

时间:2022-06-23 12:44:25 英语作文 我要投稿
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  抢劫的英语作文 篇1

  it was already ten oclock in the evening when i was on my way home from school. it was snowing and the road was very slippery. suddenly two young fellows on a motorbike sped by me andsnatched a bag from a woman in front ofme. it was too sudden for.. the woman to shout before they fled away. "robbery!" i shouted behind. the motorbike was so fast that it was out of control and fell. both of the robbers were badly hurt and passed out.

  then we ran up. the woman got back his bag, still in great fright. she asked me to open the bag and take out her cell phone. i was greatly surprised when she asked me to dial to a hospital. i shouted, "they have got their retribution!" the woman took her cell phone and dialed, first "110", then "120".

  抢劫的英语作文 篇2

  On yesterday afternoon,Mrs He left home to go shopping.Halfway down the stairs,she found her way blocked by two men,who were armed with knives and threatened her.They said they would stab her if she made a noise.Then,they forced her to take them to her flat and open the door.

  In the flat opposite,a woman heard the noise outside.When she looked out through the window,she discovered that her neighbour was threatened by someone.She immediately called the police station.In answer to the call,a patrol police car arrived at the scene of the crime quickly.Three policemen went inside the flat,others guarded outside the building to prevent anyone from escaping.

  The two criminals were arrested.They were taken to the police station with their wrists handcuffed.There they would be questioned and probably charged with robbery.

  抢劫的英语作文 篇3

  a robbery happened near the bank of china on march 8th, . a woman was robbed of her money by a tall robber with long brown hair after she took money out of the bank. the robber was riding a motorbike, wearing a mask and carrying a gun in hand.

  in three minutes, the policeman arrived at the spot and fought with the robber who tried to run away with the money. after half an hours fight, the robber was shot to death at the turning of the street. the woman was very grateful to the police. please be careful while going out.

  there happened a robbery near the bank of china on march 8th,.

  the details were that a scoundrel with a gun was robbing a women of money. the scoundrel had long brown hair, his face covered and rode a motorcar. he tried to take money out of the womans pocket. but the police arrived three minutes later, fighting with the scoundrel. the scoundrel tried to run away with money, but he failed. after half an hour, the scoundrel was shot by a policeman at the corner of the street. the women appreciated the police. everybody should be careful while going out.

  抢劫的英语作文 篇4

  I went home by bus the day before yesterday afternoon. When I got on the bus, I found that there was no change in my wallet. In a hurry, I took out a ten yuan ticket and put it into the slot. Later, the more I thought about it, the more cowardly I felt. So I discussed with the driver whether I could stay at the door and take the money that passengers should have put into the slot at the next station for my own? The driver agreed.

  The car soon drove to the next station, and many people scrambled to get on. I stood in the door and said to the first passenger, "just give me the money." The other side a Leng: "with what?" A few words also explain not please, I said: "give me on the line, nothing else." The other side looked at the driver, and the driver nodded. So, one yuan came. According to the law, he soon collected eight yuan.

  Then a big man came up, with his back on his back, his face shaved and his tattoo exposed. Seeing that I stopped him, he said angrily, "what are you doing, man?" I said, "I'll tell you later. Give me the money first." The other side's eyes are round: "what do you say?" I repeated, "give me the money!" The other side opened his mouth and asked the driver, "what's the boy doing?"

  The big man was blocked at the door, and the people in the back couldn't get on, while the people in the carriage were in a hurry to start, so everyone started shouting: "what are you doing! Give me the money The big man soon shriveled down. He took out his wallet from his pocket and handed it to him. He said with a sad face, "boss, I've got a lot of money on me. I'll take it."

  抢劫的英语作文 篇5

  Today, as soon as I came to the classroom, there were many people talking about something. I went to have a look and they said: he Qiqi, they were robbed of money. He Qiqi said, "what should I do? The man said, "I want 30 yuan today.". Then we were about to cry. We comforted her. Finally, Li qinzhe came. We were like a wind blowing to Li qinzhe's side. Some said, "Li qinzhe, someone asked us for money.".

  Li qinzhe said, "I'll go and tell Mr. Zhang.". We should stop him from saying to Mr. Zhang. Soon Mr. Zhang knew that he went to class 2, grade 6. Soon the man was told, his parents were informed, the headmaster was called, and he was taken to the education department for a long time. We also went to see a good play. In our hearts, we were very happy and cruel.

  Finally, we were told by Mr. Zhang: "you didn't treat Mr. Zhang as a friend. You should treat me as a friend, too! If you have any suggestions, please raise them! You should tell me anything.

  In this way, the big brother who robbed money was offered and transferred to another school. My classmates and I are very, very happy because no one will rob us any more.

  抢劫的英语作文 篇6

  When you hear the word "robbery", you must feel strange and familiar. It's not strange to say it's strange. I can often see this word in the newspaper. I'm familiar with it, but I'm not familiar with it. Almost none of our classmates have encountered such a thing. But this happened to my cousin. If you don't believe it, just listen to me!

