

时间:2022-05-31 18:52:49 英语作文 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1

  Sometimes, people say, "this kid is as smart as a monkey", but people may not notice that cats are smarter than monkeys, especially when they are catching food.

  The other is to rely on domestic animal owners to send food, and a big cat is my grandma feeds and they are not the same, it is not good to eat, not to eat food to capture. Is the best cat stole the fish, when it is in the night, with its feet to soundless and stirless action, it unnoticed to others, that night the glowing eyes and the nose to find the target, with the sudden speed, catch, immediately cautiously without any noise. Run away, then, find a quiet place to enjoy.

  Stole the fish just a small cat to catch mice is the ability, its strengths, cats carefully came to the place where the mouse it feels, quietly, still waiting, as long as the sight of a mouse, the cat will immediately and quickly flee in the past, sometimes just a mouse caught a tail, sometimes only catch mice, regardless of the outcome, there will still be waiting for the cat and mouse.

  Sometimes the cat is really very boring, it will eat the wheat to attack the sparrow, saw the cat still like that stole the fish to go cautiously without any noise and small sparrow sparrow side, not the danger around it, then, all of a sudden forward toward a cat, a small sparrow is caught, in short, cat every time is 100% in the catch".

  Ha ha, when capturing food, the cat is a "mysterious little Superman."".

英文作文 篇2

  We should not hesitate too much during the first half of our lives, while we should not regret at what we’ve done during the other half. We should seize every opportunity to find a way out in our lives, for it goes off swiftly. We should say something urgent slowly, something serious clearly, something small humorously and something unsure cautiously. We should never say something that did not happen, something that you cannot do, something that does harm to others, and something that is disgusting. We should tell others our happiness in specific occasions and should not tell anyone our unhappiness. Do not easily say something about others. We should follow our own heart and interest, and fulfill what we should do instead of merely paying lip service and looking forward to the future.


  Everyone is craving for a happy life, but owning wealth does not necessarily mean owning happiness. To truly reach happiness, we need to know how to get on with others. So we need to understand the core of happiness and achieve what we desire.


  Without happiness, one will feel terribly miserable, for he always insists that he has done the right thing all the time and that others often do wrong to him. He attributes every mistake to others or the environment instead of reflecting on himself, which renders him farther and farther away from happiness. A celebrity once said, “Nobody intends to make mistake. One makes mistake because of his igorance.” Therefore, if someone makes mistake, we need to care about him, forgive him and enlighten him by setting a good example for him instead of losing temper, hatred to him. Othewise, we are also ingorant like him, for we also make a stupid mistake that leads us farther from happiness.


  We need to know and understand happiness before we finally get it. A smart man must know to do something good even though it may be small, and not to do something wicked even though it may be tiny in the course of socializing. As long as we keep a kind heart and do everything morally and legally, we can live a placid life. But if we keep an evil heart and do whatever we want, we are indeed digging a tomb for ourselves. A smart man knows to learn a lesson from his falls for he knows that every setback is a precious experience leading to happiness in the future. He will not waste his time in critizing others. Instead, he tends to spend more time seeking his own happiness. He knows to keep a heart of conscience and not to spread others’ mistakes. He also knows to think before he leaps so that he will not feel regretful afterwards. Moreover, he knows to tolerate others, so he can naturally lead a happy life.


  In order to possess a happy life, we need to know more about others, about the society, about our culture and history. We should be patriotic, abide by the law and realize our own responsibility, then we are doomed to have a happy life.


英文作文 篇3

  GMAT作文经验1. 做模版


  GMAT作文经验2. 找出主要的错误类型,每种写出一道两句经典的表述即可。

  GMAT作文经验3. 考时30分钟分三个阶段

  一)12-15分钟,写出完整的第一段,三个征文段的topic sentence,和完整的末段。写第一段的同时就构思topicsentence,末段无非是重复结论和三句topic。这样的`好处是结构已经完整了,你不用慌了。。



  GMAT作文经验4. 非常措施

  考试万一时间不够,首段就抄原句;如果时间还不够,末段就cut-paste首段和topic 的文本,稍加修改即可。但是,结构是完整的。

  GMAT作文经验5. ok作文法的精髓和适用范围

英文作文 篇4

  There are advantages and disadvantages to coming from a large family. Make that a large family with a single parent, and they double. The disadvantages are never so apparent as when someone wants to go off to college. Parents have cashed in life insurance policies to cover the cost of one year.


  My mother knew that she could not send me to college and pay for it. She worked in a retail store and made just enough to pay the bills and take care of the other children at home. If I wanted to go to college, it was up to me to find out how to get there.


  I found that I qualified for some grants because of the size of our family, my mom"s income and my SAT scores. There was enough to cover school and books, but not enough for room and board. I accepted a job as part of a work-study program. While not glamorous, it was one I could do. I washed dishes in the school cafeteria.


  To help myself study, I made flash cards that fit perfectly on the large metal dishwasher. After I loaded the racks, I stood there and flipped cards, learning the makeup of atoms while water and steam broke them down all around me. I learned how to make y equal to z while placing dishes in stacks. My wrinkled fingers flipped many a card, and many times my tired brain drifted off, and a glass would crash to the floor. My grades went up and down. It was the hardest work I had ever done.


  Just when I thought the bottom was going to drop out of my college career, an angel appeared. Well, one of those that are on earth, without wings.


