

时间:2023-05-09 01:25:44 英语作文 我要投稿





  已经接近年底了,这也就意味着2019 即将过去,同时也意味着新的一年2020年的即将到来。在这个交叉之际,我想说,再见2019 你好2020。

  It's almost the end of the year, which means 2019 is about to pass, and the new year 2020 is about to come. At this intersection, I want to say goodbye 2019 Hello 2020.

  在过去的一年里,你取得了哪些成就?让我们在这一年即将结束的时候,好好的回想一下这一年里我们所做的事。就我本人来说,这一年里我最大的收获就是我的学习成绩一直在稳步提升,一直到今年期末考试的成绩出来后,与我上一年的成绩来对比,我实现了一个突变。在2019 年里我有收获,并且这个收获还让我大为欢喜,但是收获的同时我也在反思。反思自己在这2019 年里做错的一切,让自己遗憾的事。

  What have you achieved in the past year? Let's think about what we have done in this year when it is coming to an end. As far as I am concerned, my biggest harvest in this year is that my academic performance has been steadily improving. Until the final exam results of this year come out, compared with my previous year's results, I have achieved a mutation. In 2019, I have gained, and this harvest also makes me very happy, but at the same time, I also reflect on the harvest. Reflect on what you have done wrong in 2019 and what you regret.


  How long is the year? In some people's eyes, it's very long. In some people's eyes, it's very short. In my eyes, the time distribution of this year is a little strange. The first half of the year is short, the second half is long. The reason why I think the second half of the year is very long is that I regret it. I quarreled with my best friend, but I didn't get a solution, which made me feel like a stranger when I met my friend. The cause of this matter lies in me. It's me who didn't solve it properly. So this matter makes us regret. Because of my carelessness, I lost a good friend.

  也经过这件事,让我明白了,我们好懂得去珍惜我们身边的好朋友。这算是我在2019 年里来收到的最深刻的启示。现在2019 即将过去,在我们迎来一个全新的2020的时刻里,我希望我能弥补这个遗憾,去向我的朋友好好道歉,希望2020里,我的朋友会一直与我同行。

  Also through this matter, let me understand, we know how to cherish our good friends. This is the most profound revelation I have received in 2019. Now 2019 is about to pass. In the new 2020 moment, I hope I can make up for this regret and apologize to my friends. I hope my friends will always go with me in 2020.

  再见2019 你好2020,让我们总结出旧的一年里我们所犯下的错误,在新的一年里尽量的去弥补。属于我们的2019 过去了,我的2020正在朝着我们来的路上。

  Goodbye 2019 Hello 2020, let's sum up the mistakes we made in the old year and try to make up for them in the new year. Our 2019 is over, and my 2020 is on our way.



  2019 is about to pass, 2020 is about to come.


  Seeing that 2019 is coming, I still have many wishes I made in 2019 that have not been realized. These will become my regrets of this year, and these regrets will become the aspirations of 2020.


  Looking back on this year, in the spring of 2019, I still can't swim. During the summer vacation, my mother reported to me for swimming class. I still remember that when I was just in the water, I didn't dare to bury my head in the water, afraid of being drowned. After my countless failures and efforts, I have now learned a variety of swimming methods and techniques, and can play freely and happily in the water like a fish.


  I tried again and again in the water. As a result, I practiced a series of "martial arts" in the water, such as holding breath, handstand, splitting fork, 360 degree rotation, etc.


  I still remember that my mother just got the English book for me in summer vacation. I saw the dense letters and my eyes were going to be dazzled. He knew me but I didn't know it. What can I do? My mother led me to the English class and heard the conversation between my mother and the English teacher saying: "the primary school stage wants the children to learn junior high school English. "My brain is going to explode in a moment. I don't know the English alphabet. I need to learn all the English in junior high school. It's a big problem. There's no way. I have to learn English by myself.


  After my efforts, I found the mystery of English, and now I have learned to write example sentences silently. Those sentences are like eagles, shot down by me one by one, and began to be intoxicated in the sea of English. Now, both of us have become true "good friends". Sometimes I even give my mother some English sentences from time to time, which makes him stupefied. I'm not aware that I've been around him. How happy it is to learn English!


  In 2019, although my wish has been realized a lot, I have left a lot of regrets. Yes, it is my backstroke in swimming. Although I have learned the breaststroke, I still want to learn the backstroke.


  Time hasn't stopped because of my ideas. I hope it will come true in 2020.


  I'm sorry to stay in 2019, there are many more. For example, when I went to an English class to learn English words, my mother told me, "in this year, I can learn 1000 words." I was surprised and said, "1000 words, how many do I have to learn every day?" my mother calculated for me and said, "1000 words, this is not much. On average, you can remember three words in the next day, and you can remember more than 1000 in a year. You can remember 2000 in two years. So, mom doesn't give you such a big goal. There's no difficulty. You're good at learning. " As soon as I listened to my mother's analysis, I thought: Yes, three in a day. I immediately set up confidence in myself and said to myself, "I can certainly learn 1000."


  Up to now, I have accumulated more than 400 words. I believe that by 2020, the goal of memorizing 1000 words can definitely be achieved.


  In 2020, I'm here. My wish will come true.







  The past contains our countless memories, countless stories, and contains too many emotions for us, no matter how much memory, how many emotions, even sadness, alone desolation, it is worth our collection of these In my heart, take care and wait for one day to take it out and taste it, it is worth pondering and reflecting. But the past has passed, we can only bury it in our hearts, even if it is a success, even a glory, has drawn a perfect stop for 2019, and a new 2020 is welcoming us. That is a new starting point, a new beginning.

  As for what will happen in 2020, it is an unknown, we can only experience little by little, the new year will be a different year. There will be a lot of events this year to make you excited and proud. Everyone's life will open a new chapter and will work harder and be more aggressive. I use dreams to polish my eyes and look up at the sky. We swept across the river with hope and sniffed the fragrance on the river.

  Think about what you have done in the past year, and calm down to think about whether you have studied seriously. Only then did I realize that the past days were so meaningless. I am still idle all day. At this moment I woke up suddenly. The new year is a new starting point and a new starting point. You cannot fall on the starting line. You must make a big step toward your goal. Welcome the new year with a new look and a new future. No matter what will happen in the future, we must walk down the road on our own feet. When we look back at these footprints in the future, we know that we have worked hard and never gave up, proving that we are using our actions to change the path of life.

  If the fight is a car, then the effort is the engine. When the car and the engine are combined, we can gradually drive to success on the road of life. Perhaps this process is hard and tiring, but when you reach the end, you will feel that your previous efforts are so worth it. It is because of the efforts at that time that this brilliant success will be achieved.

  Vientiane is updated. In the new year, we will work harder to make the past unpleasantness vanish and let today's wonderful stay in our hearts!









