

时间:2022-10-26 03:21:10 常识大全 我要投稿
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  Beginning meals,

  focusing on civility and decorum,

  to pay attention to his "eat phase." Develop good habits meals. General should pay attention to the following points : Let elders chopsticks to eat meals first move,

  or heard elders said : "It is a blessed," you Dongkuai. not ahead of the elders in front. At meal time,

  to Duanqiwan,

  thumbs withhold CD,

  forefinger and middle finger,

  ring finger deduction north and palms empty. Duanwan not rest on the table facing the bowl meal to eat is not only indecent,

  and oppression stomach and digestive effects. Take their food,

  from close to the plate or face its own disk side dish,

  not from the middle plate or rely on someone to the side of the dish. can not use chopsticks Garnish the platter to the yard turned away "searching",

  the eyes are not focused on old vegetable dishes,

  a fed sandwiches nor too much. Encountered their favorite dishes,

  not as occasions to make a clean sweep of the general neighborhood,

  not simply putting a plate in front of their own tiers. eat special food,

  to take into account the table of the parents and elder sister and younger brother. If diced vegetables have little,

  and you want it "sweep" clean,

  the table should be consulted about the views,

  others have said do not eat,

  you can doom it. To shut up chewing,


  which will not only be conducive to digestion,

  as well as table etiquette demands. Never opens its big mouth,

  stuff their faces with massive,

  the mountain,

  not in the dish meals,


  opens its big mouth,

  drowned tongue blow to cover vegetables; Add a not too much food imports,

  Otherwise people will leave a mixed phase and greed impression. Meals must act to put some. Take their food,

  not to meet neighbor,

  not like the vegetables appropriated on the table,

  not soup poured over and not eating dripping on the table. Mouth stained with rice,

  or meals paper napkins erase lightly,

  not with the tongue licking. Chew food,

  but they will not issue a "lifted my head. My partner," "physically grumble physically mouth,

  and turn her head to the rear. eating or chewing voice of sand there are sputum,

  to leave the table to picture. In the course of dinner,

  Tim to maximize their own meals and initiative or "voices. I containing food,

  best not to talk with others,

  to restrain jokes to avoid mouthful of food and exhales,

  or choke into the trachea,

  danger; really need to talk with their families,

  should they spoke softly. Spit out the bones,


  vegetable residue,

  use chopsticks or hands from then out on the table before them,

  not spit directly to the desktop or on the ground. If coughing,


  or to hand handkerchiefs to seniors Tim meals,

  take their food. Encountered seniors Tim meals for himself and take their food,

  to thank. Meals to concentrate,

  some students in a small meal to watch television or read newspaper,

  this is the bad habits,

  not health,

  affects digestion and absorption of food,

  but also damage eyesight.



  Beginning meals,

  focusing on civility and decorum,

  to pay attention to his "eat phase." Develop good habits meals. General should pay attention to the following points : Let elders chopsticks to eat meals first move,

  or heard elders said : "It is a blessed," you Dongkuai. not ahead of the elders in front. At meal time,

  to Duanqiwan,

  thumbs withhold CD,

  forefinger and middle finger,

  ring finger deduction north and palms empty. Duanwan not rest on the table facing the bowl meal to eat is not only indecent,

  and oppression stomach and digestive effects. Take their food,

  from close to the plate or face its own disk side dish,

  not from the middle plate or rely on someone to the side of the dish. can not use chopsticks Garnish the platter to the yard turned away "searching",

  the eyes are not focused on old vegetable dishes,

  a fed sandwiches nor too much. Encountered their favorite dishes,

  not as occasions to make a clean sweep of the general neighborhood,

  not simply putting a plate in front of their own tiers. eat special food,

  to take into account the table of the parents and elder sister and younger brother. If diced vegetables have little,

  and you want it "sweep" clean,

  the table should be consulted about the views,

  others have said do not eat,

  you can doom it. To shut up chewing,


  which will not only be conducive to digestion,

  as well as table etiquette demands. Never opens its big mouth,

  stuff their faces with massive,

  the mountain,

  not in the dish meals,


  opens its big mouth,

  drowned tongue blow to cover vegetables; Add a not too much food imports,

  Otherwise people will leave a mixed phase and greed impression. Meals must act to put some. Take their food,

  not to meet neighbor,

  not like the vegetables appropriated on the table,

  not soup poured over and not eating dripping on the table. Mouth stained with rice,

  or meals paper napkins erase lightly,

  not with the tongue licking. Chew food,

  but they will not issue a "lifted my head. My partner," "physically grumble physically mouth,

  and turn her head to the rear. eating or chewing voice of sand there are sputum,

  to leave the table to picture. In the course of dinner,

  Tim to maximize their own meals and initiative or "voices. I containing food,

  best not to talk with others,

  to restrain jokes to avoid mouthful of food and exhales,

  or choke into the trachea,

  danger; really need to talk with their families,

  should they spoke softly. Spit out the bones,


  vegetable residue,

  use chopsticks or hands from then out on the table before them,

  not spit directly to the desktop or on the ground. If coughing,


  or to hand handkerchiefs to seniors Tim meals,

  take their food. Encountered seniors Tim meals for himself and take their food,

  to thank. Meals to concentrate,

  some students in a small meal to watch television or read newspaper,

  this is the bad habits,

  not health,

  affects digestion and absorption of food,

  but also damage eyesight.


  Personal privacy,

  is not willing to open,

  no stranger to inquire about the secret,

  personal or private things.

