

时间:2023-12-10 11:26:56 英语作文 我要投稿




学英语作文 篇1

  the last summer in my elementary school is very unforgetable,i remember i will go to another school and have to leave my friends and teachers,i feel sad ,but i learned to get together with them to remember the friendship between us,we have a good time and swear to study hard in order to have a bright future.

学英语作文 篇2

  Nowadays fewer and fewer students pay attention to their spoken English, which results in a dramatic increase in the number of students who can spell English words but are incapable of speaking them fluently or correctly. This phenomenon has aroused many peoples attention.

  Why does such a phenomenon emerge? As far as Im concerned, there are possibly two reasons contributing to this phenomenon. On the one hand, exam-oriented education makes many schools lay emphasis on passing the English exams, which leads to the lack of speaking environment for students to practice their spoken English. On the other hand, students themselves dont realize the importance of the ability to speak English which has a great influence on their future study and career development.

  To change this situation, I think, we can take the following measures. First, the importance of oral English should be emphasized to raise students awareness of the necessity of speaking English. Second, exams should be modified to make students pay attention to their spoken English. Third, schools can organize various activities to arouse students interest in speaking English.

学英语作文 篇3

  Everybody has someone in his heart that he admires very much, who may be a scientist, a writer or a musical or a movie super star. As for the one I admire the most is my dear mother.

  My mother is an honorable policewoman. She is very busy with her job all the time. As mom often needs to work over-time, she goes to work very early in the morning, and doesn’t come home till late at night. Mother deeply loves her work; she treats it gingerly and conscientiously, and she is full of respected at work by her colleagues and leadership. For always being a responsible person for the work, my mother also therefore merited many awards.

  In my memory, from my childhood, my mom rarely took days off, not even for the public holidays. When my friends went out to play with her parents on weekends, I spent my time in mom’s office. Whenever mom had a day-off, she would be busy with preparing a delicious meal for my dad and me. There was one time, when we were just about to start our lunch, an emergency telephone call rang up, mom hang up the call, got dressed to get ready to go out, she was even too busy to think of the meal, then rushed to her work. Till my bedtime on that night, mom was still not home yet. My mother works extra almost everyday, she never seems to know when she should stop it.

  I admire my mom’s work spirit! I love my dearest mother!

学英语作文 篇4

  Now the 26th Centennial World Olympic Games are in full swing in Altanda. The Olympic flame is burning red and bright in the torch at the center of the Olympic square. Earlier before the official opening of the games it had been relayed one by one through the hands of runners, among them, students supported by the Chinese hope project. Thousands of people lined the struts to watch the relay.

  The relay of the Olympic Flame is the symbol of the continuity between the ancient and modern Games. During the ancient Olympics a sacred flame burned at the altar of Zeus. A modern version of the flame was adopted for the Berlin Games in 1936, and the tradition has been observed ever since. The torch used to kindle the flame is first lit by the sun's rays at Olympia in Greece, and then carried to the site of the Games by relays of runners.Ships and planes are used when necessary.

  The runners are specially chosen, All of them are hard working and as a result become overacbievers. The flame kindles the fire in everyone's heart to encourage people to go on and on and bring the Olympic spirit into full play.




学英语作文 篇5

  The internet is becoming more and more important in our daily life,we can use it to learn many different kinds of languages and play many interesting games.

  On the internet ,we have a great time playing computer games.And now more and more people do shopping on the internet.You can imagine if the internet disappears,what will happen:people won't have a quick way to send information,children will lose many interests......It's terrible ,isn't it?

  Internet makes us happy and relaxed,but it also has many disadvantages.For example,nowadays,more and more children spend time playing computer games istead of doing homework.And because of the internet ,peopledon't have chance to talk with others face to face any more.

  I think we should do these things:

  First,don't spend too much time playing computer games.Second,if you have played computer games for a long time,have a rest please.Finally,use the internet correctly.It will be very helpful to us.

  I believe that if we do these, our life will become more convenient and happier.










