

时间:2020-10-19 13:01:07 推荐信 我要投稿





  几乎所有的大学都会要求留学申请人提出推荐信(Recommendation Letter),评审委员借着推荐者的文字描述,可以了解申请人的背景状况。它可说明各种成绩单数字以外的其它意义,补充过于计量化、公式化审核的一种评估方式。 美国留学申请研究所一般要求三封推荐信推荐人的身份可以是曾经教你的教授,或是现(曾)职工作单位主管,自已视需要组合。例如,如果你毕业十年,你的推荐人可应有二封工作主管为宜,而毕业一两年顶多一封即足够。 推荐人的职务,并不一定愈高愈有利,相反地,认识你愈久而职称不高,内容又适当地表达你的个性(Personality),才是上乘的推荐。



  Dear Sir/Madam;

  To Whom It May Concern:


  “It is a pleasure to recommend to you (name), a former student of mine at (name of university).”

  “I an very happy to have this opportunity to recommend (name), who is presently applying for admission to your graduate (or undergraduate) program in (name of program).” “I understand that (name) is applying for admissions to your graduate (undergraduate) school, and has requested that I write this letter of recommendation for her/him.” “In my capacity as professor at xxxx University, I have known xxx for three years, as both his/her advisor and professor.”

  (三)第二段:这段可以提供最实质的内容。譬如,如果推荐者是教授, 解释学生在他门下所修的课程。

  “(name) took two of my courses during the 1984-85 academic year, as follows; “xxxxx” and “xxxxx”.” “(Name) was enrolled in three of classes from September 1984 to June 1986 “xxx” and “xxx”.”


  “In my class (es), (name) did excellent work. She always listened attentively, participated activitely in class, and handed in very good written assignment. “In particular, his/her research paper on (topic) was of exceptionally high quality, and showed that s/he fully understands and has a strong background in his/her field.”


  “When (name) held the position of (job title) in this company she was one s/he was one of my best employees. His/her job responsibilities included (describe them), and s/he carried out his/her duties with exceptional skill and professionalism.” “S/he not only did his/her own work, but also helped other employees, and made many valuable contributions to the efficient running to our firm.”


  “I was rate (name)'s academic ability as in the top 10% of his/her class.” “Compared against other students that I have taught, I would say that (name) ranks in the upper 10%.


  “Based on his/her previous performance, I am certain that (name) would be a very successful student at your university.” “I believe that (name) possesses all the qualities necessary to make an excellent graduate student in his/her chosen field, and am sure that s/he will make a fine addition to your campus.”



  “Therefore, I am happy to highly and without reservation recommend (name) for admission to your graduate program. Your kind/serious consideration of his/her application would be most appreciated.” “I am thus pleased to give my full support and recommendation to (name)'s application for admission to your school. If any further information is required, please feel free to contact me.”


  Sincerely, Sincerely yours, Very truly yours, With best regards,


  Dear Admissions Committee,

  As Director of the State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation at ABC University in BLANK, China, it is my sincere and distinct pleasure to recommend Ms. Xiao for your graduate program in BLANK.

  I have known Ms. Xiao since 20xx, when she was one of eighty students who completed their undergraduate thesis projects in my BLANK laboratory. Ms. Juan’s enthusiasm for and diligence in learning helped her become one of the most outstanding students in the entire group, making a strong, positive impression upon me. Ms. Xiao is a very driven woman and student who know what she wants to accomplish and does not falter in her chosen path. Her intellectual curiosity and desire to acquire new acknowledge continuously have led her to perform much study on her own outside the scope of her classes and research work; oftentimes, I witnessed her consulting scientific books and journals to help her discover how she could improve her knowledge and her work in the laboratory. Countless times, Ms. Xiao remained in the laboratory for more than twelve hours in a row to complete her work and make sure there were no errors. With such devotion and fortitude, Ms. Xiao did not surprise me with her superior performance on her thesis paper. In terms of her character, Ms. Xiao is an amiable, courteous, and helpful young woman who has many friends amongst our laboratory personnel.

  Ms. Xiao is ready to move on to a more rigorous program of graduate study. Her academic performance, research work, and upstanding personal character have won her my highest recommendation, and I hope you give her application strong consideration. Thank you.












