

时间:2023-06-13 16:52:21 英语作文 我要投稿




保护环境英语作文 篇1

  Environmental problems are as big as not for individual country or individual people to address. In other word, we have reached the stage that environmental problems be solved for international view. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  In recent years, many nations have bee more aware of the environmental issues each nation faces, such as air and water pollution. The question is, are the environmental issues a national problem or an international problem? It is my belief that the environmental issues have grown to the point of being an international problem needing international cooperation to resolve.

  Because of the differences in environmental policies, resources and technology, international cooperation could provide quicker results and have a greater impact on bringing resolution to environmental problems for nations of differing environmental policies and of lesser resources and technology. By pooling international resources and technology to address the environmental problems, the disadvantaged nations are provided the assistance needed. Otherwise their environmental conditions deteriorate ultimately affecting the resources and environment of the world as a whole.

  One of the difficulities to an international resolution to environmental issues is the difference in individual nations view and policies toward environmental protection. In order for international cooperation to occur and succeed, the nations of the world must submit themselved to international standards and supervision by an international mission elected by the participating nations of the world. All members must agree to abide by the standards established.

  The environmental issues facing each country are not unrelated to the well being of the rest of the world. The impact is long term and international in scope. Without international cooperation and agreement to address such environmental issues as glacial melting at the South Pole, depletion of the ozone layer, water pollution, air polution, etc., the environmental conditions of the world will deteriorate to the detriment of every nation, not just those that ignore or lack the resources and technology to resolve their individual environmental problems.

  As part of the same planet, it is the responsibility of each individual and nation to protect the global environment. Only international cooperation will provide the timely solutions and the effectiveness needed to stop the deteriorating global environment.

保护环境英语作文 篇2

  1、We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, life on earth cannot survive.


  2、Protecting the environment is every man's responsibility.


  3、if everyone could make a big contribution to environmental protection, our home will become much more beautiful.


  4、Protecting the environment,everyone,s duty.


  5、The short life of the flowers away, leaving behind the beauty is forever.


  6、Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution.


  7、The protection of trees, that is, to protect themselves。


  8、In addition to the photos, nothing taken away; In addition to the footprints, nothing left.


  9、Have green trees, have the pulse of the earth.


  10、Earth is our home, you rely on green.


保护环境英语作文 篇3

  There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. the polluted air does great harm to people’s health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.

  To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot. Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution. Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.

  In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.




保护环境英语作文 篇4

  The environment is the cradle of creation. Students say: the environment is a necessary condition for our study. Each of us is the master of this campus and has the duty and responsibility to safeguard the campus environment.

  The quality of campus environment directly affects the work, study and life of teachers and students. Nowadays, on our campus, we still have the food packaging bags, scraps of paper, and beverage bottles scattered by our classmates. Every time the wind blows, the rubbish will dance on our campus, all of which is out of proportion to the green environment on our campus. "Campus is my home, cherish the people", believe no teacher, the classmate hope to learn in the environment that rubbish everywhere, life.

  So from now on, we should take good care of the campus environment and conscientiously maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of the campus. Develop good hygienic habits, and make the rubbish into bins and bagged garbage. Pick up scraps from the ground at any time, throw them into the trash, make sure the ground is clean, and remind and stop littering. Take good care of the campus public goods, not messy painting and so on.

  Teachers, students, we need to start with a little bit, self-discipline, check each other, do the "green guard" to protect campus sanitation, do civilized people! "Taking care of campus action" needs you, needs me, and needs our faculty and students to work together.

  At the same time we also need to strengthen the green education, and cultivate their environmental awareness and knowledge, to make our future no matter what happens, can have the environmental awareness, have basic knowledge of environment, will be the seeds of "green" has spread in China, in order to improve the cause of China's sustainable development of environment, continue to lay the foundation.

  Believe that in the near future, this can be realized!

保护环境英语作文 篇5

  Protecting the environment and taking care of the earth is something we all should do.

