

时间:2023-09-14 12:53:36 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文600字 篇1

  When I opened the TV last night, I heard a beautiful song, it is called “If I die young”, the song sounds so comfortable, it is so hard for me to imagine the title, the song tells people the author’s opinion about if she had died young, she would bury herself in the rose bed, how nice it is. It lets me think of future, if I know myself would die young, I would have chosen to live a better life and cherish every moment I have now. People live in the busy life, they don’t have much time to enjoy the life, the song reminds people of enjoying the life and learning to do what they want to do.当我昨晚打开电视的时候,我听到了一首美丽的歌曲,歌曲叫做“如果我英年早逝”,这首歌听起来是那么的`舒服,对于我来说,很难想象到这首歌的题目,这首歌告诉人们作者对于如果她英年早逝的看法,她会把她自己埋葬在玫瑰床上,这是多么美好的做法啊。这让想到了将来,如果我知道自己会英年早逝,我会选择生活得更好,珍惜自己所拥有的每一刻。人们过着忙碌的生活,他们没有很多的时间来享受生活,这首歌提醒人们享受生活和学着去做自己想做的。

英语作文600字 篇2

  There’s no doubt that my mother gives all her love to me. I do believe she is a great person who makes my life beautiful and meaningful.

  She is an easygoing and kind woman with bright eyes and a lovely smile. Although she is often busy, I still feel that I am taken good care of by her. It’s a great pleasure to chat with her when I get into troubles. She always encourages me not to give up and tries to cheer me up by coming up with good solutions. In addition, I am fascinated by her cooking and writing.

  With her love, I feel like a fish swimming happily in a beautiful sea. I’ll cherish her love forever.




英语作文600字 篇3




  Due to the fact that the mental state, we have to keep a balance between the physical and the mental.

  这句话中,due to the fact that后面需要接一个句子,而上句中只是一个名词性短语,所以错误。另外,between...and...需要连接两个名词短语,上句中形容词physical和mental后缺少名词性成分。改正为Due to the fact that the mental state plays a significant role, we have to keep a balance between the physical well-being and the mental health.





英语作文600字 篇4

  Today's weather is sunny, cloudless blue sky. In the afternoon we will hold the opening ceremony of the annual spring games.

  The opening ceremony began in the afternoon. The first step was the four sister of the flag bearer who took the bright five star red flag and walked into the meeting with a strong pace. Followed by each team, a team, bunting team, garland flower drum team. Then from the beginning of the first grade class, the class of the team in order to walk into the room. We are also anxious to wait for the game.

  Finally it's our turn. "Two years and four classes, fighting bravely, working together, fighting for the first." With a loud slogan, we walked through the platform with a neat step.

  We also see some wonderful performances, a drum, Lara gymnastics, Tai chi.

  Each team in order to leave the venue after the opening ceremony. Tomorrow, our athletes will be here to fight first, and we will shout and cheer for them.

英语作文600字 篇5


  第一天去上课,我跟着妈妈忐忑不安地推开教室门,哟,已经有7个“小豆丁”端端正正地坐在那儿了,看样子是、三、四年级的,7、8岁的小孩居多,唯有一个和我差不多大,升五年级的。我傻了眼,呆呆地站在那。妈妈推了我一把,让我坐在第一个桌子旁,等着老师来。没过几分钟,一个二十几岁模样的大学生走了进来,她披着一头微卷的金发,长着一张漂亮的鹅蛋脸,水灵灵的眼睛让人看得入了迷,红红的樱桃小嘴分外惹人眼红。大家发出了一声“哇”,老师笑了笑,用清脆的声音说:“同学们好,我是教你们音标的'老师,你们可以叫我‘Sherry’老师。现在,我来为你们起英文名。”她走到我身边,问道:“你叫什么名字?有英文名吗?”“我叫胡磊,没英文名。”我 望着她,轻轻地说。“那就叫你‘Mandy’吧!”老师笑眯眯地说。“好!”我异常高兴。老师一圈走下来,大家都有了好听的名字:Jiji、John、Sandy、Jack……教室里是一片欢呼声,老师拍了拍手,开始教我们音标,她告诉我们音标有48个,分为元音和辅音,元音又分为单元音和双元音,辅音则分为清辅音和浊辅音。她给我们讲了5个元音字母相对应的元音音标,并告诉我们这几个音标的口型。大家听得仔仔细细地,连最小的孩子也不曾开小差。说完这些,老师又带我们玩起了“拍气球读音标”、“魔法手指”、“憋气”。同学们玩得不亦乐乎,个个脸上露出了灿烂的笑容……


英语作文600字 篇6

  I often imagine what my life will be like in the future.I think my life will be very different in ten years.I will be twenty-eight years old by then.

  I will have my own family,probably with a lovely child.I hope I’ll work in a computer company as a program designer.

  Ill enjoy my work and get along well with my colleagues.I’ll do a good job in whatever I do.In my free time,I’ll continue to take regular exercise,such as swimming,running and various ball games.

  On my holidays,Ill travel around the world.In a word,my life will be much richer and more colorful.





英语作文600字 篇7

  The Oriental Greenboat is a very big place. Last Friday, it was a sunny day. We went to The Oriental Greenboat.The Oriental Greenboat is also an interesting place. There are Children’s World and Interesting Bridge.

  Children can sit under the tree to have a rest or go to play with their friends and their parents.Children also can stand on the interesting bridge, but some children don’t like it. Because of the bridge was on the lake! It’s dangerous. It’s easier to fall in the lake.There is even an International safeguards In The Oriental Greenboat.

  There are lots of aero planes in it. Some are small , and some are big. And there is a lot of space for us to admire.We all had a wonderful time there! What a nice spring trip!

英语作文600字 篇8

  It was a day of old and new, full of buzz, the smell of fish and bacon, the air of snow, and the snow that seemed to be a delicacy.

  The red and red spring couplets were put up, and the festive lanterns were hung up, and the firecrackers of the fire rose. New Year! Here you are!

  In the evening, the whole family is happy to eat rice, have eaten the reunion dinner and then eat the fragrant top of the dumpling, everyone turn on the TV to watch "Spring Festival party" in unawares, "dangdang dang dang... The clock struck the zero, and the New Year began. The crackle of "crackling", like the sound of farewell, the whirling, shimmering, sparkling fireworks, like the flowers of the New Year! We cheered together to wish the New Year good. The fireworks were ringing and the flowers were open. Oh, the flower of happiness opens in the sky, opens in the ground, also opens in people's heart...

英语作文600字 篇9

  After graduation, is it parting or farewell?

  Last year today, we looked at the students who were graduating from junior high school with a kind of envious look. When we were about to leave, they were reluctant to part.

  Before graduation, these days seemed like quicksand. They seemed to be long, but they were always passing away. They wanted to keep them, but their limited time slipped away.

  Some memories, we have not forgotten, but because the years have forgotten! Some stories do not mention or we can not remember. Until one day, looking up and looking up, we find that we have lost too many days together. That life is not coming again.

  One day, we will leave, maybe later, because of the time, we can not accompany who? But if one day, I think of you, the memory of the memory in my mind; some are disappointed and some are happy. If one day we met in the street, it was a surprise to us, so I firmly believe that we all meet again.










