

时间:2022-04-21 14:27:11 英语作文 我要投稿




  华南虎英文作文 篇1

  Hey,guys!So glad to see you.As you see my appearance,brown and black crossband fur,exspeacilly my shape tooth.I am the Panthera tigris amoyensis.I live in Shangdong provence now.We are solitary carnivores in the forest.Because we have our own area that is a place for us to prey on,and we will drive out other carnivore animals so as to protect our food.

  But now,we are endangered.This is a long story,40years ago, the human race was captured us because they regarded us as the harmful carnivore.And killed us in a large scale.With a a series of killing,our race is reducing rapidly.The most vital is ,of couse, losing our habitat.

  I suggest that you should be aware that tigers are lifes too.We live in a same planet and I hope you can respect us.Taking measures to deal with this situation so as to save us in time.I am afraid that it is too late now. We will protect ourselves in our ways,we maybe attack the human.I know you don't want to see this situation.So don't harm and kill us anymore.

  华南虎英文作文 篇2

  The South China tiger, like all other subspecies of tigers, are pure carnivores. The South China tiger prefers prey ranging between 30-400 lbs and have been known to eat livestock like cows and goats in the past when their population was much higher. They are expert hunters and will stalk and follow their prey for hours. South China tigers have an average speed of around 35mph, faster than most of its prey species, but they do not have enough stamina to maintain their top speed for long. These big cats kill their prey with a bite to the back of its neck (usually for medium-sized prey) or use suffocation hold on the prey's throat (this is their preferred method of killing large-sized prey). South China tigers can feed on almost anything, from small insects to Gaurs. Many humans died from South China tiger attacks in the past and they have been known as man-eaters when their population was much higher.

  华南虎英文作文 篇3

  South China Tiger (Panthera tigris amoyensis), also known as Tiger, Xiamen, China Tiger.

  Is the world's most endangered big cats, is one of the top ten most endangered animals in the world.

  South China Tiger is one of the smallest Tiger subspecies, the male Tiger body length 2.5m and weighing 150kg, the female Tiger, smaller, body length of 2.3M and weighing about 110kg.

  Already 20 years not found in the wild South China tigers, now estimated wild population of approximately 20-30.

  20XX South China Tiger pedigree shows that captive population is 48 only, distributed in 19 zoos in China.

  In 20XX, during the great leap forward, China will predators such as Tigers and leopards, wolves, is declared to be "injurious animal", "enemy of mankind", and thus began a series of clean up operation to destroy injurious animal.

  Was Tiger this notoriety is mainly because they attacked farmers and villagers.

  Widespread oppression of wild South China tiger population from 4,000 to less than 200 in 20XX.

  The Chinese Government after fixes this classification and banned hunting in 20XX, but it was too late.

  华南虎英文作文 篇4

  South of China -tiger is the national-level protected animal. In 20XX, the World Conservation Union as critically endangered, one of the top ten species. This is because a large number of people to reap huge profits they are a result of the killing. Now fewer than 100 survived, it is excessive cut down and pollute the air so that they have no place to live, and some their are used to make fur clothing, so we need to make a plan to protect South China tiger, stop killing them, so that they gradually have been restored, saving South China tiger is still a long way !












  1 导入设计

  老虎历来被人们称为“兽中之王”,它的形象成为古今中外人们所描绘、抒写的素材,请向同学们展示你手机的猛虎图。咏虎诗,成语。 同学们展示的猛虎图,咏虎诗和成语使我们具体感知了老虎的风采。虎,以它的威猛、高贵的气质震撼人们的心灵,今天我们就一起走进一只华南虎的内心世界,感受这种震撼。(板书课题)

  2 配放背景音乐

  教师范读营造气氛 学生听读、欣赏,自行正音,品味语气、语调,把握节奏、重音。

  3 整体感知课文

  (1) 小组自学,学生自由朗读,初探课文。 课文中的华南虎处境如何?这是一只具有什么样的的个性的华南虎?它的个性有哪些诗句可以表现?勾画出来。 对华南虎“观众”和“我”持什么态度?你对“我”与众人行为有怎样的评价? 小组推荐代表汇报讨论结果,提出疑问,全班讨论

  (2) 组织讨论,深层研讨 教师简介背景,提供深层理解的材料 朗读诗歌,找出诗中最能震撼人心、表现主旨的诗节。 探讨诗歌的`主旨 诗中的“观众”是个怎样的群体?代表专政工具的“铁笼”禁锢的仅仅是一只华南虎? 联系背景,你是如何理解华南虎形象的象征的意义的? 作者说:“我终于明白------”,“我”明白了一些什么?这里蕴涵着作者怎样的人生思索?


  (3) 诵读品味,深入体会感情

  4 巩固扩展

  (1) 联想和想象练习 以《华南虎的自白》为题,根据诗意展开想象,表现被困的华南虎的心路历程。

  (2) 比较阅读:布莱克《老虎》 谈谈它们的区别和文章的感情,你从中得到的启示。

  5 课堂小结

  6 布置作业











