

时间:2023-07-02 15:23:20 英语作文 我要投稿




家庭英语作文 篇1

  Every family has a lot of housework. I think it's our duty to help our parents do some housework. i often help my parents wash the dishes, clean the room and make the bed. I think I've learned how to take care of myself and my family by doing housework. It can make me happy,too. And doing housework is also a kind of exercise.

  The summer holiday is coming. I'm going to do some shopping and water the flowers every week. I will learn how to cook delicious dishes,too. I think i'll have a busy and happy holiday.

家庭英语作文 篇2

  The table gives information about poverty rates among six types of household in Australia in the year 1999.

  It is noticeable that levels of poverty were higher for single people than for couples, and people with children were more likely to be poor than those without. Poverty rates were considerably lower among elderly people.

  Overall, 11% of Australians, or 1,837,000 people, were living in poverty in 1999. Aged people were the least likely to be poor, with poverty levels of 6% and 4% for single aged people and aged couples respectively.

  Just over one fifth of single parents were living in poverty, whereas only 12% of parents living with a partner were classed as poor. The same pattern can be seen for people with no children: while 19% of single people in this group were living below the poverty line, the figure for couples was much lower, at only 7%.(150 words, band 9)

家庭英语作文 篇3

  with the rapid development of the society, family life is becoming modernized. years ago, people considered owing radios, sewing machines, watches and bicycles as being modernized.

  but in recent years, almost all families have tv sets, refrigerators and washing machines. it is very common to see people ride motorcycles or even drive private cars and more and more families have telephones, computers and air-conditioners.

  the modernization of family life brings us convenience and comfort. one may enjoy tv or radio programs, communicate with his friends through telephone or work with his computer while his washing machine, refrigerator and air-conditioners are running. and by car or motorcycle one can quickly reach wherever he wants to go.

  in spite of this, these modern facilities also bring us disadvantages. for example, radiation from tv sets and computers is harmful to our health; improper driving of cars and motorcycles becomes the major cause of traffic accidents.

  the quietness of a family is often disturbed by a falsedialing or unwelcome phone call. but it is believed that these disadvantages will be disposed of with the improvement of modernization and our life will be more healthy and more comfortable.

家庭英语作文 篇4




家庭英语作文 篇5

  Family means so much for me, I have a big family, because my mother and my father have many brothers and sisters。 Living in the big family, I feel the love all the time, we care for each other。 Every week, my family will have a gathering, we will do some activities, so that we can keep in touch closely。


  It is important to keep in touch with the family members。 Since we are busy with our own business in usual, so if we don’t make the appointment, there is no way for us to meet。 My family members keep the tradition to have the gathering every weekend。 Sometimes we will have the big dinner, sometimes we will have the barbecue。 These activities help us to keep the close relationship。 We share our opinion, the parents are talking about their work stuff and the kids are playing happily。


  Family gathering is a good way to keep in touch with each other。 I enjoy the moment when all of us meet in a place。 Communication helps us to solve the problem of isolation。


家庭英语作文 篇6





  听写完毕,我看着画着好几个“o” 的本子,不由得又叹了口气:“唉!”




家庭英语作文 篇7

  Home education, or home schooling, is a phenomenon which is both old and now. It may seem to many like a strange idea, but years ago, it was the norm. George Washington and Abraham Lincoln both received their education at home. And there is a growing trend for children to be educated at home. An estimated two million American children, one source says, are taught in their own homes instead of going to regular schools. The number of support groups, magazines and other resources for home-schooling families is also on the rise. Being comparatively rare cases in China, home schooling is repeatedly reported as an attractive and promising alternative.

  Parents who decide to home-school are not without reasons. Many may worry about the quality of education at regular schools. They want to tailor the education of their children to their intelligence and aptitude. They prefer to choose the subjects on their own. They also think caring parents make the best teachers. Studies show that many home-schooled children really do very well.Proven benefits of home schooling are obvious. But educating kids at home may not be the right choice for all families. It may not be practical, and dose not constitute an important approach to children education.

  With computer aided education more and more available and effective, school education has advantages home education can never catch up with. No family has resources which is adequate for modern education. Parents, althoug they are most caring, cannot be competent and qualified as trained teachers. A most discouraging fact is that children taught at home and do not go out to schools will develop strange characteristics which will eventually hinder them when they go out to society. They are sure to lack ability and skills to cope with various intricate relationships which cannot not be acquired through home education environment. And they will end up as crippled.

  As the matter stands, home education is not so important as to deserve more merit than is already exaggerated.










