

时间:2023-12-02 15:18:25 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文600字 篇1

  I have a dog. Its name is Mimi. It is white and cute. It has two long ears and two black eyes. On my ten years’ birthday party, my uncle bought it for me. It is very lovely, I love it very much. I need to feed it twice a day. I go back to my home once a week. When get my home, it will bark and hold out its tongue, it is very lovely. And I am very happy to see it. If I am bored, I will take it to the playground and play games with it. We usually play “Dog Barking”. That is we throw the ball, if somebody doesn’t catch the ball, she will say “汪汪”, like dog barking. this game is very fun, we all like to play it. I never get angry when it makes mistake, I only tell it doesn’t make the same mistakes. Mimi is very smart, it understands something I say. I want to say thank you to my uncle, thanks for that cute, smart, funny dog. I love my dog. I think and I believe, if everyone protects animals, animals will be our friends.

英语作文600字 篇2

  City Life and Country LifeLife in the city is very different from life in the villages and on the farms. People in large cities are much more careful to respect the privacy of the individual. Sometimes this feeling seems to be one of indifference, but it is a convention of city life to curb one‘s curiosity about the personal affairs of strangers. Villagers and farmers are likely to show a great deal of interest in all their neighbors. Opportunities for bright young people are greater in the cities and there has been a steady stream of hopeful jobseekers from the villages and farms to the large metropolitan areas.



英语作文600字 篇3

  This morning, the snow girl came to us with her gift, and she walked all the way to her. You guessed it, her gift is snow.

  I came to school, in front of a vast expanse of white. The branches are white, the roof is a white, everywhere is a white, playground like a layer of carpet.

  There is a statue behind the building. It was a young pioneer, his neck tied a red scarf, wearing white clothes and pants. A blossoming snow fly down, fell on his head, clothes, hands, although his face was pale and pale, but he is still blowing his small speakers, more brave "little warrior" ah!

  The children are very happy. Some of them stepped on the stairs, trampled out a "painting"; some in the playground on the snowman. The most interesting is the snowball fight. Everyone you hit me, I hit you, happy face Feixia, the campus laughing groaning.

  Ah! Snow girl quietly left us, but the snow girl brought the gift we will treasure in the heart.

英语作文600字 篇4

  I think my father is a kind man,he love help people,and always forget to do something for himself。He has a good sence of humor,yes,I like that。That always make us happy。

  I think he is a friend of mine。Because he always talk with me。I often feel I am not his daughter but his friend。

  I think that my father is a good father and also a good worker。He works very hard。So he can’t play with me or my mum for long time。He think work will make him happy because work has many funny。So he always teaches me:don’t think work is a hard thing。

  My father has many hobby。For example,he like reading,and he also like play puter game。He use his hobby to realx。He can feel very happy if he work,and also play。

  He is a good man,isn’t he?

英语作文600字 篇5

  Dear Editor,

  Recently graffiti has become more noticeable in my college. I feel quite annoyed at them, especially when some of my classmates praise them as a kind of so-called art. Confronted with this impolite phenomenon, I can’t help asking myself: what is wrong with today’s teenagers?

  In my opinion, graffiti is a form of vandalism. They are a mess and are ugly to look at. Meanwhile, walls are public places, and they should not be used to express personal views and feelings.

  I really think vandalism should be stopped, and those who refuse to stop this bad practice should be punished. We should clear away these ugly expressions and drawings so that our college may return to its true self--a clean, quiet place for study, teaching and research.


  Li Ming

英语作文600字 篇6

  My father has small eyes,Wear a pair of glasses,looking more gently,the daddy's hair are not many, he said "the intelligent head does not grow hair",daddy does the management, but daddy usually ever not talk bureaucratically to others, therefore his personal connection is specially good,is the same as me.daddy speaks always extremely temperately,never say hit the person,curse at people are also few,calculated scolded people not to be big, although sometimes also can be angry for a longtime,but just only about one day,could no surpass in one day-long.

  He usually educate me that the person must to be honestly,friendly to other,and working diligently.

  This is my father, I love him forever.




英语作文600字 篇7

  Over the past 100 years, the national revival as the Chinese people's pursuit. In Yanan, is the leadership of the Communist Party of China National People's war shrine, national revival of the leaders in this map out a strategy. Time of change has left a string of visible footprint: the fight against SARS, the ruling idea practice people-centered, leaders and people in distress, won the people's love and support. Make a spurt of progress of the Chinese economy, important resolutions to improve the socialist economic system of some problems, the cornerstone of a national revival, let me realize the whole nation of truth, to realize the younger generation to shoulder the historical responsibility and the responsibility of national rejuvenation. Also let us see the hardships course of country forward, also see today a powerful china.

英语作文600字 篇8

  Some of the stories we know and like are many hundreds of years old. Among them are Aesop's fables. A fable is a short story made up to teach a lesson. Most fables are about animals. In them animals talk. Many of our common sayings come from fables. “Sour Grapes” is one of them. It comes from the fable “The Fox and the Grapes.” In the story a fox saw a bunch of grapes hanging from a vine. They looked ripe and good to eat. But they were rather high. He jumped and jumped, but he could not reach them. At last he gave up. As he went away he said. “Those grapes were sour anyway.” Now we say, “Sour Grapes!” when someone pretends he does not want something he tried to get but couldn't.


英语作文600字 篇9


  Today, my father bought me a pair of badminton rackets and four badminton. My mother and I came to the park downstairs to play badminton together. My mother told me that I would take badminton with my left hand and racket with my right hand. First, I integrated the badminton, and then hit the badminton with the help of the racket to the other side. It was very simple to watch. I did it several times without success. My mother told me that I couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry. I would have to practice several times more. With my mother's encouragement, I would finally play Badminton.