  One day at noon, sunny, Linxi road occasionally to meet one or two people, and at this time, my mother witnessed a robbery: cousin dressed in elegant clothes, is carrying a red bag, anxious and helpless waiting for the rickshaw. At this time, aunt Biao happened to find a rickshaw. When the rickshaw was turning around, suddenly, a young man was driving a motorcycle quickly to brush with aunt Biao and snatched aunt Biao's bag by the way. After the robbery, the young man ran away on his motorcycle. What about Aunt Biao? It was like everything seemed to be in a dream. It took several seconds to recall. But it was too late to catch up, so my aunt had to give up.

  I think: my aunt's dress is too beautiful. As soon as people see it, they know it's the boss's wife. No wonder she wants to grab it. In the future, we must pay more attention to such people, train more excellent and conscientious police, remove "eyesore" and make Cixi a "safe town".

  抢劫的英语作文 篇7

  Why? robbery? Ha ha, it's just a funny metaphor. Do you believe it? Just listen! Operation robbers is on the move, please pay attention!

  In the evening, my father came back. As soon as I entered the door, I came to us with a smile. While laughing "evil", he reached into his bag. We both scratched our ears and didn't know what Dad was selling in his bag. At this time, dad just put out his hand from the bag, opened his mysterious palm and saw it was two lollipops! Before we were happy, Dad took out a bunch of all kinds of sugar! WOW! Let's start with you and me grabbing for the sugar.

  Said late, then fast, Dad took out a few pieces of sugar. Hee hee, I seem to understand something

  "Wow! Candy robbers We ran after my father desperately. My father roared like crazy and threw down a few pieces of candy from time to time. We were all out of breath, and the robbery was over!

  "Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo... " We all gasped for breath loudly - our mother, who was doing housework, couldn't help laughing when she saw us in such a mess.

  "Ha ha ha Ha ha... " Our two "Robbers" and dad couldn't help laughing. Bursts of laughter reverberated in our warm home

  Do you have a better way to "rob"? Let's talk about it~

  抢劫的英语作文 篇8

  Today is Christmas Eve. I told Chen Yi'an that I would go to her house to play this evening. However, I was late because I angered my mother at dinner.

  When my mother and I got to Chen Yi'an's house by taxi, Chen Yi'an immediately took me to find Santa Claus and said to me, "why do you come now? The gifts are almost robbed by others." Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that the community where Chen Yi'an lives held a gift snatching activity. The security guard played Santa Claus, and the owners of the community wanted to snatch the gifts from Santa Claus. Before I arrived, Chen Yi'an had already grabbed a fluorescent stick and a doll.

  As soon as we entered the door, we saw a "Santa Claus", but he was "poor" and had nothing left. However, the owners went to grab the clothes of "Santa Claus" one after another and tore his clothes to pieces. Because it's too late, we can't find Santa Claus. Chen Yi'an said to me, "eh? Where's your mother?" "I don't know. Maybe we dumped her." I answered carelessly. All of a sudden, my eyes lit up and I said to Chen Yi'an, "ah! Do you think that's Santa Claus?" "yes, yes, that's him!" but we were so happy that we ran over to have a look. We didn't know if we were scared. Usually those educated owners for their children, all fly to chase Santa Claus. We knew that we were not the opponents of those adults, so we watched the excitement. I joked with Chen Yi'an: "Chen Yi'an, do you think this Christmas is the most feared holiday for security guards in your community?"

  Late at night, the community is also gradually quiet down. My mother and I said goodbye to Chen Yian. Speaking of today, there is nothing but a hat from a security guard. It's just a shot in the arm!

  抢劫的英语作文 篇9

  This summer vacation, my parents took me to the northeast. When we were climbing the old black mountain in Wudalianchi, we met a squirrel who was "blocking the road and robbing".

  Before I saw the yellow striped, small, thought it was a squirrel. I didn't know that it was chipmunk until this trip to the northeast. Squirrels are much bigger than Chipmunks. Their body is black gray, their chest is white, their ears are pointed, and their hairy tail is as long as their body.

  It was mom who found it at first. We all approached it quietly for fear of scaring it away. I didn't expect that squirrels here were not afraid of people at all. They came towards us. It squats in front of us, we look at it, and it looks at us. Gradually someone found it, and there were more people around us. It didn't mean to run away.

  At this time, someone opened his bag. When squirrel saw it, he immediately ran to the man and waited for the man. The man happily took out his mobile phone and took some pictures for squirrel. The squirrel found that he didn't look back, so he ran to the other people to wait. At this time, it suddenly dawned on us that this is a "road blocking and robbing" squirrel, who is waiting here to collect "tolls". After understanding its intention, people took out food one after another. An uncle handed in a biscuit. He bit the biscuit, held it in his two forepaws and sent it to his mouth. Instead of eating it, he ran to the hillside. It smelled here, explored there, and finally found a suitable place on the slope, dug a small hole and hid the biscuits. After hiding the biscuit, it turned and came back to us, waiting for others to hand it in. In this way, one hand in a nut, the other hand in a bread. After a while, he gets a lot of "tolls". Interestingly, it even hid the "toll" in different holes, at least six or seven!

