

时间:2023-08-22 16:00:14 英语作文 我要投稿




我的妈妈英语作文 篇1

  我有一个世界上最可爱的妈妈。I have the most lovely mother in the world.她有一头乌黑的.长发,她有两道浓黑的眉毛,像两个弯弯的月芽,还有一张小的嘴巴。She has long black hair, two thick black eyebrows, like two curved buds of the moon, and a small mouth.妈妈笑起来的时候嘴角往上翘。妈妈很勤劳,很善良。Mom's mouth cocked up when she laughed. Mother is very hard-working and kind.在母亲节里,我给妈妈送上一份厚礼,我深情地说:“妈妈,我爱你”!On Mother's day, I gave my mother a big gift. I said affectionately, "Mom, I love you"!

我的妈妈英语作文 篇2

  My mother is an English teacher and she likes listening to English radio and reading English newspaper. She always gets up early in the morning. She washes her face and has breakfast, then she hurriedly goes to school. She does morning exercises with her students. Next, she has one or two English lessons. In the afternoon, she helps some students with their English. Finally, she goes home at five o’clock. She marks the student’s homework at home and she always. tired everyday. I love my mother and I hope she can just relax at the weekend.

我的妈妈英语作文 篇3

  There is a person, she is like the sun in the family, forever care of my tree "seedlings", she is - my mother.

  Mother has a round face, inlaid with a pair of watery eyes. This pair of big eyes seem to speak, whenever I took Miyoshi student's certificate, my mother will reveal the joy of eyes, smiling at me, I read the mother's eyes said: do well, to continue to work hard. Whenever I do the subject careless, made a mistake, my mother frowned, her eyes seemed to say: what should be careful, every job is like a small test.

  Mother is particularly concerned about my study and life. I participated in the mental arithmetic, Go, etiquette and other games, my mother will support me, accompany me, encourage me. Win, she will say: "Do not be proud, not after the game will be smooth sailing." Lost, she would say: "Do not be happy, win or lose is commonplace, there are opportunities." Every time I was sick, my mother Particularly anxious, and quickly give me medicine, afraid of my illness more and more serious. Every summer, my mother will take me out to travel, increase my knowledge.

  This is my mother, I love my dear mother.

我的妈妈英语作文 篇4

  You want to ask me in this full of emotions of the world is a favorite person, I will not hesitate to tell you that it is my mother.

  My mother is medium, not fat is not thin, melon face, a pair of big eyes, bright and piercing, especially with that Fu Siwen glasses, looks particularly beautiful. Moreover, this pair of beautiful eyes of God it also has a special "function", that is able to see through my mind and emotions. Mother's love is always so warm, boundless, everywhere.

  In life, my mother took care of my basic necessities in every possible way.

  In the study, my mother is my mentor. Every day, my mother to help me check the homework, counseling my study, encounter problems, she will do with me, together to discuss. Every rest day, my mother took me to interest classes, rain or shine. For I can learn the number of Austrian, my mother like a primary school students, and I attend lectures, class she heard so seriously, remember so detailed, all this is to be better counseling me to learn. Sometimes my number of questions will not do, my mother always give me a serious explanation to me.

  Even in the game, my mother is my good partner. We often play badminton together, under the backgammon, play online games.

  I know that maternal love is great, like a soft spring breeze blowing over my heart, like a beacon illuminates my way forward. I love my mom.

我的妈妈英语作文 篇5

  My mother tall body, not fat is not thin, his forehead with a few silk shallow wrinkles, his face often hanging smile.

  Mother was kind, she taught me from an early age to be honest, treat people to be generous, from childhood to cultivate my good character.

  I remember something I always forget. It was a hot afternoon, the sun was like a big fireball baked the earth. I do in the room, kept fan fan, but sweat or kept rolling down. I said to my mother: "Mom! The weather is too hot, hot to death! I want to eat popsicles." Mom said: "Go, I take you to buy some popsicles." Then they picked up the wallet.

  To the place to buy popsicles, I picked the popsicles, my mother from the wallet took out a 50 yuan of the whole vote handed to buy popsicles uncle, uncle looking for money, my mother and then rushed home.

  Home, my mother to find a few numbers back, said to himself: "Huh ye not right, a total of 7 dollars, how to get back 45 yuan?" I heard, happy to say: "great My mother stared at me, angrily said: "more looking for 2 yuan, we should be sent back, can not covet the money, Those small cheap! Besides, people selling popsicles is not easy! "Then, my mother braved the burning sun, the 3 yuan to the people sent to the.

  Sleep at night, I can not sleep in bed, think of things during the day, suddenly understand that a person from the bit by bit to start things, not because of the little bit in front of cheap, to make some sorry things. This thing has a great education for me, I love my mother, I admire her heart.










