

时间:2023-11-02 08:16:57 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文400字 篇1


  两个万圣节的传统游戏更是让我们感受到了这个西方节日的趣味。Trick or Treat“不给糖吃就捣乱”:我们两人一组去敲“主人”家的门,嘴里说着“Trick or Treat”,“主人”热情地边说“You are welcome”边从南瓜帽中掏出几颗糖果给我们吃。

  另一个叫作Apple bobbing“咬苹果”,游戏的规则是要咬到苹果但不能用手帮忙。工作人员用筷子插在苹果中间,再悬挂在绳子上。同学们五个一组,分别站着去咬苹果,一个个伸直脖子涨红了脸。我也跃跃欲试,终于轮到我啦,随着老师的口令“one、two、three,go!”我使劲向挂在面前的苹果咬去,嘴巴刚碰到苹果,苹果就滑开了。我不服气地继续去咬,可苹果却不停地溜走,我无奈地挠挠脸,还没想到办法游戏就结束了。


英语作文400字 篇2

  I'm a tall and lively boy. I like playing basketball very much because it's interesting. I like NBA, too. There are many famous stars in it. Such as Alan, Iveson, Tim, Donken, Jordan, Kobe, O'Neal and so on.

  Yao Ming is in the NBA, too. He's Chinese. He plays basketball well. He's a center forward. He's our pride. All the ball stars can jump, shoot and pour in the basket. So each game of the NBA is wonderful. Sometimes the players can perform miracles, I think.

  This year's champion is Spur Team. It's one of the strongest contenders.

  I like NBA. I love basketball.

英语作文400字 篇3

  Believe it or not, I was once a babysitter for a day.

  That was a day in July. I went to see my grandma. My aunt was busy working while my grandma had to cook. So I decided to look after my cousin.

  My little cousin was only 3 years old and she was very cute. In the morning I fed her some food. In the afternoon I told her some stories and then we played together.

  In the evening when I got home, I felt tired but I was happy.






英语作文400字 篇4

  I’m in Class 3, Grade 5, my classroom is very big and bright.

  There are 51 desks and 50 chairs in my class. But I think they are not very comfortable, they should be soft.

  The students in my classroom are very talented. Some of them can play the piano, some of them can sing. Some of them can play soccer, some of them can play tabletennis. I think some students are very obnoxious, I’m obnoxious too! I can’t do my homework carefully. My teacher said that I didn’t do my homework very carefully, I might be sorry when I grow up.

  My teachers are very patient. If we make lots of mistakes, they’ll teach us again.

  We like our classroom very much, because we grow up here.

英语作文400字 篇5

  My name . I am from . There are people in my family. My father works in a computer company. He a computer engineer. My mother works in a international trade company. She also a busy woman. I have a older ster and a younger brother. My ster a junior in National Taiwan University. She majors in Englh. My brother an elementary school student. He 8 years old.

  Because of my father, I love surfing the Internet very much. I play the on-line game for about 2 hours every day. I wh I could be a computer program designer in the future. And that why I am applying for the electronics program in your school.

英语作文400字 篇6






  Dear Ella,

  I am writing to make an apology to you for I lost your book that you lent me. I am terribly sorry for my fault,It wasn't my intention to lost it somewhere.

  To make up for my mistake,I would like to buy another one as a token of my apology.If everything else fails,I will sent you money on books by express as soon as possible. Would you tell me which way that you think is doable?

  Again,I deeply apologize for the problems my actions caused.I look forward to hearing from you.

  Yours sincerely,

  Wang Yu

英语作文400字 篇7

  A monkeys life cycle is basically how it reproduces.This is not real statistics.a female monkey becomes sexually mature at 6 yrs of age and a male at 5.Now explaining it like thta shows the cycle of how the monkey reproduces,creating a life cycle.

  Highlights of the series include the birth of woolly monkey Julio who,immediately after being born,was rejected by his mother; the rescue of Bryan – a chimp who was found on a beach in Mexico where he was being groomed to work as a photographer’s prop; the birth of Dinda – the latest orangutan baby to join the Park; and the rescue of Koko,who is otherwise affectionately known as one of the ‘Ugly Monkeys’.

英语作文400字 篇8

  A book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, whose writer Amy Chua is a Chinese American and professor in Yale University, was published in 20xx. In it, the writer described how she brought up her tow daughters in traditional Chinese ways. The publication of the book caused heated discussion about which educational method is better---the Chinese one or the American one. The Chinese version of the book began to be sold in China at the beginning of 20xx. Although the majority of Chinese mothers disapproved of what the writer did, the latest news revealed that the 17-year-old elder daughter was already admitted to Harvard University and Yale University respectively.

英语作文400字 篇9

  我喜欢学习 I Like Study

  My teachers and some elderly people often praise me. They always say that I must have a bright future, because I like study very much. I really like study. The knowledge from the book attracts me so much. Every time I search the knowledge there, I feel very satisfied, excited and powerful. I like exploiting all knowledge. I don t need anyone to push me to study. I just like it.











