

时间:2023-07-07 17:29:33 英语作文 我要投稿




过年英语作文 篇1

  Today is February 13, 20xx, the last day of the lunar 20xx, and the day of the new year.

  Morning, grandma started making dinner. I saw a lot of good food in the kitchen and asked grandma, "how do we eat so much!" She smiled and said: "silly boy, we have the custom here, from the new year to the pig's head to tail cook, said completely; we must cook fish, that year after year!"

  When grandma was busy, Grandpa asked us go to the. We took the meat, sugar, paper, guns, lighters, wine and wine to my grandfather's grave, we put the incense, wax, papyrus the flames of war, Dad unitary gun on the graves of light artillery, crackling ringing, we pour out of paper. We do it together, send a blessing to the dead, and pray for the grandparents. In this way, we went to several graves.

  When the grave was over, we began to stick to the couplet. Let's do the antithetical couplet coated with glue, then a poetic couplet posted up, some say "Happy New Year seasons peace thousand good good year" looked at the red antithetical couplet, I smiled happily.

  Grandma told us after paste antithetical couplet, put the gun for dinner, we began to eat a festive dinner happily.

过年英语作文 篇2

  there are many traditional festivals in China,and i like Chinese Newyear very much.because during the Chinese newyear,we can get pocket money from our parents and relatives.we also can eat a lot of sweets,biscuits and oranges for the big day.

  before the Chinese new year,the family will went around the shopping centres there and buy clothes for each member of the family.

  on the eve of the Chinese eve,the family will do the cleaning of the house.we have to clean the house before the actual day as it was considered unlucky to clean the house on the day itself.

  on the eve of the Chinese new year,the family will have a reunion dinner.mother will cook special dishes for the family.it was the best home-cooked meal of the year.

  it is the most exciting fastival in my mind.

过年英语作文 篇3

  New Year's new weather, I go out, the fragrance of the earth with the spring breeze, melting ice and snow in the sun. Everywhere is a bright red, full of joy and happiness! Wearing new clothes, walking on the broad streets, almost all the shops on both sides of the closed, only a handful of high-profile, pieces of exquisite packaging goods piled up at the door, let a person see more dazzling. The streets are empty, clean and tidy, abandoned the noisy and noisy of the month of the month, the busy scene of the sea of people, ren ren stroll the spring. The cars, the cars, the happy people, and the big package of rich New Year goods, rush to the parents who are looking forward to their children's reunion, a harmonious happy year! To the narrow and deep alleyways, the pairs of spring couplets are full of joy and fun; The words "fu" are powerful and golden. Most of these are old age, which is the most joyous and lively in the year.

  In the evening, the family gathered around the table for a special meal of the year. Our New Year's eve dinner has a special flavor. What river set hard four dish, pork stew pickled vegetables, all sorts of time make small dish to fill the table. The family had a good drink and Shared affection. It was a blessing, a belly, and a warm heart. Red lanterns glow with a soft glow, so beautiful! On this beautiful reunion night, the thousands of beautiful lights, what a glorious sight! The other table was already set in the living room. Clean bright on the tea table, was a plate of dish of dried fruit, fruit, candy, accounts for the brave, TV host were put on a beautiful festival red, said the festival auspicious words, some serious any program also became a favorite anecdote of the lunar New Year with all joy bloom.

  It's twelve o 'clock. It's time for fireworks. We come to an empty place. My father took out a bottle of fireworks and saw that the flowers were like silver thread rising up into the clouds. In the dark blue night sky, a beautiful smiling face, like a spectacular meteor shower, like a scroll. I took out a bundle of hand flowers, with lighter approached slowly, after a few seconds, the top of the overflow of colorful flowers, I take a stick in the air, scribble, smoke, like a fairy's silver yarn. Next, a succession of different kinds of fireworks took off. Some like a flying caterpillar; Some are like umbrellas that people use on rainy days. Some are like rockets that go straight to the sky; Some are like blooming flowers... The silent night was suddenly filled with laughter and colours, turning into a large garden. The sound of the fireworks was deafening, and it was like a thunderous spring thunder, sometimes like the lightning of the night sky.

  In the end, we set off a thousand loud firecrackers and listened to the crackling sound, as if I could see that the future of our great motherland is even better.

