

时间:2023-06-04 15:57:42 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文600字 篇1


  1. 目前有一些人喜欢在网上炫富

  2. 人们对这一现象的看法不一

  3. 我的看法

  Displaying Wealth Online

  Nowadays, it is not rare to see people displaying their wealth on the Internet. Some post pictures of luxury goods, such as brand clothes and bags, luxurious automobiles or jewelries. Some write about their experiences in which a lot of money is spent.

  People have different responses to this phenomenon. Some say that it is people’s right to share their possessions or experiences with others on the Internet, as long as the things are legal and the experiences real. However, some criticize that the rich people are too arrogant. What’s worse, there are also a few who are not actually rich but put fake photos only to satisfy their vanity.

  In my opinion, sharing is a good thing, and it is exactly the spirit of the Internet. But people should make careful choice on what they are sharing. After all, showing off is not very nice, not to mention faking.

英语作文600字 篇2

  Laba celebrated on the eighth day of the last lunar month, referring to the traditional start of celebrations for the Chinese New Year. La in Chinese means the 12th lunar month and ba means eight.

  Legends about the origin of th festivity abound. One holds that over 3,000 years ago sacrificial rites called La were held in the twelfth lunar month when people offered their preys to the gods of heaven and earth. The Chinese characters for prey and the twelfth month were interchangeable then, and ever since La has been used to refer to both.

  Since the festival was held on the eighth day of the Last month, people later appended the number eight (ba in Chinese), giving us the current Laba .

  The majority Han Chinese have long followed the tradition of eating Laba rice porridge on the Laba Festival. The date usually falls in mid-January.

英语作文600字 篇3

  Two years ago, I like to eat instant noodles very much, the instant noodles smell so delicious, because there are tasty flavor in it. When my mother was not at home, I would buy the instant noodles, as the time went by, I found my skin became bad and I would not like to eat rice. I felt so bad, my mother told me that I should not eat so much instant noodles, they contained no vitamins and also frustrated my appetite. I realized my problem and started to stay away from instant noodles, then my appetite became good and I wanted to eat rice again. Instant noodles are junk food, we’d better eat it less.


英语作文600字 篇4

  On the afternoon of November 18, we had the opening ceremony of the Fourth Dongzhou Middle School Sports Festival. Each class gave a wonderful performance. The next day, we had an exciting sports meeting. Many players were in it. All the others just watched them. Some were busy writing articles about it. The boys and girls 1500 metres races were the most exciting games. The relay races were exciting, too. Everyone cheered for the competitions. They did their best. When they scored for their own class, everyone was so excited that they jumped to their feet. The sports meeting didn’t end until four in the afternoon. We were tired but we were so happy.


英语作文600字 篇5

  I grew up in a small village。 I am the second child of the family, and my sister is the eldest。 Our house is on the main street of the village so I always saw a lot of people on the streets There were farmers, fishermen, and a few merchants in the village。 My sister and I used to play with the next-door children; their father is an elementary school teacher。 Sometimes when we played together in the house we made so much noise that my mother wanted us to play outside, so we went to the seashore to look for crabs and clams, and pretty seashells, too。 Also, we enjoyed running on the beach chasing each other。 On breezy days we used to enjoy flying kites on the beach。 When I look back on my early life in the village, I feel I had a happy childhood。

英语作文600字 篇6

  it is very uncomfortable to inhale the smoke of a cigarette smoker. i know this for a fact, since my father smokes a lot. when we are together in a a room, the smoke he ehales fills my lungs and also makes my eyes water.

  if possible, smoking in public should be banned altogether, because it is unfair for non-smokers to go through the ordeal of breathing smoke-filled air. so it is very inconsiderate of people to smoke in front of others. in airplanes, people who smoke are separated from passengers who don't. for the sake of everybody's health, i think this should be done in other public places too.



英语作文600字 篇7

  On December , 3, the day is the Winter Solstice, it is an important day in China, it becomes a tradition. More than 00years ago, Chinese people had detected this day by measuring the sun. What is special on the day? The answer is that the daytime lasts the shortest while the night lasts the longest of the year. It means the new round of the solar term, the Winter Solstice is the earliest.

  As an old tradition, people treat that day a grand day, they celebrate it. In the north, most people eat dumplings, while in the south, people have rice dumpling and boiled dumpling. Though people celebrate in a different way, they share the same happiness, family get together and have a big dinner. Winter Solstice gives family a chance to get reunion, the young come home to have a chat with parents and promote their communication.






中考英语作文范文 童年的记忆-英语作文06-20


中式英语 Chinese English-英语作文06-20