  It's a long journey. I not only learned to distinguish between chipmunks and squirrels, but also saw such an interesting scene. Even today, looking back, I'm still very happy!

  抢劫的英语作文 篇10

  Last night, my two aunts and I were walking on the country road. What are we going to do? Originally, it was going to grandma's house for a while. On the way to get there, we were walking on the path without street lights. The third aunt also took advantage of the situation and said that last year, there was a murder on this road, when a woman was raped first and then killed. My little aunt and I were terrified. I said: "we want money, no money, no color, only one life! How can he rob it! " Aunts smile and we move on. We went to grandma's house to play for a while. At more than eight o'clock, we began to walk to Huihui. We came back to take a road with street lights.

  Walking, my aunt said a few words to me, and I went on alone. When I cross the bridge, I turn my head and look at my aunt, but I find a terrible phenomenon. There is a boy behind my aunt, following her. I didn't say anything at that time. I thought he was just an ordinary passer-by. I went on, who knows, my aunt seems to have found that suspicious person. Let the little aunt put the mobile phone in her jeans bag. The more suspicious the aunt became, she took the little aunt to run a few steps quickly. Who knows, the boy also ran a few steps. The aunt walked a few steps slowly, and he also walked slowly, just like the shadow of the aunts.

  Aunt began to be a little flustered, and the figure kept moving closer to her, from the initial distance to side by side. Aunt quickly took out two mobile phones to call. The man drew closer and closer to his aunt, who asked, "what are you doing?" The man made an innocent gesture and said, "it's OK, I want to go home!" However, my aunt thought it was wrong, and she made another phone call. That person may think that people are coming soon, so he immediately threw the little aunt to the ground and began to touch the little aunt's pocket to see if she had money and mobile phone. Three aunts immediately began to beat the boy's back, the little Auntie immediately turned around, and three aunts put him on the ground, there are many passers-by, but they are all looking, then walked over without expression, a person also said to use Auntie's mobile phone to make a phone call. The world is cool!

  After this robbery, let me understand, it's better not to walk at night, otherwise the future will be endless!

  抢劫的英语作文 篇11

  In the summer vacation there are happy things, happy things, angry things, there is trouble...... I was mugged today.

  At the red light at the intersection, a robbery was taking place. My mother was driving and stopped at a red light. A man came to my mother in front of the main driver's seat, he knocked on the glass pointing to the rear tire of the car was flat, my mother looked at the car tires and nothing, a look at the passenger seat bag disappeared, she was surprised that the bag must have been just associates took, she shouted:"

  There's been a robbery! Somebody help me." But only two men on tricycles came to help my mother, and they ran separately. My mom followed a fellow robber without a bag. But at that time did not see the person who stole things clearly, my mother to chase people as people who stole things to catch up, and caught, said: "you will let me catch you, go to the police station." "I did not break the law and did not steal things to the police station why?" "Are you a thief to the police station to know." Pull him close to the intersection. Suddenly another of his friends appeared, also carrying my mother robbed bag, this bag is yours. My mother said this bag is mine, you take it to see if there is anything missing, open the bag and see that there is nothing missing. At this time my mother was happy and ashamed, happy is to find the package, ashamed is to chase the bag when the thief. My mother took out a few hundred yuan from her bag to thank them, but they refused. This is another traffic jam, my mother had to pull over to the side of the road and the two good samaritans were gone by the time they came back. It took my mother a long time to get over it.

  Today I am very touched, how many people can extend a helping hand to them as well, the answer is: few and few, we should learn from their two noble character.

  抢劫的英语作文 篇12

  This summer vacation, mom and dad took me to the northeast, we climb the Old Black Mountain in the Five Dalian Pool, met a "highway robbery" squirrel.

  When I saw a yellow striped squirrel, I thought it was a squirrel. I didn't know it was a chipmunk until my trip to the Northeast. The squirrel is much bigger than the chipmunk, the body is black gray, white chest, pointy ears with long hair, hairy tail and body length.

  It was mom who first spotted it, and we all approached it quietly, afraid to scare it away. I was surprised that the squirrels here were so unafraid of people that they came towards us. It squatted in front of us and we looked at it and it looked at us. Gradually some people found it, we around more people up, it has not escaped the meaning.

  At this time, someone opened the bag, the squirrel saw, immediately ran to the man waiting for the man, the man was very happy to take out a mobile phone close to the squirrel took a few photos. The squirrel didn't look back and ran to the other man with the bag and waited. At this time, we suddenly realized that this is a "waylay" squirrel, it is waiting here to collect "toll". Understanding its purpose, people began to bring out food. An uncle handed in a cookie, it bit up the cookie, with two front PAWS and sent to the mouth, but did not eat, but ran to the hillside. It sniffed here, there probing, finally found a suitable position on the slope, dig a small pit, "rob" to hide the cookies in. After hiding the cookie, it came back to us, waiting to be handed in. In this way, one hand it a nut, another hand it a bread, in a short time, it got a pile of "toll". Interestingly, it hid the toll money in at least six or seven different potholes.

  It's a great insight to walk thousands of miles. Not only did I learn the difference between a chipmunk and a squirrel, but I got to see this funny thing. To recall today, or happy!









