

时间:2023-03-18 10:49:33 英语作文 我要投稿




母亲节的英文作文 篇1

  Today is mother's day. I think mom is so hard, and I'm sick today. I should do more things on this mother's day to make my mother happy. Yes, I should buy a gift for my mother and do some housework today. I think it's a good idea to act at once. At first, I took my pocket money to buy a gift - a card.

  I walked out of the house and looked at a few small stores, but there were no cards to sell in these small stores. What should I do? Look for it again! I go forward again. I think we must find a card today. I went to a small shop again, and I saw that there were cards in it. Well, I found it at last. I went into the shop and picked it up.

  I asked the shopkeeper to take all kinds of greeting cards out. I choose one by one. I finally found a satisfactory card for me. The card is very beautiful, and it has a sound music when it opens. It's wonderful! So, I asked the boss, "how much is one?" The boss said, "little friend, it's not expensive, five yuan." I think it's good. It's really not expensive. I bought it. I paid for the card and went home.

  Back home, I saw my mother still sleeping on the bed. So I started to do the housework. I first swept the ground with the broom. Then, I tow the floor with a mop. Soon, I took the mop under the tap to wash it. By the time I finished, my mother just woke up. She laughed when she saw the clean and tidy room. I quickly put up the mop, took the card, handed her hands to her mother, and said loudly: "Happy Mother's Day!" Mother said: "Taotao, the card is not important, it is important for you to learn, as long as you get good grades, I will be happy!" I said, "Mom, I know, I'm sure I'll study well, and try to get the full score."

母亲节的英文作文 篇2

  For me, this festival is warm. Because, in this festival, there is one of the most important roles, that is to work hard to cultivate our great mother. This festival belongs to the mother all over the world and the women all over the world. It's mother's day.

  Before this mother's day came, I had already prepared for her to feel her daughter's love for her and repay her in her holiday. So I took the pocket money I had saved and bought some carnations. At the flower shop, I personally chose one of the most beautiful and beautiful flowers for my mother, wrapped the paper with a gift, and then hid the flowers in the closet at home.

  I left it, finally the day. I got up early in the morning, when her mother was still in bed, I quietly dressed, will elaborate carnations on the mother's bed, when she woke up, saw a beam that is full of love, moved to tears, suddenly hugged me and said: "you grew up. And this is the happiest moment of my life, never thought is usually the little princess, you will be so filial." I am glad to bring my mother to the kitchen, let her taste my fruit platter, mother taste it, say, "it's delicious, you just do it for me everyday." It's time for me to play table tennis. I ran to my mother and gave my mother a sweet kiss. My mother hugged me and said, "today, my mother is really happy. This is my sweetest day."

  Mother is our closest relatives, our benefactor, her love for us is selfless, never resentment. Here, I want to thank my mother and thank the mother all over the world.

  Mom, I'm your forever daughter.

母亲节的英文作文 篇3

  When you are sick, you will have a weak body, fever and headache, cough, sore throat, diarrhea, no mouth, and you will feel depressed all day long.

  Remember once in grade two in the morning, I suddenly hot body weakness, I feel as if I had caught a cold but she has to work, I have to go to school, in the third quarter, more and more uncomfortable with the teacher to me to the clinic for nurse aunt, a temperature high enough to 40 degrees no wonder will be hot and cold, sore and ache all over, the nurse aunt want me to call grandma, grandma leave immediately, put down the task at hand, a taxi with me in a great hurry, take me to the hospital emergency department, after the doctor auscultation, want me to do as x-rays, blood, urinalysis, examination throat, sputum examination results require hospitalization for pneumonia, a cold grandmother hurriedly contact the mother ask for leave to work in a hospital ward care of me.

  Next to the ward bed is one of only two years old child, his grandparents child and mom and dad always cried ˇ I asked my mother to know is how poor child brain steadily a large lump, well my mother is white angels, give me meticulous care, the injection, the temperature, phlegm, warm water bath, feeding, unconsciously I fell asleep and fever, but mother didn't sleep at night always accompanied me good pain! Grandma also prepared delicious and nutritious food for me, let me recover my day back to the third day, the doctor said I could finally after I was released from the hospital to wash their hands often, drink less cold drinks, wear more clothes, to wipe the sweat after a movement. I smiled and said, thank you, doctor, I remember what you said.

  The hospitalization let me know that working as a nurse's mother was hard work, sacrificing sleep at night and spending time with family. Mom, you are so great! I will never be naughty again, want to eat more, watch TV early to go to bed early to rise to make the body strong, the bacterium, the virus dare not to bully me.

  Today is mother's day, wish! Happy mother's day! Mom I love you!

