.

中国英语作文 篇2

  in a social transitional period, chinese face numerous challenges. reforms have ended the "iron rice bowl" system of cradle-to-grave social welfare. chinese have to earn money for housing, medical insurance, retirement pension and educationg now people work harder than before to keep thei5 competitive edge and grasp opportunities.

  chinese put priority on the quality of life, instead of quantity, particularly in terms of mentalities. people pay more attention to the essence of life, and care more about their own feelings. the words "pressure", "competition" exist in daily vocabulary. chinese possess not only sophisticated lifestyles, but also very positive views of life.

  chinese in the social transitional period are full of confidence in their future. in spite of setbacks and difficulties, people believe that "reforms" means countless opportunities and more benefits to them. they think tomorrow will be better than today.

中国英语作文 篇3

  As time goes by, man is making the earth sick. People cut down too many trees and throw rubbish away here and there. Many factories pour waste water into rivers and lakes. As a result, a lot of rich land has changed into desert, leaving only sand. Many rivers and lakes are dead now. The air is becoming dirtier and dirtier. The temperature on the earth becomes higher and higher. Many people now are in bad health. I think everyone is supposed to reduce the waste. Recycling can not only protect the environment but also save money. We’d better not buy bottles or boxes which people can use only once. If we are greener people, our world will become more and more beautiful.

中国英语作文 篇4

  When I was in high school, one day, my Chinese teacher was so excited to tell us that our country's first spaceman had landed the space successfully. Hearing the news, all the students felt excited, too, we were so proud that we were Chinese, it meant that our country had stepped into the new stage. Chinese first spaceman was Yang Liwei, at that time, all the news was talking about him, they watched him flied to the space and then came back safely. I did not have the chance to witness the process, because I had class at that time, but I was thinking about it all the time. Now many years have passed, more and more Chinese spacemen have flied to the space successfully, every time I will feel very excited, I am so happy to see our country become stronger.


中国英语作文 篇5

  The Winter vacation is coming.We’re happy to welcome the holidays.Usually,winter vacation is funny because Spring Festival is during the vacation.

  Spring Festival is a excellent day for every Chinese,especially for children.During the festival,relatives go to visit each other and give presents to each other.then it’s the happy moment for children,children are given some lucky money.

  But i’m not a child any longer.I want to make the festival a little bit different. I plan to have a different day.I’m going to sell some toys in the flower market.I will ask my friends to join me.If i earn some money,i’ll buy some presents to my parents. Well,it’s my turn to give back to my parents for their love.

  The Spring Festival is our traditional festival, every 365 days. We must be prepared to firecrackers, couplets, pictures, eat, lanterns and clothes. Whenever the Spring Festival, is also I feel most happy when. During the Spring Festival, every household should prepare a lot of things, you see people mountain sea street seems to be bursting with happiness. Mother and I went shopping, we bought a lot of things to buy pictures. Pleased me the most is that I bought some firecrackers. My mother bought me new clothes. New year to buy back, we want to bring home clean, early in the morning my mother put lanterns hung up, dad also put New Year scrolls and character post on the door, I put the fruit into the dish, the whole place neat neat.Thirty day, my mother to put on new clothes, I was very happy! In the afternoon, father, mother together do a lot of my favorite dishes, with the reunion dinner when the whole family are all very happy. After a family reunion dinner the whole family sat together watching the Spring Festival Gala, holiday is wonderful, with sketches, songs, and dances. The adults are dumplings. Quick twelve point, rang out firecrackers. My father and I with firecrackers downstairs, downstairs, I smell of smoke, we put a lot of firecrackers, I also put a fireworks. Just a little quickly ran back, waited for a while yet a asked Dad how not ah! I went to have a look! Dad said: "no careful collapse", I said:" I'll be careful" I go from point a, finally lit, it be riotous with colour firecrackers in the sky Flowers, very beautiful. Finished firecrackers, we eat dumplings, New Year beginning, everyone gave me money.

中国英语作文 篇6

  Chinese style education is undoubtedly a failure, or so many years before a Nobel prize.

  What are the reasons for the failure? First of all, parents, the famous painter Da Finch's father Pietro is a commendable good father, he trains the children's creed is: give children the greatest freedom, let children develop their interest. China, parents give a cram school, make good learning plan, two hours in the morning, two hours in the afternoon. Children must be in accordance with their parents' wishes, otherwise it is a pain in the flesh.

  It can backfire, but the child's achievement can not be raised. Learning needs the interest of learning, but Chinese students have lost this for many years. In their eyes, learning is the completion of homework -- a piece of paper, a set of questions, a task...... Parents always say that this is for you, learning is your own thing, I want to say: "since learning is my own thing, do not bother you more trouble."."

  The top ranked students, parents generally ask their learning, but received satisfactory results. Parents' education is the biggest obstacle for students to learn. In their eyes, only doing homework is learning, reciting and reading is fooling time. A student is like a ruler, the more it is applied, the more bounce it is released, and the greater the strength is, the easier it is to break, and the person is abandoned".

  It is a good material, together with the parents carefully "carve", this material charges. The more parents look more tight, performance is poor, the children lose interest in learning, add a bit of resentment and tired parents. Some people say that, no matter what they do, they don't learn. Can you manage the result? Is the rank first?

  Yes, there are parents out of Tsinghua University, what it is, it is the tiger mother wolf dad, under the sticks of college students, they also proud to say: "their childhood is painful, but the rest of their life is brilliant." I Pooh, I see from their life will be dim and dark, what is the significance of training a group of a dead-alive person.

