

时间:2023-12-28 13:34:13 英语作文 我要投稿




学英语作文 篇1

  Last week, my father took me to the park with his friends. They planed to play the football game, so I could have the chance to see the game.


  It was the first time for me to watch the football game.It was so good to watch it,and I was full of passion.


  Since that time, I fall in love with football,and I will spend more time with my father.


学英语作文 篇2

  有一天下午,孙悟空在天上闲着没事干,就想到人间去溜达溜达。他只翻了个跟头,就看见自己站在一所小学旁边。 “叮铃铃”“叮铃铃”下课铃响了,正好这节是英语课。一个小男孩从教室里面跑出来,兴奋极了。用刚刚所学的英语跟孙悟空说:“good afternoon!”孙悟空心想:“这狗的阿夫特怒是什么呀?难道是新出来的骂人用语?” 孙悟空大怒,说:“哼!当年玉帝老儿都拿我没办法,你这小毛孩儿竟敢骂俺老孙!”“不,不……这是英语!”小男孩说。“啥?你说我不会英语?我现在就去学给你看!”孙悟空说。 孙悟空一下子来到了著名的英语馆。就对店里的.老板说:“老板,以后我就在你的英语馆里学英语了。”店里的老板说:“可是你还没交钱呢!” 孙悟空一下子拔了根猴毛,变了两个金元宝。

  就对老板说:“这够不够了?” 老板看了,心想:“哇!这么多钱啊!我要是收了这个徒弟,一定会发财的”。于是,孙悟空就在这所英语馆上学了。 第一天,孙悟空学会了“car”;第二天,孙悟空学会了“bus”……日积月累,孙悟空学会了不少的单词呢!

学英语作文 篇3

  guess we like a certain sericulture, and i like oh! however, i am at this time of silkworm raising, but different, they all just egg, egg hatched in the small ant silkworm, and their number is very large, numerous, in large numbers. my little silkworm, and even the length less than 2 millimeters, which is similar to the small size of ants, the ants also slender than that of the black body, and especially where the head. they always writhing body, the petite and cute.

  on one occasion, i saw the first small silkworm silkworm mulberry leaves from top to bottom in the side sway back and forth, it is thought that in the disco dance, i found that with the small head shaking silkworm silkworm, mulberry leaves are a little bit away . i understand this: so you eat it!

  silkworm silkworm not only love to eat small, like race oh! i often go to the shelf with two mulberry leaf stems were up two small bridges in each of the bridge on the release of a silkworm, light, i call out: "prepare to start ----!"

  at the same time, the two will be small silkworm bottom of a push forward, who climbed up onto the stem end, will win, two small silkworm not to be outdone, has slowly moved forward, i would tend to win only the small raised silkworms, it applause, only a failure, i would just sit back and relax it, encouraging it to continue to work hard not to become disheartened.

学英语作文 篇4

  The summer holidayis end and the new term begins. In the new term, I am a student of grade six. It’sthe last year in primary school. In order to have a good ending, I must workharder. So my scores can be better. Besides, I want to spend more time with myclassmates and friends. We have been very good these years. Maybe we can’t beclassmates in the future. But, I am still happy that it’s the last year inprimary school and I am going to junior school.


学英语作文 篇5

  There is a small yard in front of my house. Two years ago, I planted a tree. I watched it grow all the time. I nursed it carefully. Now the tree is taller than me, I feel so proud of myself. The tree is like my child, I take care of it carefully. It companies me all the time. We share some amazing moment.


学英语作文 篇6

  With the improvement of micro-blog services and the influence of some “star bloggers”, most of whom are celebrities, micro-blog is becoming an important way for people to express themselves and communicate with others. Now, more and more people start to use micro-blog services.


  However, micro-blog might give rise to some problems as well. Some bloggers would express their thoughts and ideas by writing them down in the micro-blogs rather than communicate with their friends or family members. Day by day, blogs tend to draw people away from real life. What’s worse, lack of face-to-face communication with others might isolate bloggers from the society, which would do harm to their mental health.


  In my view, micro-blog is a good platform for people to show their personal experiences and communicate with others. However, micro-bloggers should adjust the item and avoid spending the whole day on blogging. After all, sitting in front of the cold screen of computer for long does no good to their health, physically and mentally.


学英语作文 篇7

  The scene above depicts multiple rows of students in the midst of a graduation ceremony. Their academic caps and gowns signify that they have successfully completed their courses and are preparing to enter into society. The hand in the foreground holds two small screws, implying that such students are the screws that hold society together and ensure it functions properly.


  Such an analogy encourages us to consider our purpose and place in life. While many people harbor grand desires to improve and change their respective communities and countries, not a single unit could stay together without the screws that hold things in place. Success, therefore, depends on the smaller tools, or pieces, that keep structures from tumbling. Just as screws are the small yet essential objects that strengthen and sustain, we should strive to steadily support the society we live and work within. Without our earnest efforts, communities could not be so securely maintained.


  The screws also promote a particular sense of perspective. Human society is vast and seemingly boundless, and it also important to be modest. Regardless of how great one's achievements may be, one is still only a single screw in the large machinery. But if you must be a screw, be a strong and shining one!


学英语作文 篇8

  I think everyone have unforgettable experiences . I am glad to share my experiences now . They are all unique , but they are not always the most important things . For example , I remember one day I am in the kindergaten . On that day , parents were be open to the kindergaten . When the parents were left . So many classmates were cried but I am not . The teachers told me I was a brave girl .

  I also remember the first day when I was in Primary One . I was nevous . I didn’t talk to my new classmates . I didn’t answer question in the lesson . I wanted to return home !

  My proudest experience was in next semester of Primary Three . At that time , my English test often get 100 points and sometimes get 99.5 points . My Chinese sometimes get 100 points and always get 98 points . My Maths also sometimes get 100 points and usually get 97 points . I thought I work so hard !

  My worst experience when I was eight years old . I could only ride the bike unskilfully . One day , my father and I went to the park by bike . We talked very happy . Unfortunutely , I tripped from my bike . I felt pain . Then my father took me returned home .

  My happiest experience was in the winter of 20xx . I went to Hainan with my parents and friends . We went there for one week . I played with my friends everyday . We also had very great meals . But I felt a little homesick .

  And now here I am eleven years old and in Primary Six , on my way to Form One next year . I must study well and I mustn’t watch TV a lot . I used to play with my classmates . This is the last semester we are together . I am sure this semester is one of my unforgettable experiences this year !

学英语作文 篇9

  Elephants are the biggest animals on land.

  They have long noses, and we call the noses trunks.Elephants use their trunks to get food and put the food into their mouths.Elephants have very long and strong teeth. and we call the teeth tusks.

学英语作文 篇10

  The desire for good health is universal. In our competitive society it is important to maintain good health. On the one hand, people with good health can do work with full confidence and their progrein work in turn contributes to their health and happiness. On the other hand, a sick person is usually not interested in everything around him and therefore he loses many opportunities to become successful.

  There are many ways to keep it. First, those who are always on the go from morning till night should find time to relax because too much strewill affect their health. Second, enough time should be left for sleep because that will help one become rested and refreshed. Finally, regular physical exercises benefit one's health a lot. So one should always keep in mind that a certain amount of exercise is not a waste of time.

  As for me, I like playing tennis in the morning. I also attach much










