

时间:2024-02-28 17:16:54 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文400字 篇1

  今天,我在姥姥家,马上到了上英语班的时间,mafter andgreadmafter赶快把饭做好,把饭菜端上饭桌,我就狼吞虎咽的吃了起来,一会儿,我就把一碗擀面皮吃完了,我喝了几口白开水,拿了五角钱,就急忙跑掉了。







英语作文400字 篇2

  Last Sunday morning, when I got up, t was surprised to find that we had a heavy snowfall. I was very excited because it had been a long time since I saw such a heavy snowfall. So I decided to call my friends to go out to play with snow together. We made some snowmen and rolled some snowballs and we enjoyed the fun of playing fighting games. Just then we noticed that the buses and cars moved very slowly because of the heavy snow. So we went to clean the snow so as to help the traffic go safely. After the whole morning's hard work, we cleaned tile snow on the road, and:we went home happily. ( 120 words)

英语作文400字 篇3

  i like reading very much. when i was a small girl, i was interested in reading picture books on science and history. at the age of seven, i entered a primary school and began to read more books.

  now i am a middle school student. i have many subjects to learn. every day i must finish a lot of homework. i am very busy. but when i have spare time i still want to read some story books. one day my young sister brought me a book xl you j i.i read the book with great interest. i like monkey king very much.

英语作文400字 篇4

  With her, you will be more willing to walk into life, the ability to capture the beauty of the culture, with their own wisdom to discover the beauty of life. With her, you will feel life everywhere learning, interaction and learning in life, you will certainly have learned to shine. With her, you will find life to explore new and beautiful, have a chance to verify the book knowledge and further optimize your life. She will always accompany you along the way full of wonder, full of discovery.

  You know, she is?

英语作文400字 篇5



  没想到,这件事却给我带来了许多烦恼:放学回家,我做完作业,正准备展开想象的翅膀,画一幅有趣的漫画。可是,妈妈走了过来,把单词卡片朝我面前一放:“别画了,快背单词!”我只好放下心爱的画笔,开始背单词。晚上,我洗漱完毕,坐在床上,拧亮床头的台灯,正想享受读书的乐趣,不料,妈妈把录音机往桌上一搁:“来,练习一会儿‘听说相反’!” 没办法,我只好把书放进书架,打开录音机,叽里咕噜地练起来。周末,我快速做完作业,准备和网上等我下棋的棋友好好地杀一盘。没想到,妈妈拿着三星口试教程敲着桌面:“不许再下棋了,赶快练习‘情景对话’!”我无可奈何地关上电脑,和妈妈一起练习对话。更让人烦恼的是,平时和蔼可亲的妈妈也变得爱发脾气了。她一会儿指责:“不行,你的‘快听快答’还不够快!” 一会儿又呵斥:“你怎么连这个也不会?!”弄得我垂头丧气。


英语作文400字 篇6

  today is friday. i get up at six thirty in the morning. then i make my bed, wash my face and brush my teeth. at six forty, my father prepares the breakfast. i have breakfast at six forty-five.

  i have congee, noodles for breakfast. at seven o’clock, i go to school by my father’s motor bike. we have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. at twelve o’clock, i’m very hungry. i have lunch at school. in the afternoon, i go home at six o’clock. i do my homework after school. my father, my mother and i have supper at seven o’clock. my mother and i watch tv at eight o’clock.

  then i wash my face and brush my teeth in the evening. i go to bed at ten twenty. i think, tomorrow will be my happy day , too !

英语作文400字 篇7

  People who have finished education often admire students for their carefree life. But they don't know how difficult it is to be a student. He can never finish his homework. Furthermore, he has to face the great pressure of examinations. Everyone wants to get the first place in exams. And after school, there are also manyextra classes waiting for him. The worst of all is that students can hardly do what they really love to do, for they spend almost all their time on studies.






英语作文:My Doll英语作文02-24