  “I heard that you need some help,” he said.


  “What do you mean?” I asked, trying to figure out which area of my life he meant.


  “Financially, to stay in school.”


  “Well, I make it okay. I just have trouble working all these hours and finding time to study.”


  “Well, I think I have a way to help you out.”


  He went on to explain that his grandparents needed help on the weekends. All that was required of me was cooking meals and helping them get in and out of bed in the morning and evening. The job paid four hundred dollars a month, twice the money I was making washing dishes. Now I would have time to study. I went to meet his grandparents and accepted the job.


  My first discovery was his grandmother"s great love of music. She spent hours playing her old, off-key piano. One day, she told me I didn"t have enough fun in my life and took it upon herself to teach me the art.


  Grandma was impressed with my ability and encouraged me to continue. Weekends in their house became more than just books and cooking,they were filled with the wonderful sounds of the out-of-tune piano and two very out-of-tune singers.


  When Christmas break came, Grandma got a chest cold, and I was afraid to leave her. I hadn"t been home since Labor Day, and my family was anxious to see me. I agreed to come home, but for two weeks instead of four, so I could return to Grandma and Grandpa. I said my good-byes, arranged for their temporary care and return home.


  As I was loading my car to go back to school, the phone rang.


  “Daneen, don"t rush back,” he said.


  “Why? What"s wrong?” I asked, panic rising.


  “Grandma died last night, and we have decided to put Grandpa in a retirement home. I"m sorry.”


  I hung up the phone feeling like my world had ended. I had lost my friend, and that was far worse than knowing I would have to return to dishwashing.


  I went back at the end of four weeks, asking to begin the work-study program again. The financial aid advisor looked at me as if I had lost my mind. I explained my position, then he smiled and slid me an envelope. “This is for you,” he said.


  It was from grandma. She had known how sick she was. In the envelope was enough money to pay for the rest of my school year and a request that I take piano lessons in her memory.


  I don"t think “The Old Grey Mare” was even played with more feeling than it was my second year in college. Now, years later, when I walk by a piano, I smile and think of Grandma. She is tearing up the ivories in heaven, I am sure.


英文作文 篇5

  Sometimes we think of dreams as fantasies - it's easy to do when you have money, rent, and work。 But you can't prepare yourself and jump off the cliff: you should grow your wings first。 A little bit toward the dream。 Step by step。 Take a step forward。 After all, it's your mission。


英文作文 篇6




  在这本书上举了很多有趣的例子,都是不恰当地使用英语造成的,让我来讲给你们听:在一件医用物品中,它的'商标是“DR BANG”邦医生,但在英文中,它的意思是“爆炸医生”。在一个旅游区,有一个公共标语,它企图表达的意思是“为了您的安全,请不要随意爬山”,但标语将“YOUR”的“Y”接到了句中“FOR”的后面,意思就变成了“你可以爬山,也可以掉下来,但别掉到我们身上,砸着我们!”是不是很可笑?还英语有用“PEOPLEMOUNTAINPEOPLESEA”来表示“人山人海”,都是典型的中式英语。


英文作文 篇7

  Everyone has hobbies.Hobbies are the important things in our life.I also have hobbies.Next,let me tell you.

  Exercise is my one hobby.I love sport.The more exercise I do,The more healthier I have.After I have dinner,I often go for a walk with my sister on the streets,and when class is over,I usually play badminton with my friends.Sometimes I play ping-pong,too.So I think I live in a wonderful life.

  Reading is my the other hobby.In weekends,I often read some novels.Such as《Jane Love》。《Zhao Hua Xi She》and so on.That can make me improve my Chinese.

  This is my hobbies.If you have hobbies,you can exchange with me.

英文作文 篇8


  Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion


  Where is the building? What is its purpose? What does the structure look like?

  This week's topic: The architecture of that building inspiring... (90-110 words)


  1) an architect submitted a revolutionary design, incorporating beauty, function and environmental awareness

  2) a building was brought down by a demolition crew

  3) a person set a goal to visit landmark buildings around the world

  4) inspectors and auditors ensuring a building project follows safety guidelines and quality standards, completes on time and within budget

  5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below. What will happen next?


  The print job had quite a few pages, so while it was being printed, Sean gathered the material for the meeting and put it in his bag. After a few minutes, he went on his way to search for the printer in the chemistry department which was actually quite close to his neuroscience department. Yet, because he personally had not done a joint project with the chemistry department, he had not visited this part of the building. Sean had considered the possibility that the printer might be behind locked doors, but he figured that his key card should allow him to gain access.

英文作文 篇9

  dear sir,

  the news of your accident just reached me this morning. i’m greatly shocked to learn that you were knocked down by a car yesterday. how are you feeling today?

  the only good thing about it is that your mother told me that you are progressing nicely, i hope that you are doing well after the operation, and that you’ll be out of the hospital in about a wee. i’m coming to see you on sunday and trust that your condition will remarkably improve by then.

  a little package from rose and me will reach you a day or two. we hope the small thing will interest you.

  with every good wishes for your swift recovery!

  sincerely yours,

   li ming

英文作文 篇10

  We met two poor kittens in class today. One eye still had a little problem. We fed the two kittens and we went home.

  Why do I feel this two kittens is very poor, I heard them meow is froze.










