

时间:2023-06-25 14:02:35 英语作文 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1

  com A life without a friend is a life without a sun。 Friendship is one of the most important things in everyone's life。

  Friends are who changes your life just by being a part of it, who makes you believe that there really is good in the world, who convinces you that there really is an unlock door just waiting for you to open it。

  When you’re down, friends lift you up。 When you lose your way, friends guide you and cheer you on。

  So cherish your friend,

  Do not save your loving speeches, for your friends till they are dead

  Do not write them on their tombstones, speak them rather now insteadfriendship

英文作文 篇2

  As more and more students graduated from universities and colleges, youth employment is becoming a problem in our society. Nowadays, many young people are having a hard time finding jobs. They often faced the "No experience, no job - no job, no experience" dilemma.

  To solve the problem of youth employment, I think the government should take some measures to help college students who are finding their jobs. The government should work with the employers and organizations, such as fund them to help those students obtain career information, develop skills, find good jobs and stay employed. In addition, the employers should provide opportunities for students to get their first work experiences and develop their skills and potentials. What's more, the employers should also provide assistance for those who face barriers to employment and help them to get and keep a job.

英文作文 篇3

  both the arts and protecting the environment are important causes, and both are often underfunded. they depend on government grants and private donations in order to continue. if a company were to give a sum of money to one of these causes, it would be difficult to choose between them. however, i believe that the company should put the money toward protecting the environment for the following reasons.

  first, the state of the environment affects everyone, and it affects people in a very important way. if mankind destroys the environment, we will not be able to survive. the arts are important to our quality of life, but the environment is important both to the quality of life and to life itself. second, because industry causes much of the damage to the environment, i believe that companies have some responsibility to support conservation and cleanup efforts.

  finally, protecting the environment is a bigger problem, and so requires a higher level of funding than the arts. a company’s donation to the arts may be more visible, but one to the protection of the environment would be more meaningful.

  in conclusion, while both the arts and environmental protection are worthy causes, i believe the company should make its donation to an environmental cause. the environment affects everyone in important ways and protecting it is a big job. hopefully, private donations will help to improve both our environment and our lives.

英文作文 篇4

  The Palace Museum is located on city center in Peking.China is existing biggest, most integrity of thou building cluster.It is been one of five greatest temples in the world by the fame.

  The Palace Museum start to set up in A.D.1406, the Palace Museum have the size courtyard more than 90s and the house contain 980 and add up to 8704.the Palace Museum surroundings surround 12 meters in height, long the Palace Museum wall of 3400 meters, form is one rectangular city defense, there is 52 meter wide moat outside the wall surround, formation a fortress of severe barracks.The Palace Museum has 4 doors, center door Wu door, east door Donghua door, west door Xihua door, north door Shengwu door.





  北京故宫,旧称紫禁城(穆麟德:dabkūri hoton),位于北京中轴线的中心,是明清两个朝代二十四位皇帝的皇宫,占地面积72万平方米,建筑面积约15万平方米,现存规模最大的宫殿型建筑。明成祖朱棣永乐四年(1406年)开始营建,永乐十八年(1420年)落成。现为故宫博物院的所在地。北京故宫是第一批全国重点文物保护单位、第一批国家5A级旅游景区,1987年入选《世界文化遗产名录》,20xx年单日最高客流量突破18万人次,全年客流量突破1500万人次。20xx年开始,恢复星期一休馆让馆藏文物得以修整。20xx年11月23日,北京故宫吉祥物首度对外亮相,该吉祥物源自中国传统的吉祥龙凤形象,分别为龙“壮壮”和凤“美美”。20xx年6月13日,故宫博物院试行限流9999万人次和实名制售票。20xx年10月10日,在“故宫博物院成立九十周年院庆日”之际,故宫新增开放游览区域:宝蕴楼、慈宁宫区域、午门雁翅楼区域和东华门。故宫被誉为世界五大宫之首(北京故宫、法国凡尔赛宫、英国白金汉宫、美国白宫和俄罗斯克里姆林宫)。北京故宫被誉为世界五大宫之首。

英文作文 篇5

  One Sunday, while I was still in my sweet sleep, I was awakened by my mother's cry.

  I stretched out and said, "it's still early. Let me sleep a little longer.". "Mother said," there is a big dog outside. Its owner is feeding him. "I looked out of the window." Wow! A big dog ah, there are many children around watching, I came down into it, to see white hair, a long mouth, is almost as tall as me, my heart was curious and scared, it was just to buy a pet dog, get up in the morning and make it a breath of fresh air in the call outside.

  Now many families have pet dogs. They listen to people very much, and I like them very much.

英文作文 篇6

  The print job had quite a few pages, so while it was being printed, Sean gathered the material for the meeting and put it in his bag. After a few minutes, he went on his way to search for the printer in the chemistry department which was actually quite close to his neuroscience department. Yet, because he personally had not done a joint project with the chemistry department, he had not visited this part of the building. Sean had considered the possibility that the printer might be behind locked doors, but he figured that his key card should allow him to gain access.










