

时间:2023-10-05 16:17:53 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文600字 篇1

  Hello, everyone! Good afternoon! I’m Polly. I’m a girl. I’m six years old. I like yellow very much. I can run. I can jump. I can do lots of things. I go to school on foot. I eat vegetables and fruit every day. I want to eat rice and meat. They are good for me. My favorite food is apples. It’s sweet. Yummy, yummy! I like it very much.

  They are three people in my family. My mommy is young. She is beautiful. She is a Accountant. My daddy is tall. He is handsome. He is a worker. I love them. They love me,too. I love my family.

  My hobby is drawing and dancing. Sometimes, I will dance to my daddy and mommy. Sometimes, I will draw some pictures as gifts to my friends.

  Do you like me? I hope you will be my good friends. Now! Let me say a chant for you.

  I hope you enjoyed my speech.That’s all. Thank you! Bye-Bye!

英语作文600字 篇2




  请你用Shpping Online为题写一篇,说说你的.看法:人们为什么喜欢网上购物,网上购物有哪些优点和缺点。 (80词左右。)

  Shpping Online

  Tda, peple are bus with their wr and stud and have little tie t g shpping.

  S shpping nline has bece an iprtant part in their lives. It is cnvenient and we can save uch tie. Besides, with all the traffic prbles in cities, ging shpping is nt an eas thing. ust sit at a cputer, clic and chse, u can find all inds f different things nline. u can als cpare with the prices. S u can bu sething u lie but nt expensive.

  Hwever, shpping nline can bring u se truble. Seties, u will find that the things u get are different fr thse u can see nline. And, the qualit f the things are nt s gd. Even, u will be cheated b thers.

  S we shuld be careful t shp nline.

英语作文600字 篇3

  My name is Wang Xiaotong. I'm eight years old this year. I am a lively and cheerful little boy. I'm not tall, long thin, mother often get angry because I don't eat well, she often said I thin like a little small shrimp. The barber uncle cut a "watermelon taro" for my hair, neat bangs, hair is a bit long, often be mistaken for a girl, I am a cool boy, my mother said it's because I look very delicate will be regarded as the girl.

  I love painting, I will be very happy with a beautiful picture riotous with colour painting. My wish is to grow up to be a big detective, because the big detective can find out a lot of twists and miraculous cases. I like watching animated cartoons, I often learn many things in it, but I often forget to learn because I watch cartoons. At this time, my mother will be very angry.

  This is me, a boy who loves to imagine, to move, and to play.

英语作文600字 篇4

  when i was young,the body is not good at all,often catch a cold.then i listen to my grandma said:'' exercise can make people healthy.''

  so i began to practice badminton,i practiced for several years,i in those years practice almost a cold,sick,no small trouble.i remember once,my mother and i play.the start of the match,a mother of a fly ball,let me be taken by surprise,the first round is completed,i temporarily behind.second i adjust the good mentality,the mother's weakness,defeated the mother.

  after the game,i came back home the sequence of events listen to my father,her father laughed and said:'transport functions bring health and happiness,you know,you can grow up.sports can bring people happiness and health.please come here to participate in the movement!

英语作文600字 篇5

  In the future, maybe we’ll be an actor、a doctor、a singer or anther else. So we’ll be able to make a living doing something we love. We’ll live in busy and beautiful city such as Shanghai Beijing and Hangzhou. And I’ll live in Shanghai. Because I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it.

  Probably we’ll live in an apartment or a building with our parents.If we like pets, we’ll have many different pets, such as rabbits, parrots and dogs. Pets need a lot of love. So we’ll spend a lot of some time with them.

  Maybe we’ll travel all over the world. Especially at English-speaking countries such as the United States and Australia, so we’ll be able to improve our English. Predicting the future can be different. But I believe our dream will come true.

  Trust self! Where there is a will there is a way!

英语作文600字 篇6


  下午两点半,我们来到了阶梯教室,呀!好像在开盛大的party一样!首先映入眼帘的是舞台上大大的红条幅“热烈庆祝玉沙小学第十一届英语才艺竞赛”, 舞台的两旁还挂着许多粉红的`大气球,仿佛是天使的光环,绚丽多彩的灯光把整个教室照得通亮。同学们也个个神采奕奕,激动的不得了!有的手上拿着啦啦棒,使劲地挥着。有的拿着手掌拍,不停地拍着,还有的手上拿着鲜花-----



  最激动人心的时刻到了,主持人宣读着比赛结果,虽然我们班只得了三等奖,但这次的竞赛既开心又让我们增长了不少知识,更让我们感受到这次比赛的意义“Happy English,Happy life,Don’t be shy,I’m the best!"

英语作文600字 篇7

  Washington D.C.

  washington, district of columbia became the capital of the united states in 1800.

  government is washingtons main business. here congress meets to make laws. here the highest court in the country convenes -- the supreme court. one of every three people in washington works for the us government.theres plenty of work to be done, tool here in washington are the busy "main offices" of many government departments like the post office and the treasury.

  the library of congress is one of the worlds largest libraries. in the national archives building, important documents are kept. you can have the thrill of seeing the original declaration of independence!

  washington is one of the loveliest capitals in the world.its a city of wide avenues (one named for every state), green parks, white marble buildings and impressive monuments like

  the jefferson and lincoln memorials.

  do you want to come and pay a visit?

英语作文600字 篇8

  My name is Li Xing, a boy in fourteen years old。 I come from Dalian, Liaoning Province, which is a beautiful and energetic city。 Every year, thousands of tourists visit there。 There are three people in my family, my parents and I。 My parents are doctors who work in a big hospital in my city。 I have many interests。 Swimming, reading and movie are my favorites, which bring color to my busy study life。 In study, I am good at Chinese and English, while math is my weakness。 I work very hard to improve it, but it doesn’t work very well。 Besides, I am easygoing and likely to make friends with others。 Friendship is an important part of my life。