母亲节的英文作文 篇4

  The first few days are the annual mother's day. The custom of mother's day is to give mother presents and congratulations. I believe that there are many classmates who give gifts or flowers to my mother, I want to send a fancy gift, flowers, no, too monotonous. It's too old to send a doll. So, I gave mom - facial mask!

  My mother liked it very much, and immediately hugged me and gave me a kiss, which was too much for me. Is it necessary to be so happy? To every mother, it is right to be so happy. For their children are sensible. Our efforts are rewarded!

  It is true that mothers give us too much.

  For example, every day, we make money for us to go to college. And we, not only not good study, but fun. If so, please take a look at mother's face, whether it is more wrinkles than before. Look at mother's hair again, have a lot of white hair. If you count them, you can't count them. Because there are so many. Mother has white hair because of us, worried about our study. That's it. I love my mother.

  Let me tell you about mother's day.

  It is a day to thank my mother. The festival first appeared in ancient Greece; Modern mother's day originated in the United States on the second Sunday of may. Mothers often receive gifts on this day, and carnations are regarded as flowers for their mothers, while the Chinese mother flower is the day lily flower, also known as the nepenthes.

  That's how mother's day came.

  So we thank our mother. Here, I wish all mothers a happy holiday!

母亲节的英文作文 篇5

  A few days ago, cao told us the story of "the most beautiful and filial children of 20xx". When the family is in trouble, gao yuxin and his mother go to the street to sell barbecue every evening. Shao, a 12-year-old mother of acute myeloid leukemia, took a break from school in Beijing to donate bone marrow to her mother. The stories of these ten filial children have moistened my eyes. I feel a little guilty in my heart. I want to be grateful to my mother.

  Mother's day is coming. I told my mother to cook her a dish. "Is it true?" she said, overjoyed. "Don't underestimate me! I nodded to my mother.

  I first peeled the garlic, I didn't think the small garlic is very stubborn, won't let me easily strip off its coat. My mother came to help, and immediately she was stripped of seven or eight, and I had not finished. "Mom, what are you going to do? "I asked. "Practice makes perfect!" "Mom laughed.

  Then, I follow the instruction at the mother to wash the red amaranth, let me to take off the root of red amaranth, then wash with water, rinse for six or seven times before I reach the state without sand in birdbath, wash dish finally, but I feel waist sour backache.

  Well, it should be easier. I comfort myself. I strike a light first and then pour oil, and then to smash the garlic into the pot, a garlic smells fragrant and come, I tried to smell the nose in the pot, suddenly some splash on my cheek, the pain I keep call, I hurriedly poured red amaranth, quick stir, brittle leaves become soft, originally a pot of delicious dish out, and I was hot sweat.

  Mom took a towel to help me wipe the sweat, I hurriedly put the red amaranth with the chopsticks to let the mother taste, mother nodded: "very fragrant, just a little bit weak." Oh! I forgot to put salt in it. I wish there was a seam for me to get in.

  "Great! This dish has a son's taste, mother likes it very much! "My mother said with a smile on my arm. A small stir fry, let me feel the mother's not easy! Mom, a person who always understands you and CARES about you. "Mom, I love you, happy mother's day!" I send my blessing loudly to my mother, this is my heartfelt heartfelt wishes!

母亲节的英文作文 篇6

  There is only a mother, no mother's child is a grass, a mother's child is a treasure.

  I am the treasure of my mother's hand, the prize of my mother's pregnancy in October. Whether I am naughty or obedient, as long as I am healthy and happy, mom will be happy.

  When I was a child, I always thought I was my mother?

  How envious I was when my mother picked me up and held her in my arms when she fell. I was so greedy when I watched the other children on their backs. Looking at other children to be favored by the mother, praised, fed, I am so yearning and longing.

  But it was not my childhood.

  In my childhood memories, even if I fell covered with dirt, I would not stretch my hand to give me a hand; Even if I was too tired to walk, my mother would not walk a distance. Even if I do well, mom won't praise. This is mom.

  At that time, mom was the stepmother I thought.

  Now think of how ignorant and unreasonable and unreasonable I was at that time.

  Now I can study in jining two, which is my mother's credit.

  There are two major turning points for a student: the first is the midterm exam; The second is the college entrance examination. The midterm exam, for me, is a brand that doesn't go away.

  I failed the midterm exam. On the other hand, I succeeded.

  In the face of the failure of the examination, I was afraid, and I was very afraid. Oh, I'm afraid she'll beat me and scold me. I was afraid that I would never enter the school gate again. So, I cried.

  "Child, what are you crying for? This is the first time mom called me that. I was silent. "Wipe away the tears", I heard the sound, I immediately stopped crying. "Cry, cry has what use, the success or failure is a common thing as long as you try your best, I for have you such a brave hard-working daughter, don't cry again. Child, stand up! Mom hugged me. This is the first time my mother has hugged me. Mom from the past hard at that moment, mom's eyes...










