

时间:2024-02-04 17:16:01 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文300字 篇1

  My father is a great person. He is a hero in my heart. He is tall but not strong. He is a driver.

  He often talks a litte and seems that he is serious. Actually, sometimes he is real serious. In my memory, he never hits me except once.

  It is because I ignored their forbidding go for a bathe in the river alone. I was so sad as my father hit me.

  But now I understand that it is because he worry about me. Moreover, although our family is not weathy, he will give all the things that I want to me.

  And he works hard to support our family. I know that he loves us and we also love him.

英语作文300字 篇2

  有一天下午,孙悟空在天上闲着没事干,就想到人间去溜达溜达。他只翻了个跟头,就看见自己站在一所小学旁边。 “叮铃铃”“叮铃铃”下课铃响了,正好这节是英语课。一个小男孩从教室里面跑出来,兴奋极了。用刚刚所学的英语跟孙悟空说:“good afternoon!”孙悟空心想:“这狗的阿夫特怒是什么呀?难道是新出来的骂人用语?” 孙悟空大怒,说:“哼!当年玉帝老儿都拿我没办法,你这小毛孩儿竟敢骂俺老孙!”“不,不……这是英语!”小男孩说。“啥?你说我不会英语?我现在就去学给你看!”孙悟空说。 孙悟空一下子来到了著名的英语馆。就对店里的'老板说:“老板,以后我就在你的英语馆里学英语了。”店里的老板说:“可是你还没交钱呢!” 孙悟空一下子拔了根猴毛,变了两个金元宝。

  就对老板说:“这够不够了?” 老板看了,心想:“哇!这么多钱啊!我要是收了这个徒弟,一定会发财的”。于是,孙悟空就在这所英语馆上学了。 第一天,孙悟空学会了“car”;第二天,孙悟空学会了“bus”……日积月累,孙悟空学会了不少的单词呢!

英语作文300字 篇3

  Hero is the good guy,they always try to do god to the world.People respects them,children looks up to them and want to be like them.

  Real heroes fight the bad guys without fear,bad guys are usually strong and evil.Many fear the bad guys,but a real hero does not fear them.

  The real hero is also strong and has a good heart,and in the end,good will always defeat evil.

  Sometimes hero can be defeated by the bad guys,we don’t like that,but it happens.

英语作文300字 篇4

  It's you, when I'm bored, I find it, and I can relax.263y love.263y, it is China's best, publish the composition of the website.The composition of the pudding will also raise income, and it is very good.There's 263y composition, and I'm not alone anymore, and I can publish my composition here, and I can raise my income, it's one arrows.You are like the star of the sky, help me find the way home, thank you

英语作文300字 篇5

  The Spring Festival is very important to Chinese people. In the past,people could not often have meat,rice or other delicious food. They could only eat these during the Spring festival.

  So every year they hoped that the Spring Festival would come soon. Now, although people‘s life is much better,and we can eat the delicious foods everyday.

  People still like the festival. Because most people can have a long holiday,and we are free to go on a trip or visit our friends or have parties










