

时间:2023-04-08 12:55:10 英语作文 我要投稿
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英文作文600字 篇1

  When I was very small, I wanted to do some things as the boys did, then the elder told me that I wouldn’t succeed, because I was a girl, I should do the girl things. I was very angry, though I was a girl, I could do many things as the boys did. Now many years have passed, I keep telling myself that I can do, I will never lag behind the boys. Actually, I have done many boys’ things, it turns out that I am an excellent girl. I learn that never let other people limit yourself, just do what you want to do. Girls’ ability never lag behind the boys’ ability.


英文作文600字 篇2

  He sat quietly, his pen dangling, and his eyes revealed a trace of worry. This delicate boy is my deskmate.

  He has black hair, a tuft of hair slightly drooping, thick eyebrows in a few roots, which often can make students laugh: God and the big eyes; and the mouth, and the mouth, which can always take out some inexplicable words, make the whole set the whole room roaring with laughter.

  The United States, the heart is not beautiful. He likes stealing and stealing other people's knowledge; he likes to drag and pull his work; he likes to goof off.

  But occasionally he would play it a few times. Let's say the math test last time. He has been tested for 60 or even failed. He has scored 70 points high (for him, high marks). Remember that there is a Chinese, he got "good" this is to make us more greatly.

  My deskmate, I love hate thing.

英文作文600字 篇3

  low-carbon life is the lifestyle of the time to minimize energy consumption, thereby reducing carbon dioxide emissions. low-carbon life, for those of us ordinary people is an attitude to life. it gives us is a willing and we were creating a low carbon life issues.taomi shui can be used to wash their hands every day, clean furniture, water the flowers and so on. clean, natural moisture; 2. scrap paper will pave the lowest in the closet can not only absorb moisture, can absorb the smell in the closet; 4. drink tea residue, dry it, make a tea pillow comfortable, and help to improve sleep;lifestyle to reduce energy consumption when, thereby reducing the carbon, especially carbon dioxide emissions. low-carbon life, for us ordinary people, an attitude, not ability, we should actively promote and to practice the "low carbon" life, pay attention to energy saving, fuel-efficient, water saving, solar terms, starting from scratch

英文作文600字 篇4


  我们去了同学妈妈的店里,同学妈妈开了家婚纱摄影店,阿姨主动请缨,给我们提供比赛的衣服还免费化妆呢。我们在欢声笑语中化好了妆,换好了衣服,当我们匆忙回到学校的时候,老师见到我们着急地说:“你们怎么才回来呀?马上要轮到我们上场了,赶紧去排队吧!”“是”我们异口同声地回答。因为我们穿的是小婚纱裙,非常漂亮,很多人都围过来看我们呢,我们的回头率好高哦!报幕员报上了我们班,大家都很紧张,我们一进去,评委们眼前一亮,我们调整了一下情绪,就开唱了“love In your……”我们一唱完,全场就响起了雷鸣般的掌声,看来我们的名次一定错不了。比赛后的那几天,大家都在焦急地等待着比赛结果。终于,一位老师来到我们班级通知:“恭喜,你们班名列第一名。”“耶!太棒了!”“太厉害了……”同学们欢呼起来。满脸笑容的老师对我们说,我们之所以能取得第一名的'好成绩,不光是参赛同学的努力,也是我们班级里每一个同学还有家长共同努力的结果,所以同学们一定要记住团结就是力量。这次英文歌曲大赛表明,一个人的力量是有限的,同学们相互配合共同努力才会取得好成绩,看似一张小小的第一名奖状,它汇集的却是全体同学老师和家长心血啊!

英文作文600字 篇5

  Happiness is for everyone.In fact,happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it.When you are in trouble at school,your friends will help you;when you study hard at your lessons,your parents are always taking good care of your life and your health;when you get success,your friends will congratulate you;when you do something wrong,people around you will help you to correct it.And when you do something good to others,you will feel happy,too.All these are your happiness.If you notice a bit of then,you can find that happiness is always around you.


英文作文600字 篇6

  When holiday comes, thousands of people pour into the tourist sites, they want to relax themselves and enjoy the beautiful scenery. But Chinese people have a bad habit, they like to leave some notes on the site, proving them have been here before. Such a behavior has been criticized by the public, because the leaving note will damage the preservation of the tourist site. Most of the tourist sites are part of our country's historical relics, these sites are priceless, it is everyone's duty to protect the sites. When we go to travel, we should behave ourselves. First, we need to have the idea that no rubbish being leaved behind when we leave the site. We should take away what we bring, keep the environment clean. Second, no any notes being written in the sites. Though in the old days, Chinese workers like to leave their names on the sites, but now it is a new world, we need to behave ourselves.

英文作文600字 篇7

  I have several friends. Wang Lin is my best friend. He is eleven years old. He comes from Beijing.

  Wang Lin came here three years ago. He came with his parents. His father is an engineer and his mother is a middle school teacher. He has no brothers or sisters. He is the only child ofhis parents.

  We are classmates at school, so we see much of each other.He is fond of English and I am good at maths. We always help each other. Both of us have made great progress in our studies.

  We have made up our minds to study harder and win still greater success in our studies.