  In international social life,

  people generally pay respect individual privacy,

  and respect the privacy,

  as if a person in interpersonal skills have upbringing,

  respect and understanding can be an important sign of object interaction.

  In international social life,

  how many,

  the personal income has been foreigners as their faces,

  is taboo others directly or indirectly. Remove wages,

  those who reflect personal economic conditions,

  such as tax amount,

  problems and bank deposit,

  the stock returns and housing area,

  car models,


  apparel brands,



  and personal income because,

  do not fit.

  In general,

  the actual age abroad as "core",

  and "confidential for old" words taboo. The love of friends and relatives,


  marriage and family life. In some countries,

  with straight talk about this problem,

  is likely to be regarded as boring,

  even to think is "sexual harassment". When chatting,

  generally dislike others for their own health concern.

  Foreigners are put his own private residence as a private domain. They do not like the telephone number,

  residential address personal private information disclosure as pure ". We ask for others,

  such as "is where people",

  "what school",

  "what did before,

  that is normal. Yet these contents as foreigners ",

  "commercial secrets of the object against ask communication freely,

  without ever find each other" hukou ".

  In international social life of faith and politics. In other foreign ask: "what are you doing recently?",

  "why haven't seen you for this kind of" foreigners,

  but very taboo problem to others who seek this kind of problem,

  not ever curiosity,

  failing to respect other people,

  is "ulterior motives.

  We mentioned above,

  these problems are personal privacy issues. To respect the privacy of foreign friends,

  he must avoid involving these problems.


  looking for similar habits.

  Everyone has his own personality,


  and interact in a way similar habits,

  relatively speaking,

  people everywhere,

  the problem is how to search to find you. First to watch each other's characteristics,


  social background and career life view,

  if both parties can pay attention to similar to the common language,

  and resonance.

  2 and grasp the discretion of itself.

  If a person is more outstanding,

  specialty to win the appreciation of others,

  and be happy with your nature,

  but if,

  instead of perfection,

  make the person has a kind of feeling that if the upper occasional exposes some personal shortcomings,

  but that will attract people close to you.


  pay attention to the instrument and temperament.

  Of course,

  treat people hospitable and natural than apathy introverted people are attractive. But the first meeting,

  this is nonsense doesn't give a person a kind of sedate feeling.

  【三】社交礼仪social manners 在日 常生活和工作中, 礼仪能够调节人际关系 , 人们在交往时按礼仪规范去做, 有助于加强人们之间互相尊重, 建立友好合作的关系 , 缓和和避免不必要的矛盾和冲突。

  一般来说, 人们受到尊重、 礼遇、 赞同 和帮助就会产生吸引 心理, 形成友谊关系 ,反之会产生敌对, 抵触, 反感, 甚至憎恶的心理。

  礼仪的重要性 具体内 容contents:•仪表appearance•仪态 gesture 日 常礼仪一、 坐姿二、 站姿三、 谈话四、 握手五、 着装setting posturestanding posturetalkhandshakedressing 一、 坐姿setting posture正确的坐姿: 腰背挺直, 肩 放松。

  女性应两膝并拢; 男性膝部可分开一些, 但不要过大, 一般不超过肩 宽。

  ( 1) 入轻, 起稳。

  ( 2) 女子双膝并拢, 双手自 然弯曲放在膝盖和大腿上。

  ( 3) 不要坐满椅子。

  ( 4) 切忌脚尖朝天。

  ( 5) 切忌坐椅时前俯后仰、 东倒西歪。

  ( 6) 不可摇腿、 抖脚。

  坐立时, 腿部不可上下抖动, 左右摇晃。

  ( 7) 忌双脚直伸出去。

  ( 8) 忌以手触摸脚部。

  ( 9) 忌以脚自 脱鞋袜。

  ( 10) 忌脚放上桌椅。

  ( 11) 忌手部置于桌下。


  坐姿注意事项Tips 二、 站姿standing posture身体应与地面垂直, 重心放在两个前脚掌上, 挺胸、 收腹、 收颁、 抬头、 双肩 放松。

  女人的站立姿势应该是: 抬头, 挺胸, 收腹,两腿稍微分开, 脸上带有自 信,挺拔的感觉。

  要有一个 谈话的姿势往往反映出一个人的性格、 修养和文明素质。

  所以, 交谈时, 首先双方要互相正视、 互相倾听、 不能东张西望、 看书看报、 面带倦容、哈欠连天。

  否则, 会给人心不在焉、 傲慢无理等不礼貌的印象。

  三、 谈话talk姿势 握手礼handshake 四、 握手礼仪 1、 握手的姿势:上身要略微前倾, 头要微低。

  一般情况下, 要自 然双目 注视对方, 面带笑容,

  对方心情沉痛时, 表情要凝重。

  两足立正, 双方伸出右手, 彼此之间保持一步左右的距离( 75厘米左右或一米左右) , 手掌垂直于地面, 四指并齐,拇指张开与对方相握, 双方握着对方的手掌, 而不是握指尖。

  上下晃动两到三下, ( 握手的时间3秒左右为宜) , 并且适当 用 力。

  2、 握手的顺序:尊者决定、 尊者居前一般为女士先, 男士后; 长辈先, 晚辈后;上级先, 下级后。

  先到者先伸手拜访时, 来时主人先伸手, 表示迎客; 离去时, 客人先伸手, 表示道别。

  握 手 礼男士之间的握手力度稍大握手掌虎口相对 握 手 礼女士之间的握手手指相握力度稍轻 微笑 以八分满为宜敬茶tea的礼仪 适合自 己的体型色彩的搭配场合原则五、 着装dressing Thank you!