  Recently there are a lot of environment has been destroyed, around us there are many people in the destruction of the environment, cut down the trees, the birds were killed, flowers and plants have been burned, it is one thing for our warnings, the forests are disappear in every 375 square kilometers, the desert is evolving, flooded the countless individuals every beautiful homes, precious and there are ancient animals are killed, the panda has now been arrested, and so far only 1000 only, although there are a lot of people have built consciously protection station, but there are still some people for money by hook or by crook the killing of animals, birds no longer common, because being grabbed, trees less, because being cut, please protect them! If you go on like this, again, and the future of the animals we have learned in a book, according to people each with experts' observation, day and night, a protective layer in the sky, the ozone hole, is because of the large hole lead to global warming, and the year before become very hot in the summer, many people died in the heat.

  All this is because people open super sound emitted by aircraft emissions of waste gas and the car tail gas is left at the trial of toxic substances in the air into the results, if in so doing, the glaciers will melt, make the surface flat area, causing most of the land of the sea submerge.

  If you don't stop cutting trees, when the trees were cut down light, desert will evolve, without the tree represents no oxygen, and the air was full of carbon dioxide, make the person cannot breathe, cause a person to can't live.

  Please do not cut down trees, let the birds have a home, do not emit waste gas, let us live together in this beautiful earth!

保护环境英语作文 篇6




保护环境英语作文 篇7

  It’s our duty to save the environment.

  On June 5th, I will go to school by bike or on foot instead of taking the bus. And I will also ask my parents to ride bikes to work that day. At home, we will use energy-saving lamps and spend less time when we are taking a shower. Don’t throw away the used textbooks and leave them to the students of lower grades. At the same time, I will tell my parents to take bags when they go shopping. And I will turn off the lights before leaving the room.

  Lower carbon, happier life. Let’s take actions.

保护环境英语作文 篇8

  In the stream next to the road, there is a trash, in the trash next to, there are a lot of garbage: rotten apples, dead mice, Coke cans ... ...

  Roadside, people coming and going, bustling, withering. They are talking and laughing, some people eat snacks, the garbage to the direction of the trash to throw; some people through here, smell the stench, clutching his nose hurriedly left; there are people Mamalielie, his face exposed Hated look. But no one is going to clean up the rubbish.

  That day, Hasty and Showtime chest wearing a bright red scarf went to school. In the moment after the trash, they stopped, looked at the show, Showtime, said: "Hasty, we clean up the garbage!" Xinxin bent down, rolled up the sleeves, picked up the garbage into the Trash, they are not too dirty, even dead rats, dead cockroaches have not let go.

  After the garbage, the winter and winter from the bag out of the pen and paper, touched the back of the head, waved "brush" to write: "civilization - only one step!" And then paste the slogan to the trash Warned passers-by.

  I have heard such a story -

  In a Korean home, there is a handy paper was blown away by the wind. He chased him all fifteen minutes on the street and threw it into the trash. The reason is not because of their own to bring pollution to the earth.

  The earth gives the essence of the material, and in the end, it is from the people that the rebate is rubbish.

  Treat the earth is to treat yourself. Save the earth is to save the future. So we want to start from today, from their own to protect our Mother Earth.

  Protect the environment by everyone!










保护环境英语作文 篇9

  The ocean and we are a whole, first of all, the ocean itself has great handling of pollutants, dilution, diffusion, oxidation, reduction and degradation of purification ability. But the capacity is not unlimited, when toxic and harmful substances accepted by the local waters more than its own self-purification ability, it will cause pollution of the waters. In addition the ocean while contains many resources, but the regeneration of marine resources is the need of time, if the development of marine resources we uncontrolled and not pay attention to the protection of these resources, so there is always used in the light of day. So the protection of the marine is extremely important.

保护环境英语作文 篇10

  Taking care of our school and

  Taking care of our school and protecting our school environment! A clean and pleasant environment is very important, because it can make us healthy and happy.

  It’s our duty to protect our school environment. We should clean the school every day. And we shouldn’t drop trash here and there. We should pick it up when we see trash on the ground.

  We shouldn’t draw on the wall. If we all like our school the same as we like our homes, our school will be more beautiful. We will enjoy our study better. Let’s protect our school environment from now on, shall we?










