

时间:2023-11-05 14:17:14 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文400字 篇1

  On the eve of the New Year, our family enjoyed a sumptuous feast of reunion dinner.

  Dad smiled and said to me: "don't put on AIRS empty have words said:" I went on to say: "first of all, I wish my grandma healthy, mom and dad healthy body, the work is smooth, everything goes well, my mother said to me: a year older again, as long as you study progress, healthy body don't let we worry about can, I loudly say" I know, "they laughed.

  New Year's day is the happiest day, and there are also play, drink, eat, happy, but the most happy of course is less but our children's advantage is to accept xi xi.

英语作文400字 篇2

  Today is planting day.Our class have a meaningful activity.All of our classmates go to plant flowers outside the school gate.We got the flower seeding from others.We first cleaned the weeds and then dug small pits.After we put the seeds in the pits,we watering them.Because of this activity,we realize that working is tired but happy.We decided to take care these flower seeds regularly.And we hope we can see the beautiful flowers quickly.


英语作文400字 篇3

  No matter what you do, you need keep attentive. This summary comes from the thing toady I experienced.

  I had a long plan for going to city of H, moreover, I had told my friend that I would get there on November 11th. What a pity! I read the time wrong. As a result, all my plan was disrupted in a minitue. Not only myself but also my friend were disappointed.

  From the experince above I learn that we cannot miss any details, otherwise you will taste the bitter. There is the classical saying "Details determine success or failure".It is absolutely true. Keep in mind, be attentive, always and ever.

英语作文400字 篇4

  消费者协会 consumer’s association

  消费者购买力 consumer purchasing power

  新兴市场 emerging market

  抑制消费 control / inhibit consumption

  无形资产 intangible assets

  有形资产 tangible assets

  市场占有率 market share

  严重违约 grave breach of contract

  泡沫经济 bubble economy

  品牌效应 brand effect

  企业重组 reshuffle of enterprises

  贸易壁垒 trade barrier

  人才流失 brain drain

  清理“三角债” break up the debt chain

  企业文化 corporate culture

  商业炒作 commercial speculation

  扩大内需,刺激消费 expand domestic demand and consumption

  拉动经济增长 fuel economic growth

  连锁反应 chain reaction / domino effect

  竞争优势 competitive edge

英语作文400字 篇5

  The spring Festival is coming soon! The festivel is considereded the most important one for Chinese people. It is on the first day of lunar year. It is also the day of reunion among family members. During these days, people would say "happy new year! or wish you make fortune!

  to each other. They would also visit their relatives and friends. Children would be given "red packets". Children would have more to eat and play than usual.Playing firecrackers is also a popular game for children.










