

时间:2023-05-21 17:18:36 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文600字 篇1

  How Should People Keep Health

  Do you want a strong body?Let me tell you how to do.


  You should eat lots of fruit and vegetables,and drink lots of boiled water.You should do exercise .You should sleep at least eight in the evening,too.but you shouldn’t drink coffee or tea before sleep,you shouldn’t eat too many candies.You shouln’t work or study too hart. The way can keep your health.


  Many students do not have breakfast before they go to school.It’s a quite bad habit and it’s bad for your health.Maybe you don’t have time to have breakfast but you couldn’t learn well in your classes if you don’t eat any thing .Keeping in a good health which can help you study well is very important.


英语作文600字 篇2

  Last summer holiday, I went to Hainan with my family. The weather was terrific! The sky was blue more than I could describe, the sea was blue and bright more than I could believe. Walking by the sea is just like being in the oil painting! We sailed to an island called Xiao. I swam there. Swimming is the sea is quite different from that in a pool. Because the depth is various all the time.

  Maybe the water can't afford you this minute, and then it will flow over your head! Bedsides the swimming, we also had a good meal there. We had a nice seafood dish. I forgot the name of that conch, but I bought back the shell. I f you want to have a look, you may ask me. Or, we may go to Hainan together, for I am always hoping to come to that place again. I really like that place, a place of blue and brightness.

英语作文600字 篇3

  An English Editor Wanted 招聘英文编辑

  Our school paper is in great need of an English editor.

  The editor's job mainly includes two parts. One is to choose articles which is suitable for the students from English papers, English magazines and the Intemet. The other is to select and edit the articles from students.

  If you want to apply for the job you must meet the following requirements. You should be willing to give up some of your spare time to serve the students. And you should be good at English and art and be able to use computer skillfully.

  Will anyone interested in it please get in touch with the Student Union during this week? Thanks.





英语作文600字 篇4




  1. CET是检查考生是否达到大学英语教学大纲规定的六级教学要求,对作文的评判应以此要求为准则。

  2. CET作文题采用总体评分(Global Scoring)方法。阅卷人员就总的印象给出奖励分(Reward Scores),而不是按语言点的错误数目扣分。

  3. 从内容和语言两个方面对作文进行综合评判。内容和语言是一个统一体,作文应表达题目所规定的内容,而内容要通过语言来表达。要考虑作文是否切题,是否充分表达思想,也要考虑是否用英语清楚而确切地表达思想,也就是要考虑语言上的'错误是否造成理解上的障碍。

  4. 避免趋中倾向。该给高分的给高分,包括满分;该给低分的给低分,包括0分,一名阅卷人员在所阅的全部作文卷中不应只给中间的几种分数。















英语作文600字 篇5

  ——to the Parents of the Columbia Astronauts

  Dear parents of the Columbia astronauts.

  I am a student from X X Middle School in China. My name is Li Ming. I was very sorrowful when I learned from TV that SpShuttle Columbia broke up during re-entry and seven astronauts all lost their lives. You have lost your lovely sons arid daughters. You must be very grieved. However, you must also be proud of your children, because they have done great contributions to space projects. So please restrain your sorrow.

  Although this time they thiled, we could I get some experience from their failure. We will continue developing space projects, because we can explore the space through those projects and search for more information about sion that they haven't done.

  Yours Sincerely’

  Li Ming(约120字)

英语作文600字 篇6

  Chinese new year is a chinese traditional festival. we also call it the spring festival. it is on lunar january 1st. on new year’s eve, all the people sit around the desk and have a big family dinner. there are some vegetables, some fish, some meat, some fruits and some drink like juice, coke, pepsi and some nice wine. overall, this is a good and delicious dinner. after dinner, we always watch tv new year progammes.

  we have a wonderful evening on new year’s eve. on the first day of the spring festival, most of people get up early and say “happy new year” to each other.

  for breakfast, people often eat dumplings and baozi. after breakfast, people often make many delicious foods, and children often play cards, computer games and fireworks. on the second and third day, we visit friends and relatives. everyone is busy on chinese new year, and everyone is happy, too.

英语作文600字 篇7

  Nowadays the environmental pollution is more and more serious. The water is polluted, we have no clean water to drink. Many trees have been cut down and some animals are less and less. Some factories discharge polluted air into the air, the population grows faster and faster, and the resources are less and less… And so on.

  It not only affects our life and health, it also has a great feeling in the future. People’s health is seriously affected by air, noise and water pollution. Many people died of disease. In order to live a better life, we need to protect our world.

  We shouldn’t throw rubbish everywhere. We need to recycle, reduce, reuse things, don’t waste things. This saves money and reduces pollution. Use items for as long as possible.

  We don’t use plastic bags. We must plant more trees and stop people cutting them down. We hope our world becomes more and more beautiful.

英语作文600字 篇8

  How to Learn English Well 如何学好英语

  English is one of the most important subjects in middle school. Almost everyone knows that we should learn English well, but few of us know how to learn it well. Karl Marx has set a good example for us. He once said, "When one is learning a foreign language, he must use the foreign language." In this way, he could use several languages. A saying goes, "Practice makes perfect." When we learn English, we should read more, speak more, listen to English from time to time and practise writing every day. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Only in this way can we learn it well.



英语作文600字 篇9

  When I am making mistakes, my parents will never be angry with me. I am so thankful to them for they are so tolerant with me. I learn many things from my parents, they show me how to be a tolerant person.

  They will not blame me for the small mistake that I make, instead, they will educate me in the gentle way. Unlike some parents who are strict to their kids, they will be very angry and said the hurting words, making the children feel sad. Being tolerant to other people’s mistakes is the best way to solve the problem.

  People will appreciate the kind act and make things goes on the easy way.


英语作文600字 篇10

  Today is Monday. I get up at 6:00. I have my breakfast at about 6:30.I have noodles for breakfast.Then I clean my room, wash my face and brush my teeth. I go to school at 7:00. I do morning exercises at 7:50.We have four classes in morning. At 11:30, I’m very hungry. I have lunch at school. I go to bed at 12:00 in the noon. We have three classes in the afternoon. I have computer class and art classes. I like them very much. I go home at 5:30. I do homework after school. My sister、brother and I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I go to bed at 10:00.

  今天是星期一。我6:00起床,大概6:30吃早餐,早餐我吃面条,然后打扫房间,洗脸和刷牙。7:00上学,7:50做早操,上午我们有四节课。 11时30分,我感到很饿,然后在学校吃午饭,中午12:00午休。下午我们有三节课,计算机课和艺术课,我非常喜欢它们。5:30回家,放学后我就做家庭作业。晚上8:00我和哥哥姐姐一起看电视,然后洗脸刷牙,10:00睡觉。










