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  读书名言英文 篇1

  1.Much learning shows how little mortals know. ----Francis Young

  博学而后始知人类所知有限。 ----拂朗西斯-杨

  2.Our pride chiefly rests on ignorance. ----Gotthold Lessing

  骄傲主要来自于无知。 ----戈特霍尔德-莱辛

  3.People die, but books never die. No man and no force can abolish memory. ----Franklin Roosevelt

  人会死亡,书却无朽。没有任何人可以丢弃记忆。 ---拂兰克林-罗斯福

  4.Choose an author as you choose a friend.


  5.Friends are not books, yet books are friends. Friends may betray you, while books are always loyal.


  6.Books are treasure banks storing wisdom passed down from generation to generation.


  7.After you have read more than ten thousand volumes, you will find it easy to write as if God were there helping you.


  8.he man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them.

  Author: Mark Twain


  10.only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.


  12.Never think yourself above business.


  13.Business may be troublesome,but idleness is pernicious.


  14.He that thinks his business below him will always be above his business.


  读书名言英文 篇2

  1.Knowledge is a city to the building of which every human being brought a stone.——Emerson


  2.Real knowledge, like everything else of value, is not to be obtained easily,it must be worked for, studied for, thought for, and more than all, must be prayed for.——Thomas Arnold


  3.He that can read an meditate will not find his evenings long or life tedious.


  4.The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest men of past centuries.——Descartes


  5.Learning does not stop as long as a man lives, unless his learning power atrophies because he does not use it. -Robert Hutchins

  人只要活着,学习就不改停下来,除非学习能力因不学而萎缩。 -罗伯特·胡钦斯

  6.Learning is like rowing upstream, not to advance is to drop back. -Chinese Proverb

  学如逆水行舟,不进则退。 -中国谚语

  7.Learning does not stop as long as a man lives, unless his learning power atrophies because he does not use it. -Robert Hutchins

  人只要活着,学习就不改停下来,除非学习能力因不学而萎缩。 -罗伯特·胡钦斯

  读书名言英文 篇3

  1, see the text to be large segment wonderful view, arched spirit, put up bones and tendons, not get bogged down, if the sword in the post-general. On the need for some thoroughly, then the end of its first to be hit, hit its tail should first, had passed is. Can not be based album will be in a cover of the album will be forgotten - Zhu Xi

  看文字须大段精彩看,耸起精神,竖起筋骨,不要困,如有刀剑在后一般。就一段中须要透,击其首则尾应,击其尾则首应,方始是。不可按册子便在,掩了册子便忘――朱 熹

  2, reading there are three that, that Centrosymmetric, Yan Dao, mouth. Heart was not this, then do not watch carefully, neither eye-specific, but only diffuse wave reading, and never mind that a long time not a long time also. Three to among the most urgent Centrosymmetric heart not only to men, and eye-mouth it not to peace? Zhuxi


  3, reading of the law without him, but was modestly Atsushi, repeated in detail to play for the active ear. - Zhu Xi

  读书之法无他,惟是笃志虚心,反复详玩,为有功耳。――朱 熹

  4, reading of the law, in a gradual, well-versed with the fine thought. - Zhu Xi

  读书之法,在循序渐进,熟读而精思。――朱 熹

  5, give a rather anti-3, Wen a conceivable 10, and academics hard deep, Poor Richard's cooked, and then be able to mastery, so that this. - Zhu Xi

  举一而反三,闻一而知十,及学者用功之深,穷理之熟,然后能融会贯通,以至于此。――朱 熹

  6, in order to learn reading, shall be patient, fine intention to ignore, must not be careless. Number of weights, wrapped inside, no chance to see such. Must today go to a weight, then we prove that a weight. Tomorrow, he went to a weight, then we prove that a weight. To make skin, see the flesh side. To the best meat, the bone side. To do bone marrow side see. - Zhu Xi

  为学读书,须是耐心,细意去理会,切不可粗心。为数重物,包裹在里面,无缘得见。必是今日去一重,又见得一重。明日又去一重,又见得一重。去尽皮,方见肉。去尽肉,方见骨。去尽骨,方见髓。――朱 熹

