

时间:2023-09-29 11:40:59 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文400字 篇1

  no. 1 middle school

  march 5, 1997

dear editor,

  our school lies at the foot of a mountain with a small river passing by. it used to look like a beautiful garden. there used to be green trees and all kinds of flowers in our school yard all year round.

  but great changes have taken place since a chemical works was built near our school two years ago. it produces poisonous gases and pours a large amount of waste water into the river. the terrible pollution has done great harm to us students and teachers as well as to the surroundings.

  its time for us to take steps to protect our surroundings and prevent them from being polluted.

  yours ever,

  wang hong

英语作文400字 篇2


  他上课严肃,一丝不苟,回答同学问题时他耐心讲解。九月二日那天,当英语老师踏进门的那一刻,同学们个个坐好闭住了刚才还滔滔不绝的嘴。英语老师做了简单的自我介绍,就开始上课了。他一开口就把我给震住了,他说的真标准,一点也不逊色于外国人。由于老师教的太快了,我听得似懂非懂,其他同学也半懂半不懂。这一节课就这样稀里糊涂的上完了。我们的老师也很自恋。有一次他说:”你们用英文说我最喜欢的老师是英语老师。“我们就齐声说道:”My favorate teacher is my English teacher!“他笑开了花,说:”我知道你们最喜欢我!“怎样?我们的英语老师有意思吗?其实我们也真的很喜欢他!

英语作文400字 篇3

  As English is widely used today, we learn English since primary school.


  Some students still ask why they should learn English, we learn English because there are some benefits.


  First, we can know more about a foreign language, we can talk to foreigners.


  Second, we can pass the exam and our mother will be every happy, we are not falling behind with others.


  English is so useful.


英语作文400字 篇4








  我们的英语老师长的中等个,一头乌黑色的烫发,平常最爱穿黑色的.衣服。老师进了我们班教室,就开始讲课,讲的是M1~M10的综合测试。英语老师在上课的时候,经常喜欢提问,我们这些所谓的“差”生。第一个提问的是我们班的倒数第三,老师问他:你最喜欢的食物是什么?他回答道“my fourite foo dispanda。(我最喜欢的食物是熊猫)哈哈哈哈,全班爆发出雷一般的笑声。之后老师又问了我前面的一个同学:你最喜欢的动物是什么?他说最喜欢woif(狼)老师问为什么?他说因为喜欢吃肉!哈哈哈哈,全班又爆发出雷一般的笑声。最后问我我说我喜欢tige老师问为啥,我说因为喜欢tige eat woif。哈哈哈哈,全班再次爆发出雷一般的笑声。其实是因为我烦我前面的同学!



英语作文400字 篇5

  everyone has many teachers during the school time. but there is one which is best among them always staying with you. that is interest.

  in terest can be a very good teacher. it guides you to d is cover things you are interested in and explore the mysteries of some amazing thing. when your teacher asks you to learn something, you are forced to, not active. but if you are interested in something, you will be glad to study it.

  you will search the in ternet to find information or ask someone who knows something

英语作文400字 篇6

  Li Hua's parents worked on the farm, but now they found a job in the city. Li Hua had to go to school in the city. He studies in Xinhua High School now. At school he had some trouble in studying at first. However, he was lucky enough. With the help of the teachers and the students, he made great progress with his studies. Now he loves his teachers and classmates. He also loves his new school. He has a good time in the city.


英语作文400字 篇7

  all large cities around the world have many post offices located throughout the city, and even the smallest village has at least one postal station. you may go to a post office to mail a letter. however, there are mail boes located on every second or third corner in all cities and towns.

  any letter or small package having sufficient postage may be dropped in any of these mail boes. if a person wishes a letter to be delivered more quickly to the address, he may buy a special delivery stamp and delivery is made directly by the messenger instead of by the regular carrier.

英语作文400字 篇8

  It‘s all about always believing , I‘ve seen the bad side of life of life and I survived 。 Now , I plan to enjoy the good side , And I don‘t plan to look back 。 My past has taught me a lot , and I‘m not ashamed of it , it taught me how important it is to believe in yourself even if others turn their back on you 。 It wasn‘t easy waking up in a cell , But it wounld‘ve been easier to quit。 I didn‘t do that 。 Ifought throught the hard times !











