

时间:2024-01-12 13:43:47 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文300字 篇1

  When I was very small, my parents bought me a lot of classic novel books. They wanted me to read them and got the best education. After reading these books, I will search the movies. They are very classic and I can’t help stopping watching. Now I learn much about the literature and I am so proud of it.


英语作文300字 篇2

  I have a nice friend. His name is Roy. He lives in XieQiao.

  He’s 12 years old and his birthday is in March. He speaks Chinese. He can speak English, too. He’s short. His hair is short. He wears a pair of yellow glasses. He likes swimming in the river in summer. Swimming can make him happy. His math and English are very good. Sometimes he teaches me math. Usually I read books with him.

  He will be my good friend forever.




英语作文300字 篇3

  In my house, I have my room, my room is my private place, I don’t have to listen to my parents’ babbling. I like to stay at my room when I finish my dinner, I will stay silent and think about the question without other people’s interfere. My room can keep me safe and leave me the space to think. I love my room, I want to decorate it someday, making it more comfortable.

英语作文300字 篇4

  Recently, the news reported a small boy was studying while he helped his mother to sell the products. Many people gave him great praise, because he could focus his attention, but their children always wanted to play. This boy is such strong that he must make a difference in the future. His mother is so lucky to have a boy like him.


英语作文300字 篇5

  1. 时态:主要考虑四种时态:一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,现在进行时。



  2. 人称:主要有第一人称和第三人称。审题时根据题意用正确的人称写。

  1) 如使用第三人称, 需注意三单在一般现在时的`用法,动词后需加s或es。如:She likes playing ping-pong.

  2) 写作过程中注意代词的格式。

  如: He (主格) feels tired. I like him. (宾格)

  This is his (形代) bike. Thats not your book, Its mine. (名代)

  复数形式:Their English teacher is very funny. They often play football together.

  3. 结构:使文章有条理的方法

  1) 使用时间词语衔接:如写过去时的作文:Last Sunday; Last Weekend; My Holiday等

  2) 总起句和结尾句前后呼应。

  4. 容易出错的句型:

  1) be动词和行为动词: 同一个句子只能出现一种(现在进行时除外)

英语作文300字 篇6

  Mike is bad at English. Yesterday, he had an English test. He failed again. He dared not tell his mother the low marks. On his way home, it rained heavily. So he got a good idea. Why not take the paper as an umbrella? He just put the paper on his head and began to run home. When he arrived home, the paper was all wet and almost torn to pieces by the rain. When his mother asked about the marks, Mike showed the paper to his mother with an embarrassed smile.

英语作文300字 篇7

  Some people have seen the sea, but others haven't. The sea looks beautiful on a fine day. But it can be very rough when there is a strong wind.

  The sea is very large. There is more sea in the world than land.

  If you have swum in the sea, you know that the sea is salty. Do you know the Dead Sea? It is so salty that you can't sink when you are in the water. And fish can't live in it!