  7, reading no doubt will be required to teach a doubt, there is no doubt that the suspect who wants to party here is the lack of progress. --- Zhu Xi

  读书无疑者须教有疑,有疑者却要无疑,到这里方是长进。―――朱 熹

  8, reading without dawn is thinking, thinking without dawn was read. --- Zhu Xi

  读而未晓则思,思而未晓则读。―――朱 熹

  9, three-shift light just before dawn chicken, is the man; when he was studying. I do not know Diligence hair back, white in the first square regret later reading. - Yen Chen-ching


  10, reading in order to Guomuchengsong In order to, most are of no use. In the eyes of the heart under the haste, the seals hurried over, exchange, terribly busy, as they are in the beauty field, one that is before, with my good will also. --- Zheng Banqiao


  读书名言英文 篇4

  1.After you have read more than ten thousand volumes, you will find it easy to write as if God were there helping you.


  2.Ignorance is not innocence but sin.


  3. knowledge does not exist, but just pretend to be a science; The teacher does not exist, ignorant becomes brighter.


  4.None is of freedom or of life deserving unless he daily conquers it anew.


  5.If a man empties his purse into his head , no man can take it away from him , an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest .


  6.Hold what you really know and tell what you do not know this will lead to knowledge. -Confucius6.

  知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。 -孔子

  7.Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind, the persons who appreciate the wholesome gush of natural feeling, the honest affection, the simple joy, the fullness of contentment with what they love. -Hawthorne


  8.The three foundations of learning: seeing much, suffering much and studying much.


  9.From your parents you lean love and laughter and how to put one foot before the other.But when books are opened you discover that you have wings.


  10.Reading is not merely sympathizing and understanding,it is also criticizing and judging. -Virginia Woolf


  读书名言英文 篇5

  Classic A book which people praise and don’t read.


  Coping with problems in our real life is the end, and reading is only one of the means to reach the end.


  Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.


  Knowledge is one thing, virtue is another.


  A house without books is like a room without windows.


  The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.


  Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting.


  Knowledge is power . (Francis Bacon , British philosopher )

  知识就是力量。 (英国哲学家 培根. F.)

  The empty vessels make the greatest sound . (William Shakespeare , British dramatist )

  满瓶不响,半瓶咣当。 (英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W.)

  Love is ever the beginning of knowledge as fire is of light. -Thomas Carlyle


  When you want knowledge like you want air under water then you will get it. -Socrates


  读书名言英文 篇6

  1.Life being very short, and the quiet hour of it few; we ought to waste none of them in reading valueless books.-John Ruskin1.人生十分短促,宁静的时间又不多;我们不应该浪费宝贵的时间去读毫无价值的书。 -约翰·拉斯金

  2.Learning is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity, and a provision in old age. -Aristotle2.学问在成功时是装饰品,在失意时是庇护所,在年老时是供应品。 -亚里士多德

  3.Something attempted, something done. -h.w.longfellow3.有所尝试,就等于有所作为。 -h.w.朗费罗

  4.Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. -Martin Luther King Jr.4.世界上再也没有比纯粹的无知和认真的愚蠢更危险的了。 - 小马丁·路德·金

  5.Learning is like rowing upstream, not to advance is to drop back. -Chinese Proverb5.学如逆水行舟,不进则退。 -中国谚语

  6.What is important to a student's achievement is that he can make gradual progress increasingly and orderly.-liang chi-chao6.学问之功,贵乎循序渐进,经久不息。 -梁启超

  7.A man dies still if he has done nothing, as one who has done much.7.既然无所事事亦难逃一死,何不奋斗终生。

  8.Coping with problems in our real life is the end, and reading is only one of the means to reach the end.8.处理现实生活是目的,读书只是达到这个目的手段之一。

  9.Good books are like a wise and nice man of last generation, who supports me to walk forward, and helps me come to understand the world. 9.优秀的书籍像一个智慧的长者,搀扶着我,使我一步步向前进,并且逐渐懂得了世界。

  10.Isn't it a happy thing if you review what you have learned on time?10.学而时习之,不亦乐乎?