过年英语作文 篇4

  The annual lunar month, usually around the beginning of spring, so people called it a day as the Spring Festival, commonly known as the lunar year. Spring has come, it means that spring will come, it means a new round of planting, which means we have to grow up a year old, which means that the earth recovery.

  Spring arrived, the rich family every household paste couplets, red lanterns hung up. People usually want to paste blessing, we must stick backwards, it referred to the blessing. Some people posted pictures on the wall; some ingenuity of man to cut the grilles ...... Spring Festival, the household must firecrackers, crackling sounds come and go, people began the old and welcome ...... legend, th a man of very Geely, one on the trees in depressed, not raw herbs; in one over on all things grow, flowers everywhere, in the end how to do th years off? How that can allow people to live a happy life? People use firecrackers away the years, because of fear of red, so that people live a happy life. Spring arrived, and th a happy and peaceful life, it a family reunion. Eat dumplings, north of the custom, we eat a reunion dinner, more intimate it! Southern custom to eat rice cakes, because they want to steadily re, let us work together to greet the new life! Spring arrived, men and women are dressed in new clothes, to give the younger elder red envelopes. Spring arrived, and every household to buy New Year, Spring Festival th festive atmosphere, not only filled with joy at home, and filled the streets, some in the lion dance, and some firecrackers, as well as in dancing ......

  Looking ahead, the city where brightly, it was the city, really crowded! Spring Festival, the new year about to begin!




过年英语作文 篇5

  大家好 !前一段日子因为过年过节贪玩,而且有一段时间身体不好生病了,都把要写日记的事儿忘到九霄云外去了!不好意思!哈哈!好了,步入正题:

  hello everyone! A few days ago, because of the Chinese New Year holiday, and a period of ill health, we forgot to write a diary! sorry! Ha-ha! Now, let's get to the point:


  Today is the seventh day of the year. I'm in the villa just built in Dongsheng! I have lived here for seven or eight days. Since new year's Eve, I haven't been back to Shiqi's house. Our house is going to be a "hospital". My mother was ill since the second day of the new year. Then I was ill. Now it's my brother's turn to be ill. Because it's very close to the hospital, our family voted to stay there at night, which surprised me that they all agreed to stay here for a period of time.


  In the morning, my father, mother and brother are all gone. I guess I took my brother with a high fever to the hospital. I went downstairs, a bowl of white porridge was waiting for me. My grandparents had finished eating and were chatting with my aunt.


  I took a sip of boiled water, sat listlessly on the chair, and finished a bowl of porridge. Go to the wine stand, pull a chair and watch TV. At this time, the aunt came over and said that she had nothing to do but to braid for me, so I ignored her.


  When I finished watching TV, my aunt also tied up. As soon as I looked in the mirror, on the spot, "I fainted, and my aunt helped me to tie two high braids, and made up a twist! I'm so angry! My aunt asked me to give some comments. I left her two words: naive! (at that time, I also felt very impolite.)


  What happened at noon is not interesting. I'll tell you something interesting.


  In the afternoon, my mother asked me to accompany her to see a doctor (she also coughed a little). After seeing the doctor, on the way home, I passed a large shopping mall. I asked my mother to stop and walk in to buy the snacks my brother and I loved. Later, my father and I went to one and one and bought my brother's favorite bread, ready to go back to have a "big food party" with my brother.


  Back home, ah, too depressed, aunt said brother can not live here. Ah, I can only divide the delicious food into half and let my brother take it back.


  I was the only one who was eating and watching TV. Although the table is full of snacks and bread, but there is no one to accompany, this delicious desire disappeared in an instant.


  This is what just happened. It's very late now. It's time for me to go to bed! Bye-bye!

过年英语作文 篇6

  When it comes to the Spring Festival, children must think of lucky money. Yes, relatives, 10 yuan, 20 yuan, 50 yuan all into the pocket. And the heart is as sweet as honey. At the same time, I was thinking about how to spend money... The smiling face is like a flower.

  Chinese New Year street can be festive, everywhere is play, drink, eat, do not want to spend money, but mouth, hand, heart is itchy.