  Practice a word and practice four lines of characters, which effect is good? Of course, the four line word, can easily write, and will come up with the best writing level. If forced to practice a word what effect, calligraphy has become a task of punishment, you have no interest in it, just want to get throught a thing carelessly. This is China's biggest sorrow, interest becomes a task, and then formalized. The beginning is good, but the ending is good......

  Chinese style education, Chinese style education, why in front of adding a "Chinese style"?

中国英语作文 篇7

  When someone asks me: What is your Chinesedream? I will answer it without any hesitation: tobe a good doctor.


  The reason why I want to be a doctor is that I wantto save people’s lives as possible as I can.


  When I was young, I had a terrible car accident. Thanks to the doctors, they brought me backto life.


  From then on, to be a good doctor has always been an inspiration to me.


  I will study hard to make sure that my dream will come true in the future.


  Chinese dream is made up of every ordinary people’s dreams.


  We should do our best to make our dream come true.


中国英语作文 篇8

  "when Juveniles are intelligent, a nation is intelligent;juveniles are rich, a nation is wealthy; juveniles are strong, a nation isstrong..." This sentence is the progressional power of our juveniles! OnOctober 6th, 1860, the destruction of the Old Summer Palace, constantly remindsus not forgetting the national humiliation, winning honor for our country!

  In the autumn of 20xx, I came to the old Summer Palace in Beijing.The gate of the garden had long been beyond recognition, what jumped into oureyes were rubbles on the ground. Twostone lions were black and blue all over, one of them was split in two halves,one half was lying on the ground and became a "sleeping lion", theother half was still standing at the base sturdily. These one and a half lionswere standing on both sides of the "door", telling the sad history ofthe Old Summer Palace...

  Walking through the "door", relying helplessly on thetwo dead pine trees was a destroyed stone wall, which let me involuntarilythink of the scene of the Eight-Power Allied Forces’ plunder without restraint:some moved away rare treasures, some damaged invaluable treasures that couldnot be carried away, there were still some people shelling the uniquebuildings...

  Passing by the ruins, there was a dried-up pond presenting infront of my eyes, it was Hall of National peace. Lying on the shore were 12marble pedestals with scars of woundsstrung together like beads, what still witnessed the former glory on which werethe exquisite but incomplete reliefs, on which the perfect and famous Chinesezodiac heads once placed and disappeared at present for a long time, cluelessand homeless.

  "Being a stranger all alone in a strange land, he misses hisrelatives on every festival." I think these missing heads must have beeneagerly looking forward to return to the motherland as soon as possible when weare celebrating the increasingly strength of our motherland

  Behind the Hall of National peace was once resplendent andmagnificent Water Spray Timer, now only left a heap of water towers and a pileof pillars: some were cut into two parts in the middle, some were"ripped" into ten thousand periods, and some others had sadly fallento the ground sideways, shouted to the sky... I wondered: so hard stones werealso destroyed in the fire of invasion, it is thus clear that how rampant thegroup of greedy devils were !

  Bypassing the Water Spray Timer, we visited the Flower Array, theBird Cage............, which was once a mythical and miraculous "garden ofgardens", now became a heap of rubble under the looting of two days andnights as well as the flames, was in ruins completely!

  The fire of the Old Summer Palace has been put out long ago, butthe anger in my heart is burning. The destruction of the Old Summer Palace letsus remember: we have to work hard to be stronger, not to be bullied by others;we have to be constantly stronger to let the motherland take to the road ofrevival, to realize teh great Chinese dream!

中国英语作文 篇9

  Nowadays the topic on Cinese Dream by our Chairman Xi’s speech inspires everyone all over China, especially the students who will enter university to achieve their dreams. I’m so proud that I am the one.


  As for my own dream. I have always wanted to be a doctor. Not only can doctors save people’s lives but also they are doing a respectable job. Doctors can also help people to live a better life with their professional knowledge. I believe to help others is to help ourselves, and it surely can bring me happiness and pleasure.


  To realize my dream, firstly, I must try to work hard from now on. And I must learn as much as possbile so that I can get into a good medical college, where I will prepare myself adequately for the job of a doctor. Senondly, I have to train myself to be more careful, that is the basic to do everything . Finally, believe myself. Because confidence is the key to success. I think only in this way can I accomplish my goal, my Chinese dream.


中国英语作文 篇10

  Keeping a diary in English is one of the effective ways to improve our English writing ability. Compared with other forms of writing, it is shorter and takes less time. It can help us to cultivate the habit of thinking in English. If we persist in his practice, gradually we’ll learn how to express ourselves in English.


  In keeping a diary in English, we inevitably run up against a lot of difficulties. In the first place, it often happens that we have trouble finding appropriate words and phrases to give expression to our mind. Secondly, there are many idiomatic ways of saying things in Chinese. And it is extremely hard for us to put them into English properly. Certainly, there are some other roadblocks we may come across in our keeping a diary in English.


  As far as I'm concerned, my suggestion is that we should always have a note book and a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach. Whenever something beats us, we can first put it down in our notebook and then consult our dictionary. We can also turn to our English teacher for help, if necessary. In short, it is of great use to keep a diary in English for the development of our writing skills.

  对我而言, 我的建议是,我们应该随时准备好一个笔记本和一本汉英词典,每当有困难的东西难住我们时,我们可以先在笔记本记下来,然后查词典。如有必要,我们也可以向英语老师请教。总而言之,用英语记日记对提高写作能力是十分有用的。










