

时间:2023-11-26 09:51:18 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文600字 篇1

  Mary在学校参加了一个Buddy Club, 从那以后,她改变了很多。请你结合下面所给的提示,写一篇英语短文。

  要求: 1. 覆盖要点,可以合理增加细节;

  2. 80词左右,开头已经给出,不计入总词数。


  Joining a club sometimes changes a person greatly.

  Mary used to be a shy and quiet girl. She used to get nervous easily and her face often turned red when she spoke with strangers. She liked nothing but reading alone in her free time. However, she has changed a lot since she joined the Buddy Club. Now, Mary is so brave and outgoing that she isn’t afraid of speaking out in

  public anymore. What’s more, she has lots of hobbies, such as singing, writing and dancing. She is good at them as well.

  People sure change all the time, right? What we should do is to learn from Mary. Change ourselves and choose to be the best of ourselves.

英语作文600字 篇2

  Traffic safety

  With the development of the modern technology,private car is no longer a luxurious thing for ordinary people,more and more people drive to work instead of going by bus. The popularization of private car has many advantages.First, it is very convenient and time-saving ,you can drive your own car to the workplace instead of waiting for the crowded bus and afraid of being late for working.Second,it can also improve the traffic structure,and help to mitigate the stress of the traffic.Third, the popularization of private car can help to promote the car industry and any other interrelated industries. I believe that in the future the private car will become the most important vehicle and we cann't live without it.

英语作文600字 篇3


  1. 乒乓球是中国的国球。乒乓球运动在中国开展得非常广泛,不管是老人还是孩子,几乎人人会打乒乓球。

  2. 在中国,乒乓球台案非常普及。不管是在公园、广场,还是在工作单位,随处都摆放着乒乓球台案。

  3. 中国乒乓球运动员的技术非常高。自1959年容国团在第25届世界乒乓球锦标赛上取得世界冠军后,中国产生过无数的乒乓球世界冠军。

  Dear Peter,

  I’m very glad to know that you are a table tennis fan. So am I. Table tennis is the national ball of China. Almost everyone in China, whether old or young, can play it. The tables for playing it can be seen here and there, in parks, squares and in many working places, even at some people’s homes.The Chinese table tennis players have very excellent skills. Since 1959 when a man named Rong Guotuan won the first world champion at the 25th World Table Tennis

  Championship, China has had many table tennis world champions, and the Chinese people are very proud of them.Hope one day you will come to China, and we can play a game together.Best regards.

  Yours, Li Hua

英语作文600字 篇4

  As I am in primary school now, I have class from Monday to Friday, so I am busy with my study, I don’t have much time to play. My life after class is enriched, one the one hand, I need to finish my homework, this is the first thing I need to do, only when I finish my homework, will I go to play with my friends happily. On the other hand, I will ask my friends to go out for fun or I just stay at my bedroom to play computer games. I am so satisfied with myself, because I study hard and play hard. As a student, I need to study, at the same time, I also need to enjoy my childhood.


英语作文600字 篇5

  Ocean Park is very exciting and fun. The cable car is very good, when you look out the window, you will see very beautiful scenery, but one thing I don’t like is we need to wait 45 minutes. If you want to go quickly, you can take the ocean train, just like the subway. It’s very fast.

  When you go up, ther are many rides, like a roller coaster, water ride and many things to do. I want to cry when my mom and I get on the roller coaster. I yelled, because the roller coaster is so exciting. I don’t want to ride it again, so I go to the ocean museum, and the polar bear place. The last thing is very good, it’s a waterride. We are very bored when we were in the middle. Suddenly, the water is pushing the boat. “Ahhhh!” I’m shouting, I’m very excited, the water is very fast, then the boat goes down. “Wow!” My mom yelled, and the ride is over. Our shirts are all wet, and the sky is almost dark, so we leave the park, and go back to Kowloon Hotel.

  What a fun day!

英语作文600字 篇6

  Today is Friday. It is my thirteenth birthday. I got up very early in the morning and put on my new clothes happily. My parents bought me the new clothes as my birthday presents. I went to school earlier than before. I invited many of my classmates to come to my birthday party in the evening.Evening came at last. Many of my classmate came to my home. they bought me lots of beautiful presents. they all said,"Happy birthday to you!" We sang birthday songs happily.then my parents brought out a big birthday cake, saying, "We love you for ever. Happy birthday!"

  At the end of the party, we ate the birthday cake and some other delicious food. How happy I was!




英语作文600字 篇7

Dear Editor,

  I'd like to tell you some of my problems with my parents in daily life. My parents tend to all decisions for me. But I feel so troublesome that I hope they can stop. Everyday my parents are around to help me do everything I can do by myself. When I am going to walk to school, they come up and help me pick the books to my bag. When I get home after school, they come up to take my schoolbag and push me to the bathroom. Their behavior makes me feel so bad! If my parents continue to do so, I will never grow up and become a person who likes to rely on others.

  And my feeling will be worse and worse as the feeling of freedom get lost. Finally, I will become a completely bad and dependent man. My parents will feel sad and tired, too. I think there's no need for parents to do everything for their kids. If the parents want their kids to be independent, they shouldn't always keep eyes on the kid's own things.

英语作文600字 篇8







英语作文600字 篇9

  In this semester, I made a new good friends, and he was called high beautiful Lin.

  High beauty Lin is a very kind heart.

  Remember once, high beauty elim saw a beggar, then give her her mother just 5 yuan gave the beggar, the beggar al Jefferson called "thank you".

  Another time, I'm not a math a target on the topic, after the teacher speak also don't understand, my friend - high beauty come, see my woebegone knew I have difficulties, ask me, just know I have a problem I won't do, so he took the initiative to clear the obstacle on the learning for me, and drawing, and write formula, about half a day, I finally got to clear this study obstacle, secretly thanking her for her -- my good friend gao mei Lin.

  High beauty Lin, my good friend, is my this semester, a new good friends, the good friend is a considerate, care for others, and also very likes to help others of their children, I have such a good friend to feel proud.