  Today, I made an appointment with some friends to play in heyang square, but I found none of them. Just a couple of big sisters from here, I heard them say that this year's play in the century square! Ah, so far, we look to the left to see the unity of opinion to choose to understand the difficulty, we ask to play heart, without a word, running to century square. Wow, a lot of fun! We are all too busy to come here, we can't hold anything in our hands. From time to time the eye must look at this glance. This is we boarded the pirate ship, I chose a side position, think this will be very exciting. The ship began to shake, gradually higher and higher, shaking my head, and then I could not go any further!

  But even then, we can't resist our enthusiasm. Regardless of the end of the scolding, we swept century square from south to north and played all the games. ). Until I spend all my Money in my pocket. What a wonderful day! There was a smile on every face.

  It's time to go home. We promise to play next time.

过年英语作文 篇7

  During my school year, I finally looked forward to the winter vacation. During the winter vacation, I finally looked forward to the New Year. This time, it is definitely an extraordinary New Year.

  The age of thirty is the end of one year and the beginning of the year. This big year 30 has a very obvious defect -- the number of firecrackers is increased sharply, which makes many cities have reached the air pollution, so my family did not set off firecrackers.

  My New Year is very different from my father's. Father's New Year is very meaningful to my father, because there is no new clothes to wear and nothing to eat. And the New Year is what you want. My New Year's day as usual, almost New Year's day to wear new clothes, also can wear new clothes at ordinary times, this is because now the material life isn't as boring as before, I think I know enough, on New Year's day only know that playing a game. When my father was a child, I only cared about having new clothes and having good food, which is the difference and difference between my father and me.

  The meaning of the New Year is all kinds of, now the new material life everyone must cherish!

过年英语作文 篇8

  The New Year, every family hangs red lanterns and colorful with everyone hang money, each with a bright red couplets, that there's characters, dazzling gold, blessing to the people a happy New Year and yearning for a better life. The grown-ups were preparing dinner and talking happily, and the children were playing with new clothes, firecrackers, and chirping.

  Night, the streets were filled with red lanterns lit, hanging on both sides of the road the tree lights are lit, flash, red, blue, yellow, green, do you like in the fairy tale world. When you pass through the square, the red light of the big "spring" lamp makes you feel a bit warm in the cold night, as if in this festive atmosphere, spring is coming to you.

  As time goes on, firecrackers is more and more intensive, 11 o 'clock in the evening, reached its climax, the dark sky colorful with fireworks, the deafening noise coming from all directions, you can tell not clear which direction is the firecrackers, the air was filled with thick, suffocating sexual encounters, but all this and let you feel excited. For people, this may be the charm of Chinese New Year.

  Chinese New Year, the family gathered together, in the festival, the excitement we sent away the past year, is about to usher in the first day of the New Year, how happy it is!

过年英语作文 篇9


  Today, I'm going to talk about my new year's story last year.


  In the morning, the first thing is to say: "new year is here!" I quickly put on my clothes and came to the kitchen to eat dumplings. After eating the hot dumplings, we are ready to celebrate the New Year! My parents and I came to the street, as if it was rainbow Street with colorful waterfront, and we saw people from every household coming and going in the street.


  Time flies, day and moon shuttle, in the evening we all set off firecrackers under the building, we put it in the snow and ignite one by one, they "swish" up to the sky, beautiful!


  After setting off the firecrackers, everyone's stomach "cooed". We hurriedly came back to the city to have a reunion dinner. Together, we felt like a warm family. It was wonderful.


  As night fell, we soon went into the night. Mom, Dad, Grandpa and grandma were watching the Spring Festival Gala. By noon, the new year's bell rang, "Dong", "Dong" and "Dong" gradually passed


  Happy new year to all of you

过年英语作文 篇10

  Spring Festival is a traditional festival of Chinese nation, and it is also a custom festival in China. Every time, people will set off fireworks and firecrackers and paste couplets, which can be lively. People say the Spring Festival has a history, do you want to know? If you want to know, please look down!

  It is said that in the long, long ago, there was a devil want to kill people, take the world, people are intelligent, found the devil afraid of the red color, so they each set a day before he came to the devil, in this day, people will hang red lanterns, labeled red couplets, FangGong cannon. So December 30 was designated as the Spring Festival. This origin is only a legend, actually people hang those red lanterns, paste red couplets, firecracker, and so on to celebrate the Spring Festival.










