

时间:2023-11-29 10:46:39 英语作文 我要投稿




学英语作文 篇1

  One day Newton invites an old friend to dine with him.No sooner do the two men take their seats than Newton hits upon an idea about his experiment interrupted by the arrival of his guest.

  "Wait a moment,I'll soon be back."

  Newton goes straight into his laboratory and resumes his experiment.He is so absorbed in it that he has soon forgot the dinner and his guest.

  The guest is kept waiting for a long time.He thinks Newton must have returned to his experiment.Feeling hungry,the guest gets his patience worn out.He eats up the food and then leaves.

  Several hours later,Newton's experiment is finished with success.Relieved of the strain,he goes into the dinning room for meal.When he sees the fishbone in a plate,he says to himself:"I have already had my meal.I have forgot it."He immediately returns to the laboratory and starts a new experiment.

  It is just like Newton to bend his mind to his work so as to forget sleep and meal.







学英语作文 篇2

  Thanks to the information technology as well as the spirit of free sharing, some famous abroad universities have already put open classes on the internet, which makes thousands of Chinese students reach their dream for studying abroad. As far as I am concerned, this is the gift from the heaven.


  To begin with, stay home to study abroad just a small expend or spend no money. Most online classes are free to the public. It is beneficial for the poor students or those students who are not rich enough. What they need to do is to buy a computer or spend little money to go to the net-bar. Then they can enjoy the experience of study abroad. Because of the online courses, they don’t need to go abroad to achieve their dream of studying abroad.


  In addition, students can have more choices to study abroad on the internet. If students overcome all the difficulties to study abroad, they just can have one school and listen to the limited professors’ classes, but on the internet, they can have classes from various professors in various schools in the same time or different time. Thus, studying abroad online has more options than in the reality.


  In a word, studying abroad online is full of beneficial. Students can gain lots from it.


学英语作文 篇3


  Directions: Write a composition entitled Private School. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:

  1. 现在社会上有各种各样的私立学校和培训学校;

  2. 私立学校和培训学校的利与弊。



  Private School

  With the development of the society and economy, various private schools arise. When you read newspapers, turn on TV, or even walk on the road, you will inevitably see lots of advertisements about private schools, mainly dealing with foreign languages, computers, music, sports, and so on.

  However, is it a good or bad thing to have so many private schools? As a coin has two sides, so are the private schools. On the one hand, private schools can cater to the special need of the society and the special need of people. On the other hand, they often bring people extra burden because of comparison and competition.

  Were it left to me decide whether we should have a society without




  arise v.出现

  inevitably adv.必然地,不可避免地

  deal with处理,关于

  cater to 迎合

  burden n.负担

  were it left to me decide whether ...如果让我决定是否……

  hesitate v.犹豫'

学英语作文 篇4

  I don’t think it’s a very good idea to borrow money from a friend. It can cause resentment and awkwardness in the relationship. How do you approach your friend without making him feel he has to do this for you? It’s unlikely he’ll feel as if he can turn you down. Can be turn you down without insulting you? Probably not.

  How do you know whether your friend can afford to lend you the money? He may be embarrassed to admit he’s a little short of funds himself. Or he might not want to disappoint you. So he lends you the money and then he needs money, too.

  There’s also the question of when you’ll pay back the loan. It’s awkward for your friend to ask for a deadline for repayment. Besides, if you’re short of funds, you may not be able to predict when you’ll pay him back. What about interest on the loan? If it’s a small amount of money, this doesn’t matter. However, if large funds are involved, and you won’t be paying it back for a while, should you offer to pay interest? Should your friend ask you to pay interest? All these issues can result in hurt feelings and can harm the friendship.

  It’s possible, of course, that if you borrow money from a friend and pay it back in a timely fashion, this will create a special bond between the two of you. You’ll know that you can count on your friend when you need help. He’ll know you’re trustworthy.

  However, more often than not, money issues between friends are an embarrassment. If you need money, it’ s better to go to a bank for a loan.

学英语作文 篇5

  MY father

  I have a cute father,He is forty--two years old.NOw,Let me tell you about himself.

  He is a worker,He work very hard,He often get up early but get back late.Once,I ask he :"Why do you like this work?"He says:"Because I like it,I think it is interesting and I need it."

  At the weekend,He usually go out to walk wite me.He likes swimming and reading books.He think swimming is good for us and reading is good for us,too.

  Do you like he?I like he very much!

学英语作文 篇6

  my favourite flower

  my favourite flower is lily. lily is the national flower of france. i like white lily best. because it’s very beautiful and pure. i planted a white lily in my garden in spring.

  i watered it every day. it grew very fast. it was taller and taller. one day, i got home after school. the lily blossomed. it looked like an elegant fairy. i was too excited to cry, “oh, white fairy, white fairy!” i couldn’t help dancing. at that night, i dreamt that i was a beautiful fairy.

学英语作文 篇7

  speaking of my student life, its very interesting. besides studying, we have many parties at our school for special festivals. of course, we must study many subjects at school and do homework every day. i receive instructions from my teachers and discuss problems with them. although sometimes we have many eams in our student life, it can be good for us. everyone hates eams, but it helps us realize how much weve learned from school. just enjoy your student life. it goes by fast.










